WIP - Tsubasa/Loveless.

Sep 16, 2007 00:00

If you've been in my LJ for any amount of time, you probably know that I sorta really like crossovers, right ( Read more... )

fic: writing process

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reversedhymnal September 16 2007, 09:38:19 UTC
*giggles* Watch out, or I'm going to take it as my Sacred Duty to make you as mad about Kuro/Yuui as I am, XD

"We are Forgotten," Sakura said calmly, her gaze steady and direct, even though she'd only just woken up from another of her episodes. Her mouth was set and her chin determined, and Syaoran straightened at her side, glaring at the couple who stared curiously at them from across the park.

"Forgotten?" one of them said, "well, that's true enough. By the time we're done with you there won't be anything left, and everyone will forget you even exist."

Syaoran frowned, and said, "We will not be forgotten."

"We are too strong for that," Sakura said, smiling at him, and touching his hand. "Even if we forget everything, we are still here, and we are still going forward."

Quietly, Syaoran said, "Even if we are forgotten, we will still stand strong." His heart hurt, and he smiled at Sakura, and it was good.

"Right, right," the girl said with a wide, vicious grin. "That's what you think. We're Matchless. There is no way you can compete. Fighting System engaged!"

"Accepted," Syaoran snapped back. He moved, coming to stand in front of Sakura, and asked. "What would you like, Princess?"

Sakura's hand pressed briefly to his back, and Syaoran felt it like an electric current of energy throughout him. She told him, "Show them that they have met their match, Syaoran-kun. And that they should never attack our friends."

Syaoran smiled, and said, "With pleasure."

"You done yet?" the other Fighter called, eyes snapping. Behind her stood her Sacrifice, a man with dark features. "Good! 'Cause here we come! Binding Set 3, the God's Disfavor. Send them prostate to the ground!"

Syaoran blinked, a little startled when the collar cinched tight and cold around his neck, and the chain wrapped around him to try and drag him down. "No," he declared, in tandem with his princess. "We have no need for the God's favor. We stand on our own!"

"Good," Sakura whispered, voice like an angel wing in flight. "Now show them."

"Yes, your highness," Syaoran said, but his voice was hesitant. "I-"

"Shh," Sakura said sweetly. Her hand pressed against his back again, and then she stepped up, closer, and wrapped her arms around his waist, buried her face in his back, and told him: "Fight from your heart, Syaoran-kun. Fight from mine. I'll give you strength."

Syaoran swallowed, and leaned into the embrace. "Yes," he whispered. "The loneliness of a desert night, descend upon them."

Their opponents breathed in sharply when the attack landed. "What is this?" the Sacrifice snarled, his first verbal declaration of the night. "What kind of dirty trick is this?"

"It's not dirty," Sakura said quietly, her arms tightening around Syaoran. He reached down, and laid one of his hands over her arms. "It's pure. It's real. Go on, Syaoran-kun."

"Yes, Master," Syaoran said, and it was the most natural thing to finish with that title, despite the swoop and fall of his stomach as he said it. Sakura pressed tighter against him, and he felt one fake ear tickle his neck. "The pain of a lost child is powerful. Magnify it by a hundred. Understand this pain."

The Sacrifice cried out, and gripped his chest, his face twisting in pain and horror. "S-stop that! That's not!"

"Denied! Damage is zero!" the Fighter called desperately. "Silent wind on high, storm them like a hurricane of needles!"

"Denied," Syaoran said fiercely, glaring. "The will of a protector is strong. You will not harm my Princess. The strength of the ninja: wind, break them with your silent, invisible might."

And that was that. The Sacrifice, already falling apart from the emotional pain, crumpled beneath the fierce attack. Their opponents went down with a cry, and did not come back up, though they breathed still.

"Very good," Sakura said behind him. "Thank you Syaoran-kun. You did wonderfully!"

