Drabble fics 3/5.

Jul 07, 2010 06:07

Okay , sooooo. Have been super busy decided to join the Navy. No not NOW, but soon.. Been working a lot . Plus I had two very unexpected deaths in the family . My Aunt Tammy and my amazingly wonderful grandmother. Still holding my breath for number three because they say Death comes in threes. But in the mean time life has to happen and I have to force myself to move on .

So here is set three of my 5 set drabble fic thingy. Enjoy !

PitterPat - Erin McCarley.

"So what, like we're over? Just like that?" I screamed at her not quite grasping how this happened. How everything went so wrong.

"Yeah," She huffs grabbing clothes out of our dresser. " I guess we are Arizona."

Reality finally sets in. She's leaving me." What are . . .Where are you going?" I say through tears. She doesn't even look up from pack her things, but I hear the emotion in her words.

"I can't let this go. I'm leaving you. Staying with Mark or something, until I figure my head out." Without even giving me a chance to respond she caresses my cheek with her free hand and just like that she walks out the door.

I now sit in my almost empty room. Might as well be empty without her . My palms are now smudged with black from my eyeliner . As I finally give in and  curl up in a ball on her side of the bed. Breathing in her smell, my heart begins to pound. She's gone. I've lost her. All I feel is pain as I stare at a silent phone. I royally fucked up . Now I don't know if I will ever get the chance to right the wrongs . I can almost hear my heart breaking , in the silent room, the heart I broke, the heart that may never be fixed .

Everything, All at once - Correatown .

"And I love you so much and I can't live without you and our ten kids and. . ." I can't help but let earlier events of the day run through my mind as I run my fingers through her soaked blond locks. Her breathing has slowed telling me she's fast asleep , in my arms. After the past month without her I feel safe, at home. The aftermath of today, she is safe with me. After stumbling through awkward relationships, I have finally found my reason, reason for living, for breathing, for getting out of bed. A smile dances across my lips . She is my everything . No longer am I panicking, or going on my little rampages. No I'm calm. I am thankful that George broke me , that Erica left me behind, because now , now I am getting my happily ever after. I'm finally realizing that everything I wanted, needed, craved from someone wasn't just from anyone who was willing to stick around. No, it is with her. Safe in my arms.

Temporary Home - Carrie Underwood.

I smile widely as I go to my favorite patients room. Betty Conti , 86 yr old woman , in for a routine hip replacement . Minor complications, so for the past three weeks she became my favorite patient . Filled me with stories of her life, showed me pictures of kids and grand-kids. An amazing woman with a passion for life and everything in life .

"Betty. How are you today?" I smiled practically bouncing into room. Her face lit up into a small smileas she turned from the window towards me . She patted the hospital bed towards me softly . As I sat down I noticed she seemed a little weaker. "Everything okay today? Any pain?"

"No dear. I'm ready." She softly smiled to me . Confused at her words I gave her a puzzled look. We sat in silence until it dawned on me what she was saying.

"Mrs.Conti, you are perfectly healthy. I don't see any. . ." I started as she slowly brought her hand up to silence me .

"Honey , I have seen it all, I have survived two husbands, two sons, seen grand-babies grow into amazing adult. I'm tired and old. I had a dream last night that God called me home. I'm ready to go home." Tears filled up my eyes as I sat in silence with her. Partly not knowing what to say , partly not wanting to say anything at all.

Two hours later I met up with Arizona at home. As I dropped my keys on the table she smiled her trademark smile at me , looking away from the t.v. Seeing the look on my face she turned off the t.v and opened her arms for me. She played with my hair as I told her about the woman and comforted me in knowing that what we have is only temporary, but its so precious.

If you could only see, Tonic.

"I love you."

"You do?"

"I do."

"I love you too."

I lean in the door-frame as Arizona re-tells her mother about our "I love you's" and how happy she is with me. I can't help but feel a twinge of pain as I see her face light up telling her parents about us. Having them accept her and I for what we are. Two people who are madly in love. I'm jealous of how she speaks to her mother every week, no matter what. They even talk to me more than my own parents. Parent who granted are wonderful people , but at the same time are so close minded , that they can't see that their daughter is happy. In love. Blessed to have a woman like Arizona to love me . I wish they could be like Arizona's parents. they could see things for what they are and see Arizona like I do. As if on cue, she looks at me with a curious gaze , eyes questioning my thoughts. I push the twinge of jealousy to the back of my mind and sit down behind her on my bed . Wrapping her in my embrace . They'll come around.

song drabbles part 3. callie/arizona

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