Other Brain
This is me and Doris' band, Other Brain. It is our band of two (just us). You can see Doris' character, Dodo, in the hat and glasses. That's me, Allie, on the right side.
This weekend, I was in Leonia. My parents went to a wedding so I came home to dog-sit for Gracie. It was a fun time! As I mentioned in the last post, I did get to complete those online "workshops" for my certification. So that was productive. I did that on Friday so I would not waste precious "Doris time!" Doris was around on Saturday afternoon/evening, and on Sunday.
On Saturday, Doris and I did our FAVORITE THING: ERRANDS. DOn't ask me why we enjoy errands so much! It's fun to have a "mission" -- a list of things to do -- and to cross them off! We went to Target, Trader Joe's, and Whole Foods. We then stopped at Doris' house to drof off the food items, then at my house to let Gracie out. After that, Doris took me to Mo' Pho' which we pronounce Mo-Fo. It was my first Vietnamese/Pho' experience!! I absolutely loved it!!! This was my first Mo-Fo, and definitely not my last!
Post Mo-Fo, we played an hour or so of Rock Band at Doris' house. I didn't want to leave Gracie for TOO long, ever. So we played some, then watched a DVD of "Bye Bye Birdie" featuring Ann-Margret (who is one of our faves) back at my house with the pup. We ended up being up till midnight! Doris went home and returned 10 hours later....
...for breakfast at my house, which I refer to as "Allison's House of Breakfast!" I made bacon, scrambled eggs with cheese, and English muffins. Once nourished, we went to see "Star Trek." I will preface this by saying I have never been a Trekkie, but I loved the movie! I know some die-hard Trek fans are critical of it, and it was probably designed with people like me in mind (non-Trekkies who have just minimal knowledge of Star Trek). But I thought it was a fun movie! My only concern is that the enemy space craft looked kind of like a squid, and I do become concerned when things shed squids in a negative light. Oh well, at least it wasn't REALLY a squid!
When I got out of the movie, I got a distressing call! My mom and dad had gotten home, and went immediately to the hospital! My mom had a cellulitis infection in her arm all weekend and was on an oral medication, but it was not getting ANY better (in fact it was getting worse). So she went to the hospital and they admitted her, so she can get a stronger IV medicine. Boo! Overall she feels fine and is just very bored to be in the hospital! Buller - I know how that feels! She stayed last night and is staying again tonight.
Doris and I had a hamburger at Five Guys (my first Five Guys experience)! It was great! Then we played Rock Band a bit more whle we awaited news about my mom. When my dad was on his way home, I left Doris' house and accompanied him to the hospital (we brought my mom some homemade dinner).
I slept over and commuted back to Brooklyn today so that I could bake a bundt and go to my last day of class! :)