2019 Fanfic Year Wrap Up Meme

Jan 11, 2020 20:04

Note: not counting the Original Fic as always.

Number of Fics: 20
Number of Unique Fandoms: 8 (ASOIF, Captive Prince, Ekaterina/Catherine (2014), GoT, Romeo and Juliet/Romeo et Juliette*, Star Wars, Unmistakable (song), War & Peace)

Number of Unique Pairings: 10 (repeat ships: Danatole [2], Romercutio [5], Sonyakhov [4])**

Total Number of Words: 65,165

*I’m counting Shakespeare canon and RetJ musical canon as one fandom here because I often didn’t make too much of a distinction between them/borrowed aspects from both.

**Only counting pairings which were primarily featured as a focus of the story. Often times parings would hover in the background but weren't counted.

# Gen: 5
# Het: 6
# Slash: 15 (2 of these are pre-slash thought)
# Fem: 0

*Some stories fall into more than one cat.

# PG: 14
# PG-13: 6

Looking back, did you write more fics than you thought you would this year, less than you thought, or about what you predicted?
More. I had no reason to think I would write more than last year, especially since I was taking a half-break from exchanges (I did a lot less than I usually would.) Although, the increase is in word count far more than in total number of fics, and one single fic is mostly responsible for that xD (Also, I wrote more original fic last year than this year, so the OF was tacking up some of that bandwidth.)

Where did you publish/archive your stories?
AO3 with some cross-posting to Tumblr. (I’m usually too lazy to cross-post to FFN these days, though I probably should.)

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Romeo and Juliet. God, I have no idea how this happened.

Did you take any writing risks this year?
It’s not a writing risk per se I guess, but I was really intimidated to write R&J fic at first…

Do you have any writing goals for the new year?
To write more or at least not less than I did in this year (well…2019. Technically that’s last year now lol.) Also, maybe write some of those plot bunnies I have…

What’s your favorite story this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you the happiest.

Eleven Halloweens and a Coda. But Sine Qua Non is a close second.

Okay, NOW your most popular story?
Going by kudos, Dawn. (Like last year it’s Kylux, which is predictable bc huge fandom, very popular ship (still!).)

Story of yours most underappreciated by the universe, in your opinion?
Any Romercutio fic, tbh, because that ship is tragically underappreciated to begin with.

Story that could have been better?
I had bigger plans for Distraction, tbh.

Most fun story to write?
Confessions, actually. Closely followed by the Halloween fic.

Story with single sweetest moment?

OMG I don’t know…the Halloween fic has a LOT of really cute fluff though so probably somewhere in there.

The story that made you cry?
I rarely cry at my own fic, but probably Benvolio’s Coda chapter in the Halloween fic came the closest.

Most "holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story?
Not this year xD

Sexiest story?
Not this year either.

Hardest story to write
I struggled with a few different ones but in different ways.

Easiest story to write?
Ehhh Confessions kinda randomly wrote itself so probably that one.

Most unintentionally telling story

Story you haven't yet written, but intend to
Ahahah so many. As always.

meme, fanfic

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