Living the Life of a Hermit? Quite Possibly.

May 08, 2007 14:17

My two weeks of hell finally ended. Finals are over. Inventory at work is over. Thank-god. I worked 50 hours last week, had two finals last week also. The week before, I had 3 finals, plus i was still working at least 40 hours, plus I went on an internship interview (which turned out to be a sales rep position so it was declined).

So to sum that up, I can finally be sociable for a few months again (Everyone I know has been asking where I have been because I have not had any time to see anyone). Infact, I had three days off in a row because of all the hours I worked, so I went to Miami for the weekend to chill with my roomie and her family. It was quite the experience. It's kinda like a more clean-cut version of Los Angeles (slightly less grafiti).

I have to be at work in one hour. I spent all day doing not one damn thing. Made some phone calls, cleaned up the kitchen, but other than that, nothing. it's wierd having some breathing space in my schedule now that school is over. Speaking of which, my grades are as follows:

Management Information Systems (ISM 3011): A-
Cost Accounting and Management (ACG 3361): C
Quantitative Business Tools 2 (ECO 3411): B
Introduction to International Business (GEB 3356): B-

So overall, I got a 2.9 and my overall GPA is a 3.17. Let's just say, that I know these grades are not my usual standard of grades, but I am quite content with what I got, because I didn't think I was going to pass my classes. At one point, I was failing 3/4 of my classes this semester. Next semester will be much better. That is my goal. I got to keep all my scholarships and loans.

I still dislike target, however, I checked my paystub online (i get paid friday) and I got my payraise. I didn't even get my review yet. It wasn't anything glamorous, but I was still quite content.

Started my annual "try to be healthy" thing again (I am thinking I have come out of my seasonal depression rut). School is over (stress of my back for a few months). Dad is getting better (10 pounds of stress gone) and his settlement from the car accident came in (100 pounds of stress lifted) therefore, I can go back to focusing a little bit on just paying my bills (as horribly selfish as that sounded), however, I still go home on my weekends off to take care of him. Work is work (10 pounds added back). My goal : 20 - 30 pounds of weight, not stress, to be dropped. So if anyone needs a gym buddy, give me a ring.

Egh, time to get ready for work. Gotta make the money. peace.

P.S. Christopher, if I don't talk to you before friday, good luck with your MCATs. I have very high hopes that you will do well, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. You can do anything you want to do because nothing is impossible!

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