books, books, come name these books!

Oct 27, 2009 22:19

This was nabbed from pretty much everyone, but most recently edoraslass.

1. Pick 10 of your favorite books or series.
2. Post the first sentence of each book. (If one sentence seems too short, post two or three!)
3. Let everyone try to guess the titles and authors of your books.

OMG, it was so hard to narrow this down to just 10 books!!  I might have to do round 2 of this meme once these are all guessed.

eta: OK, LJ, I don't know why you're making text disappear when I lj-code people's names.  It's Not Cool, and making me mad.

1. In a valley shaded with rhododendrons, close to the snow line, where a stream milky with meltwater splashed and where doves and linnets flew among the immense pines, lay a cave, half-hidden by the crag above and the stiff heavy leaves that clustered below.
The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman, guessed by oloriel

2. The magic in that country was so thick and tenacious that it settled over the land like chalk-dust and over floors and shelves like slightly sticky plaster-dust.  (Housecleaners in that country earned unusually good wages.)
Spindle's End by Robin McKinley, guessed by edoraslass.

3. [Name #1]: It's hard being left behind. I wait for [name #2], not knowing where he is, wondering if he's okay. It's hard to be the one who stays.
The Time-Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, guessed by wanderlight and swankysoul.

4. The Santa Anas blew in hot from the desert, shriveling the last of the spring grass into whiskers of pale straw.
White Oleander by Janet Fitch, guessed by roh_wyn.

5. Not long after I moved with my family to a small town in New Hampshire I happened upon a path that vanished into a wood on the edge of town.

6. There was once a young man who wished to gain his Heart's Desire. 
Stardust by Neil Gaiman, guessed by fly_to_dawn, avendya, and oloriel

7. The house in the hollow was "a mile from anywhere" - so Maywood people said. 
Emily of New Moon by LM Montgomery, guessed by roh_wyn.

8. That fool of a fairy [name] did not intend to lay a curse on me.
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine, guessed by wanderlight.

9. Dark of the moon.  Near dawn.  Starlight shimmered along the dragon walls.

10. On the radio show they were asking people what kind of a New Year's Eve did they really want. It was very predictable. Those who were staying at home doing nothing wanted to be out partying, those who were too busy and rushed wanted to go to bed with a cup of tea and be asleep before the festivities began.

books, meme

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