Song drabbles 1/5.

May 30, 2010 16:39

A 5 part set of 4 song drabbles some fluffy , some angsty . . . ALL Calzone. Enjoy :D

Hey , Soul sister - Train

Fumbling with her keys Arizona finally managed to unlock the front door so she could set the not so light grocery bags down. Biting on her nail smiling she found a half naked Callie dancing around . Again. She laughed out loud to let her presence be known . Callie jumped slightly upon hearing the laughter but slowly danced over to Arizona .

Reaching her hand out for Arizona , Callie just said "Dance with me ." And so they did . Dancing wildly in the apartment never taking their eyes of of one another . Arizona's heart swelled just looking at her Calliope . The one woman she wanted to spend the rest of her life with . Watching her jump around like nothing else mattered in the world. It was just them . She mouthed an 'I love you' over the loud music and got a kiss blown her way in return. The only stopped when they heard the door open once more .

"Mer and I sooo dance it out better." Cristina stated dryly as she grabbed a six pack of beer out of the fridge and then leaving the apartment again. Mumbling something about 'weird lesbians' one her way out.

Callie and Arizona both shrugged and just started dancing again.

"They may dance better , but we are wayyyyy more awesome." Arizona smiled as Callie pulled her in for a short kiss.

"True story."

Animal - Kesha

This is not how things were supposed to be . Broken hearted stolen glance from across a bar room . I feel her eyes burning on me and its too much to take . Not wanting to swallow my pride I make a fast move for the exit , into the night . As my pace picks up so does my heart rate . Then I hear it . Heels clicking faster until they are right behind me , she came after me . Sure enough I feel a strong yet gentle tug on my arm and before I know it my lips and tongue are dueling with hers . Rain pouring , mixing with our tears , like a cheesy classic romance movie . Except this is the opposite , this is real . This is our last chance at love .

With out knowing how , we have ended up in her apartment , what used to be our bed . My body feels alive as our naked skin glides with each other . We don't even need words . Right now words are too painful . Instead we pour everything into making one another feel what we are to afraid to say . Tomorrow will be a different story , but for tonight , if only tonight , its just us . What our love used to be .This is not how things we supposed to be . Not how they were meant. Me holding her until the tears stopped and she was fast asleep , me untangling our perfect matched bodies , so I can pick up my clothes that were thrown in a fit of passion and venture back to the last place I want to be. Alone in my bed.

Fall into me - Sugarland


I turn upon hearing my name , to see Arizona's scrub nurse Katie , with a worried look on her face . Immediately I know something has to be wrong . After all people in beside are always happy

"Yes?" I ask knowing the answer already.

"Dr.Robbins wanted me to tell you that she would be late in surgery, that you should just meet her at home." She says with a sympathetic smile . I nod and give her small smile turning around to just head home."Dr.Torres? ," She calls again. When I open my mouth to reply she interrupts me ," She has already lost 3 kids today and it doesn't look like this one is gonna make it either." She leaves me knowing that and it breaks my heart knowing the hell my poor girlfriend has been through today. I get an idea texting Mark , telling him to meet me at my apartment. . . . . .

I nervously tap my fingers on the breakfast bar , looking at the glasses of wine placed in front of me. I jump slightly hearing the door opening . My heart breaks more seeing the tired look on her face with the dried tears on her cheeks . She gives me a weak smile as I hand her her glass of wine.

" There are donuts in the cupboard , Cookie dough ice cream in the freezer , and you have a candle-lit bubble bath currently waiting for you, " I say softly as she takes a sip of her wine . She looks at me with more tears threatening to fall. Before she can speak I take the glass of wine and pull her into a soft embrace. " I know you've had a rough day . So i just wanted to make you feel better , and let you know much I love and appreciate you . Even if I don't let you know every day." I continue whispering into her hair as she cries against my chest.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" She sobs against my chest.

Placing a kiss onto her forehead I reply " I ask myself the same thing every day."

Juicy - Better than Ezra

"Karev! There you are , I have been paging you for the past five minutes! Ashley is ready to be . . ." Arizona says breathlessly pausing when she sees that Karev didn't hear a word she said. She snaps her fingers to get his attention . . . Nothing. She lets her eyes follow to what holds his attention.

A woman bent at the waist picking up papers . A very juicy full figured woman . With a nice round . . 'WAIT ! That's Callie!' Her eyes go wide realizing that Karev was blatantly checking out her girlfriends ass . Her thick round. . .'That's not the point !' She scolds herself.

"KAREV!" She scolds him as she slams a chart on the nurses station. He looks at her like a deer caught in the headlights . " Do I need to find a brick? Because I sooo will. " She narrows her eyes at him . He just takes the recently slammed down chart scurrying off in the other direction. Smiling to herself she takes a look back over at where her girlfriend was currently bent over , instead she found Callie staring her down with an eyebrow raised , shaking her head chuckling and turning to walk away .

"I know , I know . No judging ." She turned to see Teddy laughing at her .

"Good to know we are on the same page ."

song drabbles part 1. callie/arizona, cristina

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