(no subject)

Feb 24, 2010 06:58

My tutor called me a few minutes ago: his wife was feeling sick so he's taking her to the hospital for a check up. AKA, no classes today. Going back to bed as soon as my usual 'gotta hurry up' boost up finishes, which should happen soon: I'm already yawning again.


STUPID MAIN CHARACTERS AND THEIR HAVING 2069829682098 PANELS IN A MANGA. *keeps making bases forever :||*


I think I never mentioned that I saw the Alice miniseries. It's one of those series where I love the premise much more than I did love the actual series, but loving the series and the world so much means that I'm A-OKay with it.

... explaining a bit, and under the cut for spoilers, just in case.

The series was rushed, and that made it a little bit hard to emphatize with the characters. It was, simply, too short, and it had way too much plot to be done in two simple episodes. Too many characters that were barely glossed over.

But oh, the world. The idea of Wonderland as this dystopic-surrealist world! M-my pings, let me tell you them. I loved, LOVED the idea of the tea being the human emotions, and how this dystopic Wonderland had turned into addicts. The whole situation is terrifying - and it's not the first time I've seen/read it, but I still really, really love it.

What can I say, pseudo-psychology gone wrong is one of my buttons. AND THEN! The revolution! Oh, oh, it would have been so awesome to learn more. I wish that it had been a 13-16 episodes series, just that long to have a proper insight of how the whole world was affected more than just a slight peek at it. The library being used as a shelter, the Queen wanting to destroy it. Even the deus-ex-machina of the ring (... anus-ex-machina? *badabum PISH*) would have benefited from that, I think.

And I did love the concept of most of the characters, even if I think the only ones properly deepened were the Hatter, the Queen and the King. HOW MUCH DID I LOVE THE KING? THAT MUCH.

But well. I found it fun, at least, though I can seriously understand why others wouldn't.

Okay, going back to sleep for a while.

squee: can has reactions, personal: it's all about me

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