(no subject)

Dec 12, 2009 09:59

My Script Workshop finished yesterday. We read our finished scripts and we chose a winner and then we went to a bar to have a few drinks. I won second place which you have no idea how happy it makes me, but overall, I'm kind of sad that it's all over.

But even though I'm sad, at the same time... guys, I made it. For the first time in three years, my almost-agoraphobia didn't but it's horrible head to make me screw up things. I went outside without having panic attacks, I didn't get horribly sick to avoid going... and now I have a finished script.

I might finally be getting okay.

I didn't get disgustingly drunk, but I did get a sore throat from singing too loud. NOT COMPLAINING ABOUT THAT. But right now I'm going to have some warm tea for my poor throat, and maybe later the family and I will go to see the Princess and the Frog.

Fannish news:

I saw Glee's last ep an while right then I loved it, my buzz is gone now so. I'll probably make a post about it another day just to vent, I think.

I'm also finally watching KKM's 3rd season. You guys, this is it, more than anything else, my One True Show for me. I think that no matter where or what I might be doing, I'll always come back to these dorks.

Now a meme, from yukiii

+ Make a list of 10 characters
+ Write a fic about them, no longer than 100 words.
+ Don't read what's behind the cut until you've made your list.

1. Jenny (Dr. Who)
2. Shin Kanzato (Persona Trinity Soul)
3. Chuck Charles (Pushing Daisies)
4. Yozak Gurrier (D.Gray-man)
5. Suu (Clover)
6. Jared Kincaid (The Dresden Files)
7. The Archive aka Ivy (The Dresden Files)
8. Lavi (D.Gray-man)
9. Eris (Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas)
10. Dream (Daniel) of the Endless (The Sandman)

First time between 4 and 6 (Yozak and Kincaid)
Kincaid is far too old to say he would never have sex with another man. It's a whole lot of 'been there, done that. Twice.' and while he does tend to prefer females, that is not to say he doesn't have experience with males or, really, with anying and everything in between. More than six hundred years and counting, after all.

Besides, manicured hands on his thighs are manicured hands on his thighs, and Yozak's painted lips stretch quite nicely around his cock, and his hair is silk soft between Kincaid's fingers as he comes.

Angst, 7 (Ivy)
Kincaid starts bringing her dolls when he comes from his trips when she's five. The Archive isn't completely sure if he's doing it to be nice or if it's some sort of mockery that she wouldn't put above her bodyguard.

However, she thanks him politely for his presents, but she doesn't play with them. She keeps them all perfectly arranged, but she's not the little girl who should play with them. Instead she works on her diction (her lisp is a most terribly annoying thing) and on the magical matters that require her presence.

Kincaid doesn't stop bringing her her toys.

Alternate Universe; 1 and 9 (Jenny and Eris)
"Why don't you come work for me?" Signora Eris of the Discordia family tells her. She smiles like molases, her eyes dark and her lips extremely red as she uncrosses her legs to stand up. "I could always use another hitman in my crew."

Jenny pretends to consider it before she grins. "Thanks but no thanks. You know my dad. He's not big on me using guns or, you know, guns in general. I think he would have a thing or ten to say about if I followed that career."

Eris just shrugs, but she seems amused. "So be it, then."

Threesome; 3, 6 and 8 (Chuck, Kincaid, Lavi)

"Why don't you go and play with your books while the grown ups here try to talk for a bit, Mini Archive?" Kincaid tells the Exorcist brat.

Only he has to start calling him 'Mini Archive' when Lavi gets his hand inside Kincaid's pants because that is simply Not Going There territory, and Kincaid would marvel about the fact that even he has limits, but he is entirely too distracted by Chuck's apple-sweet mouth against his, by the soft press of her breasts against his chest, by the way Lavi bites at his throat.

Oh, what the hell.

Hurt/Comfort; 5 and 10 (Suu and Daniel!Dream)

"She's dead," the girl tells him. She's holding her knees even as she sits upon her tree. Her eyes seem terribly, absolutely lonely.

"I know," Dream tells her. "You have my sympathies in your grief."

"Do you know if it hurt?" she asks him. "When she died? Did it hurt her?"

"I do not know. If you wish, I would ask my sister."

"That's okay. It's not really important."

Dream moves so that he's sitting besides her, and he puts his arm around her shoulders. The girl puts her head against his shoulder, and she just breathes.

Crack; 1 (Jenny)

Jenny finds herself staring at two white mice. She is also tied to a chair.

The mouse with the enormous head steps forward. "I shall be using the superior technology of your space ship so that I can go and kidnap all the world's monuments. Then I'll take advantage of that panic to TAKE OVER THE WORLD."

Funny how his words are followed by lightning and thunder.

"It's what we do," the other mouse says, adding a 'narf!' at the end.

"Oh, dear," Jenny murmurs, wondering how much time she should give the mice to try before she ruins their plans.

Horror; 10 (Daniel!Dream)
The last remaining nightmares of Daniel Hall rest upon the Dreaming. Things that crawl and bite with fire-like bodies and with sharp claws and the most terrible laugh. The monsters beneath the bed of a thousand children, all of them borne from the short time he was a human.

Dream doesn't look at them. He can feel them within the Dreaming, their voices loud and viscious, and he can hear them whispering the nightmares a young two years old had, and then he can hear the whimpers of the children who get those glimpses of night.

He doesn't look at them.

Babyfic; 5 and 9 (Suu and Eris)
"Who is a pretty baby?" Eris croons. The child looks back at her with wide, green eyes but she doesn't crack a smile. She doesn't cry either, so really, Eris doesn't complain.

"I," she tells the baby girl. "Have a lot of hopes for you and your kind. You should see all the chaos that you're going to cause. Wars and murders and the most delicious paranoia that the world has seen in the last century or so, if I say so myself."

The baby remains quiet. Eris puts her down again.

"Be naughty," and then she disappears.

Darkfic; 2 and 8 (Shin and Lavi)
It's a surprise that the two new exorcist are brothers. Jun, the parasatic type, is a young thin thing of fourteen, and Shin is quiet but very gentle. They both have the haunted eyes of a recent tragedy.

"So what's your story?" Lavi asks Shin, taking advantage of Lenalee not being there to halt his questions, more curious than he cares to admit. "How did you find out that you were compatible?"

"Our sister died. Our father asked for her to come back," Shin says, his eyes down. It's almost like kicking a puppy.

Lavi decides not to ask anything else for now.

Deathfic; 2 and 3 (Shin and Chuck)
"I'm really sorry," Shin starts, and he looks heartbroken, so heartbroken that Chuck has to hug him, shaking her head.

"Don't be. It's a part of life, right? I knew it would happen sooner or later," she says. He still looks sad, but Chuck manages to find a smile. She wants her last moments in this world to be full of laughter. "I'm ready whenever you are."

And she is, but once Shin's Persona comes out she closes her eyes, so that she doesn't have to see when its sword cutting through her life, and then she's just gone.

meme: fanfic, me: me myself and i

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