The little AU: Vignettes: Traveling companions: three

Sep 28, 2009 21:37

The little AU: Vignettes: Traveling companions: three


Snow is everywhere.

At first it's exciting because it's new. Ice is fun for sliding on. Snowballs are fun because they *splat* in a most satisfying way against rocks on the side of the road (and later, but this is much later, against Viggo's back). At first it's an adventure, keeping his footing in the drifts, and a cup of hot cocoa is all the more satisfying for the rarity of it, because they make a pact not to get too warm, too comfortable, between takes.

After a while the snow is just cold and wet, the ice cold and hard, and the grey cold and grey. The cocoa is never often enough, and if it weren't for their pact and Kodi's understanding that the pact is part of the story, it'd be miserable, but it's not because they're in it together, this journey, and sticking it out is part of the deal.

Unless, of course, the snow is falling fresh from the sky. Then it is as new and miraculous as ever, and they have contests to see who can catch more flakes and whose tongue sticks out the farthest, and Viggo teases Kodi by threatening to lick the side of something metal and stick his tongue there and Kodi starts to yell "No, Viggo, don't do it!" before he realizes this is a prank, and he gets his look on and it's clear from that moment on that there will be pranks played in both directions, snow, no snow, grey, whatever. There will be pranks.

There will be pranks. There will be laughter falling from their lips like snowflakes. No two laughs the same. Piling up in drifts in their memories, to be drawn on in the heat of studio lights and camera flashes like some stored-up water. Clean and glacially refreshing laughter to keep them from being too serious when they talk about The Road in front of people who will only see it on the screen unless they watch with their hearts. There will be sly asides and secret smiles and only the pranksters will know which snowfall that is, and that will be the difference between them and those who give up hope. They remember. They remember why they laugh.

previously: two
next: four

traveling companions, the little au, vignettes, the road

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