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Aug 20, 2008 12:54


Okay, we actually arrived yesterday, but I spent the night doing some other things until the internet died. And today I woke up to the sky falling down and it's gray and rainy and I am ever so glad that I'm home.

My three sisters had never traveled in an airplane before. Well, Isa had, but she had been around four years old, so she obviously didn't remember. This made them awfully nervous, and impossible to handle when it was around 8:00 am, sob.

By the time we arrived at the tiiiiny airport of my city, my uncle Rojo and cousins Paola and Jeronimo were already there. As I've probably said before, Queretaro is still a city that is developing, so believe me when I say that it's a tiny airport. Dad and I were trying not to fall asleep, and my sisters were chattering non-stop out of nerves.

And then the flight was delayed due to rain. For TWO hours. NOT fun, I assure you: my sisters and I had decided that, once in Monterrey, we'd go to a beauty parlor to get our makeup done and stuff. Obviously with two hours late, we only could have our hair straightened properly and then we ran to put on our clothes in less than half an hour. We did it!

The ceremony award was both to aknowledge my grandfather as one of the best Mexican movie directors we have had, and to explain about the award that, from now on, it's going to be given to the best director from Nuevo Leon(Spanish Link). And ohgod, I met so many new family members, starting with Roy and Erik, two of three of my mom and uncle's half siblings.

I tried not to get close to many of them because most of them kept telling me I look a lot like my mom. That might be true but... eh. So close to her death-anniversary and with such a family reunion, I was already near tears. Especially because during the ceremony, the direct relatives of my grandfather such as siblings and children were given a commemorative award. And since my mom is gone, I was the one called to go and pick it up.

Anyway, it was a fun night, at the very least because I spent a lot of time with Paola and Jeronimo, and that was always fun. Although I didn't drink one SIP of alcohol, I ended up almost as drunk as them since they're such fun drunks. When we went back to the room, we ordered like, EIGHTY DOLLARS of food just because we could - and we stupidly thought that it was already covered, duuuurts - and ended up laughing and laughing and laughing. It was good ♥

And Tuesday we woke up late, fixed our things, checked out of the hotel and then we went to have lunch with some uncles, up until 5:00 pm when we went for our things, went to the airport, and then we waited for our flight.

And that's about it. I'll show pictures once my cousin and sister upload them.

august 23, grandpa, it's all about me, family, mom

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