I thought that I had updated since I came here, but apparently not. So uhh, hey guys, I'm in Africa and have been for over two weeks. I keep wanting to say that I moved to Africa because it sounds more dramatic but I didn't bring any furniture, only 2 suitcases, so does that count?
If you didn't know, I'm studying in South Africa for the semester. I'll be back at the end of November. I just finished my first week of classes at the University of Cape Town. Since I'm mostly taking African history courses, which presumably Africans already know, there are pretty much only Americans and other internationals in my classes. Its weird. I actually got up and walked out of a class because I was so annoyed at being constantly surrounded by Americans. I forgot how obnoxious they are when out of their natural habitat.
Its pretty great so far. I live with 4 other American girls, (
here is a pic)and we get along pretty nicely. Booze is cheap and the liquor store is about 100 feet away from my house. Our neighborhood is super sketch though. Homeless people ring our bell all the time asking for food and money and stuff, and they'll try to carry your groceries for you which is when you go HELL TO THA NO. We think there's a meth lab in a car, or at least a drug dealing center. We have a security gate and a wall around our house that has electrified wire at the top.
I'm going to start a scuba training course soon, so in a few weeks I'll be a certified scuba diver for life. I also went to volunteer training this morning (9AM on a SATURDAY, WTF) and am going to start tutoring in the townships next week. We have a week off in September (its our spring break, also wtf) and I might go on a weeklong scuba trip to Mozambique. Sweet.
I'm in an internet cafe, so that's about it for now. It took us almost a week to get internet in our house and then my computer promptly broke down and has now officially been broken for a week. T.I.A.