Jul 10, 2010 00:05
Should i actually start this again? Writing for the sake of keeping memories alive. Random moments that might have passed by in a blip. Where is that spirit that I used to have? The spirit to make sure that nothing is forgotten. Every single thing is worth writing down. Almost can't belief that I started this lj in 2003. That is almost seven years ago ... just reading back what I wrote ... I sounded like a whole different person. So full of high hopes. Writing news has killed my creative streak. Whatever little of it that I used to have. Or maybe that is just my excuse. There is no better feeling than having the words just flowing out. It either does or don't. I still feel that I have yet to find my forte. I have valiantly attempted to do everything that has been thrown my way ... some pieces are better than the rest. No comfort zone yet. It feels so relaxing to write with no purpose in mind right now. No editors, no stress. Maybe that is what I should do. Stress myself by writing ... and de-stress by writing. After all, practise makes perfect yes? No holds barred. I recently helped a friend wrote a five thousand word epic on rabbits. We managed to make it work somehow. I need to summon my mojo and push myself to continue writing. I guess this would become my practise space ... but judging by the past commitments I made to try and maintain it, lets just wait and see.