I laughed so much...

Nov 07, 2007 16:49

How funny was the Decontamination scene with that dramatic music? How funny was Niki boxing in the door? And OMG, it's Mohinder with a silly thing on his nose!

I really liked Matt's emancipation moment. I mean, the "I'm not a scared little boy anymore" writing was a bit crap, but I thought he made the most out of it.

I really hated Bob. Oh God, I hate him so much. So much overacting! How can you possibly say "I'm evacuating the building" in that way? The actor obviously thinks everything he says must sound (self-)important, but it just sounds rubbish and silly to me.

I also continue to be underwhelmed by the guy wot plays Peter. Yeuch. I mean, looks, whatever, I just find him annoyingly tacky.

I do have to say that I'm very intrigued by Adam/Kensei. And by the continued "Who's moral/honest/trustworthy?" theme. And by the continued "Save/get the cheerleader, save the world" theme.

But, and here comes amusement again, how funny is it that the series' suspense now hangs on "Will Niki survive?" Kill her, for God's sake! And if it means killing 93% of the population! Sometimes we just have to pay a price to do the right thing...
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