stupidity, fandoms, lj

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  • 'No artistic value in content'.

    allira_dream Aug 07, 2007 03:43

    I really was making my best effort not to comment more on the stuff about LJ since by this time I believe that almost everything sounds the same, but I just read something that made me angry and I needed to vent.

    Under the cut so that people who don't want to read it can ignore it. )

    stupidity, rants, lj

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  • How will I be banned?

    allira_dream Aug 06, 2007 19:18

    SO there was a three hours long blackout today, yay; power just came back.

    Here, have a meme.


    lj, random

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  • Possible new journal system, fandom friendly!

    allira_dream Aug 03, 2007 14:05

    twocorpses = Go here to read about it!

    *starts saving money*

    EDIT: Oh, yeah.

    allira_dream@ insanejournal.

    stupidity, fandoms, lj

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    allira_dream Aug 03, 2007 00:48

    In the immortal words of Oscar Wilde;

    There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.I BELIEVE THIS APPLIES TO MOST WAYS OF ARTISTIC EXPRESSION. I may not agree with many of them, that doesn't mean that I condone censorship ( Read more... )

    stupidity, fandoms, lj

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  • Strikethrough, take two!

    allira_dream Jul 20, 2007 01:18

    Y HALLO THAR AGAIN DELETING JOURNALS. *goes to check the communities that came with the strikethrough the first time*

    In case I'm deleted, I'm ninapaperdreams at GJ and pretty much all my fiction is at nina_dreams - y-yay for actually having been UPDATING FREQUENTLY - so I'll be there if anything happens.

    stupidity, fandoms, lj

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  • Recount.

    allira_dream May 31, 2007 14:37

    So, according to the last post in news, LJ is reinstating Fictional Journals.

    I will be updating my GJ more constantly now, and I will keep a backup of my stories in my gmail, which is something that I've always intended to do, but for the moment, I'm staying on LJ (but if you already created GJs, feel free to add me! ninapaperdreams and nina_dreamsRead more... )

    stupidity, fandoms, lj

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  • To whom it may concern:

    allira_dream May 30, 2007 22:10

    To whom it may concern:

    I've been a member of fandom since I was fourteen years old. Fanfiction, as stupid as it might seem to someone who isn't involved in fandom on the large scale, actually DID save me from a number of atrocities I could've made up as a teenager to 'fit in'. ( Instead of succumbing like many of my then friends to smoking or drinking or even having sex, )

    fandoms, lj

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  • More on this.

    allira_dream May 30, 2007 13:45

    I just changed most of my RPG-and-free accounts back to basic. I'm giving until next week before I decide moving back to GJ as a possible solution and I'll be posting my R/NC17/questionable content stuff over kalicephirot at Journalfen, which should be okay with it, I think ( Read more... )

    stupidity, fandoms, lj

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