(no subject)

Oct 16, 2009 15:29

Dearest Merlin-BBC fandom:

I'd like to start by saying that I really, really love you. Sure, right now there have been a few shipping wars that I'm hoping will smooth out soon, but as a whole, you're a really, really nice place to be.

However, I have a bone to pick with you.

Our canon, as it stands, has a really, really, REALLY huge precedent that with the whole Arthurian legend. Most people know at least about the round table, and I think it's fair to assume that just about everyone who watches the show has, at one point, watched at least a movie based in the myth. And yes, it is extremely fun to try and think of possible ways for the various Arthurian myths to be matched (I've done it and I'll probably keep doing it in the future!). You won't hear me complain there.

But please, plese, please.

Can you stop with all the 'well, we all know that this happened in the legends, so I'm sure it'll happen in the show as well!' because, frankly? We don't know that. In the original legends, Morgana was Arthur's half sister, who tricked him into having sex with him, and Mordred was their son. Let's not forget that some legends put Guinivere a princess while others say she was a druid, and also, in many legends, Merlin was in love with Nimueh up until the point where she betrayed him (again, leyends vary). Let's not forget the fact that in the legends, Uther basically raped Igraine and that Arthur wasn't really raised by Uther at all. Let's not forget that in most legends, Merlin is usually the Wise Old Mentor to Arthur's Young And Noble's Self.

What we have in our hands is Medieval High School AU. It's campy fun. But seriously, just because it happened in the legends? Doesn't mean that it has to absolutely happen in the show.

Thank you and good day.

favorites: merlin

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