Day 05 - Your favorite duet
As my icon suggests, I adore 4 Minutes. Kurt sounds incredibly sexy, Mercedes' sounds fantastic singing Justin Timberlake, and... I can't even pinpoint exactly why, this song is just amazing.
Day 5 - Your least favorite character G2
I disliked Cook from the very first episode. By the second, I despised him. The writers were clearly trying too hard to make him funny, and failed. They were also trying to make him eccentric like Chris, and instead made him insane and unlikeable. He was annoying, with no redeeming features. The only Skins character I've ever 100% hated, even including Anwar and JJ.
Day 05 - The pairing with the least chemistry?
Urghh, Finchel. I don't know if it's because the writing for the two sucks or if it's just because I rarely root for canon couples, but I hate this pairing. And it doesn't help that when you compare the chemistry Lea has with Jon/Mark/Dianna, it's clear that she has very little with Cory. And it shows on screen.