The little AU: Vignettes: Traveling companions: two

Sep 27, 2009 20:07

The little AU: Vignettes: Traveling companions: two


The first time they read together what strikes Viggo is Kodi's professionalism. He doesn't give himself airs. Neither does he shrink from asking questions. He's here to work: to find The Boy, to bring him to life if he can. If that means asking questions of Viggo, of John Hillicoat, then he'll ask.

But he doesn't babble. Doesn't interrupt. If he needs a moment to get up and move around, he asks instead of becoming absent, staring off, or fidgeting in a distracting way.

Instead he reads the lines. Quietly at first, to himself. Then out loud to John and Viggo, trying different pitches, different emphases until he sees them sit forward just a bit- that clue that he's found something, that he's begun to find The Boy's voice.

They click. He's cast. His parents sign the contracts, he signs his parts, and in what seems like no time, they're in Pennsylvania.

The first days are short-ish for Kodi. His parents need to get settled in the hotel, see the area a bit, get a sense of the seasons in Pennsylvania- opposite to Australia, so what they've just left, they're coming into. Find out what the grocery market carries, how the petrol pumps work, how a mile feels as opposed to a kilometre. There's adjusting time-zones, and getting over the way people talk, and not being able to find the right tea in the hotel restaurant. Nothing they can't handle, but it's nice to have a day or two to settle in before getting down to the grind.

Not that it looks like this will be a grind. Cold, wet, dirty, long- yes. But unhappy? No. Not after the first night, when Viggo brings by a bag with, among other things, a giant white Gummi rat and a piece of dark chocolate shaped like a lump of coal, a map of the area they'll be filming in, some microwave popcorn, and two pairs of what look like superb thermal socks.

Thought you might need a few supplies, Viggo says.

Thanks, says Kodi.

See you on the set, then? Viggo says.

On the set, Kodi answers.

His mother smiles a thank you. His dad offers to walk Viggo to his car.

I know you will, Kodi's dad starts, but I have to ask anyway. Take good care of my boy?

I will, Viggo answers, and offers his hand. Kodi's dad takes it, a firm grip, lets out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding.

We'll see you at the end of the Road, then, Viggo, Kodi's dad says. We'll be waiting.

We'll find you, Viggo says, and lets go his hand.

previously: one
next: three

traveling companions, the little au, vignettes, the road

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