(no subject)

Jun 29, 2008 10:30

Bloody hell!

Okay. Breathe in. Breathe out.

David Tennant´s down! Who´da thunk?? I thought he was staying on for another fifteen series. And does Rose´s panic mean that the new him will not necessarily be in love with her, and she with him? Awww.

Now I see why people have been going on about That Great Casting Spoiler. But I still don´t know who, so don´t you dare spoil me! I look forward to finding it out, though. What will the new Doctor be like? Ah, the possibilities. Will he be more serious than Ten? More arrogant? What will his own special quirks be? When will he get his first snog? And most importantly... will he be GINGER?

Excellent episode. It was all "oh my God the world is ending" and suddenly that heartbreaking "yeah" from the Doctor when Donna said "Rose coming back is good, isn´t it?" That was so sweet. And then the scene where they run towards each other in a barely-lit street... ah, every fan´s dream come true. Although trouble was preprogrammed then...

I also loved the implication of all the other characters, even though it was a bit over the top (though I suspect that was the point), what with all the characters from the Whoniverse ever. (Next episode: boxing match between Davros and the Master!) Some thoughts about the different characters:

* I really loved Harriet Jones and her continuing pompousness. It´s nice of them to have redeemed her like this.

* Jack felt "right" again, as he always does when he´s in Doctor context. I liked Jealous!Ianto a lot, too. Oh, and Donna pointing at the screen ogling at Jack was priceless. On that note, Gwen´s comment about the Doctor was also funny.

* Martha... take or leave her, I guess. All she ever does these days is speak dramatically through gritted teeth. Ah well. I liked the part where Rose echoed the jealousy that Martha had always displayed of her... (That scene was cool anyway, with Rose going "hello... I´m here! I´m the one all the fanfic is about!")

* Sarah Jane was cool, though I suspect we have yet to see real action from her. I liked when she said that she´d been steering clear of Torchwood.

* Donna and the Shadow Proclamation... FOR THE WIN. It was nice to see her having regained her high opinion of herself after last week´s insecurity.

All those companions united on screen, and the Doctor just grinning at them, was awesome. And why did Rose not manage to enter into the game? Because the Nobles don´t have a webcam. Hee hee...

Now excuse me while I go look for time pockets that will propel me into next week...
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