Syaoran blushed. "Y-yeah? I was, um, a little worried I wouldn't be able to, uh. Fight well. I'm not as articulate as Soubi-san."

Sakura let go of him, and walked around in front of him. Her eyes were bright and beaming, and she took his hands in his, and said, very sincerely, "I think you did wonderfully."



allira_dream September 16 2007, 10:36:49 UTC
Ritsuka's ears had been pressing more and more as he, Fai-san and Sakura told them about their quest. He hadn't moved from his seat but his eyes seemed wider now, and when he noticed that Soubi-san had put his hand over Ritsuka's shoulder, he interrupted.

"Ritsuka-kun? Is everything alright?"

The boy nodded but he still seemed scared. He shook off the Fighter's hand and took a deep breath, apparently trying not to squirm as he looked towards Sakura.

"So, your memories are in this feather?"

Sakura nodded. "Part of them, at least. Have you felt anything like that?"

Ritsuka shrugged, before turning to look towards Soubi. The Fighter hummed, a hand against his chin before he shook his head.

"It's hard to tell," he said, and Syaoran got the impression that he was answering because of Ritsuka, mostly. "Not normally, no. But perhaps in a battle it'd be easier. A Fighter unit will be able to feel any nuance in battles."

He shared a look with Kurogane and Fai, and another one with Sakura.

"That's okay," Ritsuka said, taking notice of their looks. "Soubi and I will help you as much as we can."

"Will you?" Fai asked, looking towards Soubi.

The man shrugged. "If Ritsuka wants."

His words seemed to tick Ritsuka, who threw him an annoyed look over his shoulder before he gave again the same short, awkward smile.

"Don't worry, Sakura-san," he added, giving a nod. "... I'll help you find your memories. I know how important they are."


Ritsuka was quiet as Soubi walked him home, despite his suggestion that Ritsuka could spend the night with him. It wasn't, however, his usual silence when he knew his mother was going to scream at him and probably more, he wasn't as twitchy.

Ritsuka seemed thoughtful and thoroughly distracted since he wasn't ordered to go home. Soubi didn't complain, though, moving to climb up to Ritsuka's window and get inside his room, even if he could hear Ritsuka's mother screaming and the sound of china being thrown. He battled himself for the whole ten minutes before Ritsuka came inside his room, nursing his already sprained wrist. At least, Soubi thought, somewhat bitterly, he wasn't bleeding this time.

"Ritsuka?" The boy shook his head, tail twitching a little. Nervous, then. Scared. "Are you hurt anywhere else?"

Ritsuka shook his head again. "No, Soubi."

Then, something that had to do with the people they had met. Soubi waited patiently, just checking Ritsuka's wrist once more, putting some ointment on the bruise and then redoing the bandages. All the while, Ritsuka remained silent. Soubi was finishing tying the bandages before Ritsuka spoke again.

"Sakura-san said... she said that her memories scattered all through the worlds, right?"

"Yes," Soubi frowned a little. Ritsuka wasn't looking up, had barely spoken above a whisper.

Was he worried about the possibilities of his memories getting lost like that? He waited for Ritsuka to say more, but the boy seemed to be enthralled by lap, still not lifting of his head. Soubi took a deep breath and then murmured gently:

"I'd follow Ritsuka, too," that caused Ritsuka to look up. Soubi smiled gently, let go of Ritsuka's hand to touch his face. "Through every world Ritsuka'd want me too."

Ritsuka huffed at that, rolling his eyes.


Soubi didn't mind. Ritsuka's smile was worth it.


reversedhymnal September 16 2007, 20:49:33 UTC
"I'd follow Ritsuka, too," that caused Ritsuka to look up. Soubi smiled gently, let go of Ritsuka's hand to touch his face. "Through every world Ritsuka'd want me too."

Waaaaaaaaaaah you are BREAKING ME GIRL. How am I supposed to follow up to that, eh? fj;lsfjhaohf I love how you write them, so hard! ♥_♥


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