American Idol - Music from the Movies

Apr 14, 2009 21:14

Quentin Tarantino? Really? HAH! Also, I don't like this only two judges speak about each contestant.

Allison - I Don't Want to Miss a Thing. I keep saying the same thing about her. I love her, love her voice, but that was not great to me. Come on Allison. I want more. Simon has it right, though. She is the girl's only hope in the competition.

Anoop - Everything I Do, I Do for You. I like this. Pretty. And he held the long note well. That was nice. Good job.

Adam - Born to be Wild. The eyeliner is back. I like the eyeliner. And bwah! This time I am just laughing my ass off at his rock theatrics. Go, Adam, go. Also, damn. His voice really is extraordinary. He totally channeled Axl Rose there. Whoo, boy. Made me laugh with that last rock out sliding across the stage thing. Also, I would not miss Paula at all if the rumors are correct and this is her last series of AI. *eyeroll*

Matt - Have you really ever Loved a Woman. I really like Matt, his version of this song is just different enough from the original to make it really interesting. Yay, Matt. I hope he is around for a while. Also, nice piano work.

Danny - Endless Love. Impression before I hear a note - oh, no Danny, no. Ow, bad note pretty early in. He does have a lovely voice and it is suited for this song. I still liked Matt better, though.

Kris - Falling Slowly. Not a great song for him, but I like him so that is all I will say about that. It did get better as it went along.

Lil - The Rose. She keeps picking songs that should be awesome for her, but she never quite delivers on the promise that is there. I did like her gospel take on the song. She had some pitch problems. This may be her last night.

I am worried for Kris this week. I hope that he makes it through. Adam continues to be amazing and cracks me the hell up. I think that Matt may be my new secrit AI boyfriend. I have a bit of a crush on his piano playing and his voice and him.
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