Thanks god I drink Coke.

Oct 16, 2009 21:14

Pepsi makes a 'CHARMING' iphone app to help men score with women, giving them to choose from 24 stereotypes and then giving tips as to how get the ladeeez. If that's not charming enough for you, it also gives the option for the OHSOMANLY gentlemen to brag about it via twitter or facebook.

So funny and charming, isn't it?

... except not really, no way, absolutely not.

But wait! They apologized! Thanks god about that! Obviously they realized just how not ON that was!

Because SURE, a less than 140 characters apology over their blatant sexism and misogyny that basically consists of a 'Sry gais, we weres just jokin!' is totally a good apology!

... except not really, no way, absolutely not.

rant: stupidity, rant: fail

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