Journey's End came...

Jul 07, 2008 14:52

What a horrendously silly and fanfictionesque Rose-fix-it. Come on, Russell. I mean, okay, it’s not a perfect happy ending, bittersweet, leaves room for thought and all that, but come on. A second Doctor? Who happens to have only so much human in him that he can age with her? And Rose saying “when I was last here, on the worst day of my life”… Argh, argh, argh.

I must say that I did like the implication that only the new new Doctor could tell her that he loved her. So she would never have been truly happy with her old Doctor, and with this new one, she has a chance (if she manages to forget that the other one’s still out there).

Also, did anyone understand this human / Time Lord “biological metacrisis” stuff? Why does it work for new new Doctor, but not for Donna? (Or does Donna’s collapse mean that Rose’s new toy is going to “burn up” as well?) Because she was still essentially human and he was still essentially Time Lord? Or what? Am I being thick or was it just a very poorly constructed plot point?

And on the topic of “am I… or was it…,” am I overreacting or was it not a coincidence that the Osterhagen key was probably invented (name sounds like it) and definitely based in Germany, of all places? I laughed when RTD and his crew lived out their anti-Americanism, but this is a bit mean, boo.
Anyway, was the German woman really German? They have weird accents in Nuremberg, but that was beyond weird. (And Valda Aviks is definitely not your average Martina Schmidt…)

Anyway, here are some bits that fell in the category of “awesome”, followed by those in the category of “hee hee”…


o Sarah Jane and Davros. FTW! Davros’ recognition was almost erotic (or am I mad?), but in turn, Sarah Jane’s determined fury was very convincing.

o Donna’s technobabble, with that careless, amused tone.

o Rose and Jack’s manic laughter at the concept of facing the Daleks was so much like the Doctor in those situations.

o The Doctor saying “blimey” just before facing the Daleks.

o The allusion to Gwyneth-Gwen.

o Dalek Caan’s giggle when his great scheme was revealed. And: “I saw the truth of us, Creator, and I decreed: No more!” That was so powerful.

o Davros’ overacting was brilliant and, I imagine, very reminiscent of old school. It just seems like the way villains would have shouted in those times. And it works - I was very afraid when he yelled “The destruction… of reality… itself!”

o I liked Donna’s mum’s way of celebrating the return to the solar system - she moved in a positively ecstatic way. Also, speaking of Donna’s mum, the Doctor telling her off for not telling Donna she was brilliant - FTW.

o All the companions grouped around the TARDIS holding down buttons (except Jackie, because, no, Jackie, just… don’t touch anything) and then clapping and hugging each other. Aww.

o Also not so much “awesome”, but “awww”: when Rose was protesting against being left behind again, and said “But he’s not you.”, and the old Doctor replied “He needs you. That’s very me.” Very nice line.

Hee hee:

o „EXTERMINIEREN! EXTERMINIEREN! … Halt! Sonst werden wir Sie exterminieren! Sie sind jetzt ein Gefangener der Daleks!“
It amuses me greatly that the Daleks’ supreme intelligence found the polite form of address to be so important in German that it couldn’t be abandoned even for death threats…

o Loved the moment when Rose stammered about having invented this, um, machine, that, um… would bring her back. Shut up, Doctor!

o The Crucible had a TARDIS-shaped trapdoor. You have to be prepared, I guess.

o The exchanges between new new Doctor and Donna were priceless. I had to write a few of them down:
“It’s you!” - “Oh yes.” - “You’re naked!” - “Oh yes.”
“You - are - bonkers!” - “Why, what’s wrong with blue?”
“You’re human!” - Oh, that’s disgusting…” - “Oi!”

o The “Doctor’s soul being revealed” showed DT to be a pretty good actor after all (hats off, DT!) but I couldn’t help thinking that it was a pity it didn’t turn out to be “Rose, I utterly, time-and-universe-shatteringly adore you…”

o Mickey’s butchness just increased with every episode he appeared in. I couldn’t help giggling at his walk when it came to the prisoners being tested.

o “Three Doctors!” - “I can’t tell you what I’m thinking right now.” (Even if you hadn’t seen this - wouldn’t you have guessed who got that line? And no, it’s not redscharlach…)

o Donna trying to pick up Jack, and Jack resisting for once, was great. (Scared, Jack? Oh, I know this so well - so many men are scared by female initiative…)

o Speaking of ships… WILFRED/DOCTOR! “I’ll look up at the sky and think of you.” I imagine it was only with great self-restraint that the Doctor gave a simple “thank you” in reply and walked away…

And the moral of the story is… there is no destiny, but if you should ever chance across one of those weird coincidences, it’ll have been engineered by a mad giggling creature with slimy tentacles.

All in all, I greatly enjoyed the episode, especially all the companions being together and Donna saving the day. (I’m very sad she’s gone now…) I didn’t enjoy the fix-it so much, but hey, better than not having seen Rose again at all.
I note that there was no introduction of a new companion at the very end, not even a TARDIS-Jennyshuttle collision. (I really thought she would be the dea ex machina when it came to the “end of everything”…) I guess they wanted the sharp contrast between all the companions and the Doctor’s complete loneliness. Or they wanted to show the void that Donna and her awesomeness left.
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