Down with Sunday nights

Sep 20, 2009 23:21

I hate Sunday nights - they are even worse than Monday mornings - probably because you are anticipating Monday morning. Am feeling distinctly down as the result.

Weekend wrap-up - A & H's wedding on Saturday was just lovely. Pleasantly informal and sweet. Had that comfortable feeling of an SCA event just without the garb. Great to catch up with some people. A's girls are adorable - super polite and helpful. I think they are the sweetest, most well-behaved kids I've ever met.
I didn't manage to outrun the rain on the way back and it was bucketing down most of the way, which made for a very unpleasant drive and a pounding headache by the time I got home. On the other hand, probably a useful addition to my rather limited driving experience.

On arriving home found my sister, her husband and his parents all having dinner at our house. It's a bit hard to be social when one's brain wants to burst out of one's skull!

In other news - I'm almost done with the satin stitch on the first cuff of the embroidered mittens. Just one last flower remaining. It's an uber-nasty one - very fine blends of colour, but after that I get to play with metal threads. Yum! The second cuff (which I'm working on during commute to work) has most of the outlining and padding stitches done and some satin stitch too.
All up - about 180 hours work and counting.

Need to sleep now...zzzzz....
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