Apr 02, 2003 23:08
In a vain attempt to reach null, I have embarked upon this journey. I should not complain; I haven't the right. The food is plentiful, and the air crisp. I fell asleep standing up today, and almost lost my footing as the train came to a screaming halt, but I was home at least, and free to do as I like within reason. Fuck reason. I know I will never come to the limit of reason, as my mind has enough trouble wrapping itself around being able to do as it pleases. Dishes came next, and let's not forget nourishment. Television? Sure! A welcome diversion from the task(s) at hand. Oh, that's right, I am still here, and I still have to get up in the morning, and wait, there is a test? Morale booster at work? I cannot attend, but nevermind. The key is in the Latin. Ablative of means: by means of a dart, missile, or otherwise a weapon. Perhaps that IS the ticket. Where did the beer go, and who the fuck cares about these funerary inscriptions -- Oh, right, I drank it, and they are goddamned interesting -- Interesting enough to put myself through four semesters of brain curdling night classes to learn a language handy for obtaining cash in a .17 square mile principality. Shit, I don't have a passport. Add that to the list. I hear nullification is at the top of a very tall ladder, which continues to grow by the day. Count the rungs. No, don't do that, reality is harsh demodulator, and boy can she ever add faster than I. I once saw the top, but my vision gets worse everyday, and I am taking bets. Who's in?