WIP - Tsubasa/Loveless.

Sep 16, 2007 00:00

If you've been in my LJ for any amount of time, you probably know that I sorta really like crossovers, right?

And if you've been even a little longer than that, you know that I tend to crossover my favorite characters just because I can.

AND if you've been longer than that, you know that one of my favorite characters to crossover/make fussion fics of is Ritsuka, because of all the emo-characters that exist, I'm seriously convinced he's the only one that sort of does something to break himself of his emo, as much as possible. The fact that he's twelve years old and thus the youngest one kind of headdesking at times.

Because, seriously. When a kid who's abused by his mother, has a pervert-masochist-idiot for a romantic interest, lots of complicated issues with his brother, a guilt complex the size of Alaska and he still manages to say 'Cheer up, emo kid'?

You know you're bad.

... and that's my rambling for this ficbit. Because of course I'm writing everything except what I should, why do you ask?

Tsubasa Chronicles/Loveless.
Fye, Ritsuka. Implied Ritsuka/Soubi and Kurogane/Fye. (I... wasn't expecting that one =D) Because Fye sort of looks and acts a lot like Soubi. And I just made you think of the similarities between Kurogane and Ritsuka and you're now awwing, c'mon, admit it.

Fye thought that, quite likely, it wasn't something usual for a boy so young to carry a first aid kit with him. But then again, judging by the bandage around the boy's wrist and the cut over his face, Ritsuka's situation probably wasn't all that usual either.

"Hold still," Ritsuka commanded, voice and eyes serious. Fye couldn't help but smile, more amused than he should, especially considering that he did need his help unless he wanted to call too much attention to himself.

"Of course, Ritsuka-kun." The boy glared at him for a moment before he looked down towards his wounded arm. Fye blinked, confused by Ritsuka's behaviour. The boy had, at first, acted cheerful and polite before he noticed the blood and the way he was holding his side and then he had called him an idiot for moving when he was that injured, acting concerned and helping him to a bench. And now he seemed angry and upset while at the same time he seemed uncomfortable by acting that way. Strange.

"You should call someone," Ritsuka said after a few moments. Fye couldn't help but wince a little, even if the boy was being way to careful with the way he was cleaning his wounds for it to be his first time doing this. Even the way he started wrapping bandages around his arm spoke of some knowledge of it. "You're not going to be able to walk with your leg like that."

"Mmm, I'm sure someone is coming for me soon," Fye said with a smile. "Ritsuka-kun shouldn't worry."

That just made the kid glare again. "Then I'm waiting with you until that someone comes here."

"Won't you get into troubles with your parents?"

Ritsuka winced at that, but his face seemed to be set. He huffed and moved to wrap his foot carefully, and Fye did his best not to wince. It wasn't, thankfully, broken, and he could have walked slowly towards the inn where they were staying, but he supposed there was no way to get the boy to leave him now.

Hopefully, there would be no troubles now. Fye could feel some sort of power coming from the boy but it was too weak for him to worry about it.

"You're injured," Ritsuka said and he looked up at him again. Fye thought that he looked at him as if he was familiar to him and he wondered if, perhaps, there was another Yuui in this world and the boy might have seen him. If there was, he wished his other self in this world all the luck he had never had. Ritsuka shook his head and shrugged. "And you look like that idiot when he's about to do something that will get him more hurt. So I'm waiting until your friend comes here so you won't do anything stupid when I'm responsible."

Fye chuckled a little as the boy finished with his ankle and stood up, dusting his knees and sitting besides him. "That means that once Ritsuka-kun goes, it's okay if I get hurt?"

"No," Ritsuka turned to look at him as if he was an idiot of epic proportions, ears pressed against his hair again. It was a shame that they didn't get kitten ears when they arrived, Fye thought, or that it had been impossible to get Kuro-tama to wear a pair of the fake ones that Sakura and Syaoran wore. "It just means that then your friend will be here to stop you from making idiotic things like letting yourself get hurt."

Somehow, Fye thought that this was a line of thought Ritsuka went through frequently. He hummed a little, tilting his head and smiling to the boy.

"Ah, Ritsuka-kun has a friend that does things that get him hurt?"

The boy huffed again, but this time it sounded weary. He nodded, hands tucked inside his jacket, chin almost digging into his chest.

"And you look just like the idiot when he's not telling me something important," Ritsuka tried for indignant and he just sounded frustrated. But then he glared at him, eyes fierce. "And usually, that something important ends up in him getting hurt."

"Mmm. Perhaps your friend thinks he deserves to get hurt?" Fye asked, not looking towards the boy.

"No one deserves getting hurt!" Ritsuka's frown grew, his tail puffing out, ears pressed. "Nothing gets fixed if you're hurt! It only makes people that care about you worry and feel bad because of that, and then you'll feel worse."

Suddenly, Fye wondered how Kuro-po had been when he had been younger and if there was a chance he might have been like Ritsuka-kun
"You're too young, Ritsuka-kun."

Ritsuka huffed again, as if he was used to people saying that. He was still glaring at him.

"And you're hurting enough that your friend probably wants to hit you with something heavy so you stop doing so."

Fye laughed a little. "... you do realize that doesn't make sense?"

"Oh, it does."

fic: writing process

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