(no subject)

Apr 26, 2009 21:21

School has been cancelled for the next week due to the influenza epidemic that's going through Mexico. There hasn't been an actual case here in Queretaro, but we're between San Luis Potosi (where there have been cases) and Mexico City, so it's a 'best be safe' kind of scenario.

This sucks for two reasons: A) my sisters are going to be here in the house AGAIN. After two weeks having them and going crazy, they're back. B) This might make finding a job harder, since I was thinking on going to bars and the like to see if they needed waitresses.

I'm also a little bit worried: I've always had an extremely lousy inmune system, especially concerning respiratory diseases (I was a premature baby, so my lungs were always kind of weak: by the time my mom, dad and I moved away when I was 2 years old, I'd been close to having pneumony like four times or something like that, and for most of my childhood and up til I was like 15, 16, about twice a year I'd get tonsils and I'd be sick for two weeks or so). But well, since i'm the one with the least people interaction for the moment, it's a tiny chance and all.

I'm more annoyed by my quasi-hypochondriac sisters, who have, since learning about the fact that they've not classes tomorrow, started calling out EVERY TINY LITTLE THING as a 'influenza synthom!' "OHGOD! I've been forcing my eyesight for most of the afternoon but since my head hurts IT MUST BE INFLUENZA!" "Oh god, I'm having icecream and I have a sore throat!!" *HEADDESKS*

Anyway, yeah. People in Mexico and EEUU especially, careful with colds and all. If you feel bad, go to your doctor rather than let it go through.

it's all about me, sisters, sickness

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