As it turns out, yesterday was a great day to go tracking in the woods. A light snow was falling so fresh tracks were all around. I found deer, rabbit, cat(?) and some extremely rare tracks that I couldn't identify at first... They looked like this:
I decided to follow them for a bit since they were quite fresh and quite mysterious. I heard noises up ahead and thought it was a good idea to just stand for a minute and watch, camera ready. The snuffling noises got closer and then I caught a glimpse ahead! I snapped a picture of... the elusive Great White Fatso.
(click to enlarge and zoom in)
Oh and I also got a picture of her later, sniffing out some deer tracks that led to an open lead in the river ice.
Good hike, forest was quiet though. I saw the beaver dam covered over with ice and snow and it made me wonder what happens to the beavers in the winter. Do they stay in the dam? Or do they surely have some secret entrance somewhere? I also perhaps saw porcupine tracks. They led straight to a tree that looked climbed upon. Edith cut her paw on some sharp ice or sticks under the snow so on the way back we left a blood trail through the snow. Did anybody else do interesting things on Christmas weekend?
Edith limping home