So it begins.

Dec 23, 2005 12:08

This starts the New Year's/memory entries for 2005. I've been doing these since last year....and I will most definitely continue them, because they keep me sane. I cannot lie...I was inspired by Kyle. So don't give me all the credit.

Take the first line of the first post of each month in 2005, string them up and see what happens.
Then post in your own journal.

Happy New Year!! Yay. 2005 has been utterly amazing for the first hour and a half. I've loved it. And I'm happy. So happy.
Today was Brittney's b-day. She's the big 18! Jacob gave her the nicest brought tears to my eyes. I'm extremely happy for her. She deserves this...moss deff.
Good thing my last entry got so many comments. Wow. Perhaps I'll never write about how I feel again. Since this is my OWN journal and everything. I hate cussing...but damn.
I took a 4 hour nap today. So I can't sleep. And then Keenan and I went to get coffee.
I hate the feeling of Sundays. Knowing that you have to go to school tomorrow.
That was a little Jimmy Eat World line. No worries. I'm completely happy not falling in love.
I should be packing, but the priority of putting songs on my mp3 player took over.
Today was one of those good days. Where you do everything right. You exercise, you eat right, you only drink water, you do everything you wanted to (except cleaning my room...but it's almost there).
I'm feeling ecstatic right now. I am the proud earner of a 97.5 on a PreCal homework and a 93.75 on a PreCal test...and also an 84 on a Skills Test...but I don't like to discuss that stuff.
It's October and it's finally cold outside. Wow. It sure did take long enough.
I will have you know that NIKI came with Joey, Taylor, Jimmy, Scotti, Autumn, and me to see The All-American Rejects! So it was a TPC reunion.
Lindsey and I got our hair cut today. It was fun...except I forgot the pic of the style that I wanted...but it's cool cuz I'm still happy.

There, I did it. Now...let me they are easier to understand. In January, I had just gotten back from Ashley's bonfire....and I was reminiscing about my New Year's Resolutions....I was utterly happy with my life. In February, I was consumed with my current boyfriend and hanging out with Brittney and Jacob. In March, I was upset about what Blake Fuller had written on his calculator....haha....seems so trivial now. In April, I made the LONG LONG LONG update about the wonderful Spring Break cruise with all of my girl friends. In May, I was extremely busy preparing for Graduation and all of that senior stuff. In June, I realized that falling in love is not the most important thing...and that having fun is great too. In July, I was getting ready to leave for Jekyll Island and enjoying my summer with the TPC! In August, I was getting ready to head down to Athens and leave behind my Buford life. In September, I was making good grades, worrying about New Orleans, and loving college to death. In October, I was hoping that more people were single at UGA, that I would lose some weight before Homecoming, and still making good grades. In November, we had a TPC reunion at The Tabernacle. In December, I had just gotten my hair cut and was tres excited about going up to Clemson. Haha...ohh a lot has changed this year. Funny how that happens. this time last year, I said, "Never in a million years did I expect this to happen." Or something along those lines. Funny how I feel that way right now too. Life is weird.

I think I like it. But I don't know. It's too soon to say.

I can't wait to make a Resoultion entry...and a look back at my memories entry.

I'm such a dork.
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