This week's
thefridayfive 1) This is the 1st of September, what do you want to accomplish by the 31st?
I want to have found an apartment and be in the process of moving in by the end of the month. That is my biggest goal.
2) What does September make you think about or feel?
September is one of my favorite months. It is starting to cool down, the trees are starting to turn, and I start turning inward again, start thinking about winter projects and books I'd like to read. It is a contemplative month for me - I find I do my best thinking during the Fall rains.
3) September is the ninth month; can you name nine memories so far from this year?
1. I authorized in rapier at Clancy Day, and was thoroughly embarrassed when chosen for a special mention at Ottar's Cup.
2. Spending a great weekend driving all over the state during the Independence Day weekend.
3. Getting my Willow, even though I wasn't there for it.
4. Drinking SO much at Baron War.
5. Learning to blacksmith, goofing off in the shop.
6. Tubing down the Flat River last weekend.
7. Driving a motorcycle for the first time, even if I DID lay it down in the yard.
8. This year's Pennsic I will never forget.
9. One teary phone call to
frank62281, it probably changed my life.
4) What does September have in common with three other months and can you name them?
There are only 30 days in September (others: April, June & November)
5) The first weekend in September signals the end of summer for many even though it doesn’t really end for weeks. When does summer end for you?
Summer usually ends between Pennsic and Vikings Come Home for me. When the first rain that smells like fall comes, that's when Summer ends. It was this past week.