Sep 05, 2005 22:12
every time I see the preview (the two seconds before I frantically grab the remote and change the channel) a small part of me evaporates into a NEVER-ENDING CLOUD OF FEAR.
Okay besides this, I'm 19 and my afraid-of-the-dark-ness is really out of control. Like last night I was boiling in my bed, but wouldn't take my sheet off because then I would be exposed in the dark and the...things...would get me. Or I would open my eyes and see Emily Rose. Or the lady brushing her hair in the mirror in The Ring. Or the SCARY LITTLE GIRLS from The Shining. Or...something. I am nineteen. This is a problem.
It's also a problem when you're too hot to sleep. So I turned on my light, took off the blanket, and drifted into a nightmare where I was going to Bobby's formal and ahhh he was wearing a cordouroy suit with a yellow tie and ahhh Brian Goldberg was driving a van full of angry popular people who were exceedingly mad at me for not being ready on time. And I decided to wear closed-toed, ankle-high boots with a short dress thinking I looked like a hot tamale. These are my nightmares. Not being naked in class or anything- when that happens, I shake it.