Prompts 2.5 - 3. C. Business ethics
It was unethical, but damn it was good. I still don’t exactly know what got into me last year when I propositioned Chase to the whole sex with no strings thing. It did seem like a good idea at the time, and I was able to reason it out soundly enough in my head. It wasn’t like I just threw it at him out of the blue. I’d been considering it for awhile, but never really found the right time to bring it up. It wasn’t like we were the world’s best buddies or anything. Far from it. In fact, we often clashed, as was the nature of Diagnostics, and we were always just so different. I never really saw him as boyfriend material, but one thing I couldn’t deny - no matter how much I tried - he was damn good in the sack.
He was also single, like I was. Sex was sex for Chase and that was something he’d always made quite clear. He seemed like the ideal option. He once asked me why I didn’t choose Wilson. Wilson, with three failed marriages tucked under his belt, might’ve been an okay prospect, but I’ve been married in the past. I didn’t want to end up the fourth ex Mrs Wilson when both of us couldn’t put the holds on the no strings thing. Plus, Wilson had ethics; being House’s conscience showed this much. When it came to Chase and sex… Ethics? What ethics?
He was exactly what I needed at the time. He was the safe option. He was never supposed to become unsafe and decide had feelings for me. Sure, we know that those feelings were misguided for something else. He figured along similar lines; that we were both single, we both liked and tolerated each other, why not become attached? Chase never once said he loved me. Every Tuesday, without fail, he said he liked me. We should’ve both know that was a telling thing at the time. He did like me, and I liked him. But there was no love and there was never going to be.
Still, we had this awesome sex life for a few months, then he decided maybe we should have more. I put him off… and put him off… and put him off. Then all of a sudden House fired him and he just… wasn’t there anymore. As much as it pained me to admit, I missed him. You don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone and all that rubbish. Unfortunately, it was correct rubbish in this instance. It made me think that sure, maybe we could make it work. So, I went to his apartment, I eventually moved in with him, and the rest is history.
It didn’t take us long to realise we were kidding ourselves. Chase was restless in both his new job and in general. We had this commitment thing trying to work when neither of us wanted it and Chase was clearly ansty. I’m surprised he didn’t cheat on me, really. I probably would’ve cheated on me.
We eventually called it mutual quits, but we’d gotten close by then. We decided to resume the no strings thing and stick around together as room mates and best pals. It meant we had someone to come home to at night, someone for company. It sure beat being alone and we got used this new little routine we had, even though we were both still clearly looking to find someone in the love life stakes.
But I never expected him to find someone so soon. He has. I can tell. He hasn’t told me, or really hinted at it much, but we haven’t spent much time together lately (though I have a sneaking suspicion it could be Wilson). And he’s definitely cooled right off on the sex front. I often come home to notes saying he won’t be home that night, or asking if I mind if he has someone over when I’m doing the nightshift. Of course I don’t mind. I just thought I’d have him to myself a bit longer. I know. It’s selfish. I can’t have my cake and eat it too. But I’ve gotten protective of him, in a best-friend-not-girlfriend type way.
Let’s just say, whoever it is better not hurt him, or I won’t be accountable for my own actions.
chasemd used with permission from his mun)
Muse | Dr. Allison Cameron
Fandom | House, M.D.
Word Count | 727