Jun 27, 2013 09:23
Well, I guess because I started this topic in English, I will have to end it in English.
Yesterday something very interesting happened. 23andme.com sent me an e-mail informing me that my results "are ready", even though they had been ready for a while. When I looked at them, I was surprised: many ethnic percentages have changed for me as well as for my parents. According to the new results, my parents still carry some Southern European markers, but the percentage is now lower. Moreover, I now carry... none. It looks like an ultimate solution: if these markers cause trouble with this user, just cross them off, and that's it. Indeed, now I cannot say anything because it is possible after all that I just did not inherit these particular parts of my parents' genomes. All other small percentage markers are now in accordance with genetics, though: it is clear where I got them from if they are present.
I want to hope that this revision is closer to the truth than the previous one, and it was the result of them making some effort to correct mistakes that they found while looking at my complaint. Two things preclude this belief: first, they never responded to me directly and did not acknowledge their mistake or thank me for pointing it out; second, it just looks strange that I suddenly lost all of my Southern European 6%. It looks more like avoiding trouble than a real solution (you cannot be dissatisfied with the obvious "Nonspecific European" unless you are, for instance, from Sub-Saharan Africa).
For other 23andme.com customers, I have a favor to ask. Please take a moment to look at your data and let me know if it changed or not. I just want to see whether they recalculated just my family or changed the algorithm globally.
And for those of you who are my trusted friends, a thorough description of my family ancestry is coming up shortly.