Cars, Rain, Fire, Wax, Pimps, Spiderman, and Patrick Dempsy.

May 11, 2007 01:35

Today was definately a Thursday.

Did I do anything that warranted any merit? Not really.

So I decided, ok, I am going to get off my rear for the day (despite it being my first day off to myself in months), and have my car cleaned. Well, I figured, if I am going to get it cleaned, might as well get it detailed. 75 dollars later, my car looked like new on the inside and out. What happened next? It rained. Right after I had my car washed. and waxed. It now has a nice dirt layer from the rain and smoke in the air.

The one thing that had potential in my day: I decided to start going back to the dietician. I went today as a matter of fact. I feel that I can do it. She was definately very pleased that I came back, then proceeded to ask me what the hell happened to me and why I disappeared (I haven't been since last july. so almost a year). I feel good about it.

Went grocery shopping, made some more calls, etc. Took a nice drive into oviedo (considering i only live on the outskirts by the university). It's a neat little town. Very family-esque.

Almost forgot it was thursday earlier and that Grey's Anatomy was on tonight. I dropped Lost and now Grey's is my new crack addiction (has been for at least a year). It was good this week. Last week's 2-hour thing was not as great as they hyped it up to be, but still, it was good. Plus, Patrick Dempsy is gooood looking, therefore, almost any episode is great.

I raced one of my bosses home yesterday (he drives the same direction that I do). This all started a couple of wednesdays ago when I accidentally cut him off at 6 in the morning on McCulloch on my way to work. Yesterday, he dared me. He didn't think I would win. And I did. It was hilarious. During rush hour. I definately cut off a half mile worth of cars and almost slammed into the back of a truck. Kept cutting each other off. We got to the stoplight, and he said the move that I made was cheating (by driving down the turn only lane and then cutting half a mile worth of cars off), therefore I lost. But I didn't because I got to turn first, and he stated before each of us left that there were no rules, except, the person who got through the intersection first wins. He then insisted we tied, so i said "Nope, I won, see you later sucker!", turned through the intersection and left. I will probably hear about it when I get to work tomorrow.

So me and two of my friends went and saw Spiderman 3 yesterday. It was so freaking funny because the audience was packed, and there were these three black guys and a puerto-rican guy sitting behind us, screaming the funniest crap through the entire movie, causing everyone to bust up laughing. I don't think the movie would have been as enjoyable if they were not there. For example: When MJ got knocked to the ground, the guy sitting behind me screams "Bitch just got pimp smacked! It's about damn time!" and everyone in the room just starts busting out in hysterics. Seriously, it went on for the duration of the movie and the three of us were just dying. In any other movie theater situation, I would have found shouting comments to be absolutely annoying, but it was sooo damn funny. On the flip side, I swear that the movie was more emo than a girl with pms (it was as if Dave / Dana / Dawn / Dawn from the Emo family did a rendition of what Spiderman would be if they made a movie). Actually, i think tobey magguire cried more in that movie than I did when my dog died. It was too hyped, but I think I would still buy it on dvd.

Eh, I think I should go to sleep. It's 2am.
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