May 14, 2007 19:54
DAMN YOU, GREY'S ANATOMY SEASON 3! Why are you taking 30 YEARS to download??? I have to see if Meredith and Derek get back together for the 10000th time! I can't believe I'm actually watching this show, actually. I feel like I've given it to some kind of peer-pressure and am ruining my brain by watching it - but it's so good, in a dramatic-candy sort of way.
So I'm still in the middle of reading Emma. I want to finish it - I just finished the first volume, so I'm really a good chunk through it, and feel like I can't turn back now. But I want to read the His Dark Materials books before The Golden Compass movie comes out in December! And I want to do it in time to read the 4th through 6th Harry Potter books before Deathly Hallows comes out! And I want to take a break from all of this and re-read the Georgia Nicolson books again, including the new one I haven't read yet! So I'm trying to decide whether to give up on Emma. If I give up now and put all this distance between me and what I've read so far, I'm going to have to start over completely when I go back to it. So no - I'll probably just finish it. Even though I really want to read The Golden Compass! Summer allows for too many choices.
I'm being a super media-junkie and playing Zelda: A Link to the Past, too. I'm glad I didn't discover ROMs when I was taking my Humanities 1300 course first semester - I'd never have paid attention in any of the lectures. Now, it's just an affective way to keep me from getting anything useful done. Oops.