Cinema and world domination.

Mar 14, 2008 21:35

Today was... lame. But well, the good thing! We went to see an apartment! It's really huge - like, the size of my actual house, sanz the second floor - and my sisters and I really liked it and it's within our range, so hopefully we might have found a place to move in.

STILL. I'm not saying a thing since, you know. I've been saying the whole 'we're moving!' for three years and, well...

NOW. The meme. My thoughts about cinema, let me show you them.

My grandfather was a movies director and my uncle is an actor (not very well known), so I always feel like I should be more serious about it and really notice what's going through - the way I'm over writing and all - but somehow... I just don't. I kind of hate going to the movies only to dislike them.

When I go to the movies, it's hoping I'll enjoy it and that's all I'm searching for. I got a REALLY BAD AND LAME sense of humor, so even comedies are great. Most of the times I don't go alone to see horror movies because I'm REALLY a wuss during movies and I gett all nervous (telrunya and fujurpreux as my witnesses)... but I like that. I'm a cheap bastard, so when I go to see a movie, I like to feel whatever it is that the movie is supposed to be making me feel.

I do refuse, however, to go and see movies that I know I won't enjoy. My masochism isn't that big. But at the same time, there are honestly very few movies that I've not enjoyed. I know this is probably really lame on me, buuuuuuuuuut I don't care. I know when a movie is good and when one isn't, I am just able - most of the time - to ignore the bitchy part of my brain and just enjoy it.


Uh. Well, it mostly involves doing a Rowling, writing a book that's a huge success and then getting over the mind of the fandom.

So I just need to decide in one book idea and write it!

Then I'll see about how to divide the world between my Most Loyal Minions.

lol: silly bunny, woe: a dramaqueen is me

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