Booklist 2012 - August

Sep 01, 2012 00:27

Me, on Goodreads
[2012 (144)]
A morbid initiation (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle)
A Nomad of the Time Streams (Michael Moorcock)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain)
Against a dark background (Iain M. Banks)
The Algebraist (Iain M. Banks)
Der Amboss der Welt (The Anvil of the World) (Kage Baker)
Die anderen Erden (The wreaks of time) (Michael Moorcock)
Ashes and Angel Wings (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Auferstehung (Leo Tolstoi)
Aurora (Alastair Reynolds)
The Beast Within (Stewart Wick, Edit.)
Behold the man (Michael Moorcock)
Blood Rites - The Dresden Files 6 (Jim Butcher)
Bloody Scotland (Terry Deary)
The Book of Lost Tales (J.R.R. Tolkien)
The Book of Lost Tales, vol. 2 (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Blut der Abtrünnigen - Der Große Bruderkrieg 11 (Tales of Heresy) (Nick Kyme & Lindsey Priestly, Editors)
The Broken Sword (Poul Anderson)
The Celtic Reconstructionist FAQ (Various Authors)
The Children of Húrin (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Der Club Dumas (Artur Pérez-Reverte)
Das Buch Corum (Michael Moorcock)
Consider Phlebas (Iain M. Banks)
Das Cornelius Rezept (A cure for cancer) (Michael Moorcock)
Chronik eines angekündigten Todes (Gabriel García Márquez)
Cthulhu Geistergeschichten (H.P. Lovecraft)
The cut-throat Celts (Terry Deary)
Daemon World (Ben Counter)
Die Damen von Grace Adieu (The Ladies of Grace Adieu and other stories) (Susanna Clarke)
The Dancers at the End of Time (Michael Moorcock)
Dark Imperium (Marc Gascoigne, Andy Jones, Editors)
David Copperfield (Charles Dickens)
Death masks - The Dresden Files 5 (Jim Butcher)
Do Androids dream of electric sheep? (Philip K. Dick)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Drood (Dan Simmons)
Der Eiserne Rat (Iron Council)
Eiszeit 4000 (The ice Schooner) (Michael Moorcock)
Eldritch Tales - A miscellancy of the macabre (H.P. Lovecraft)
Elric at the End of Time (Michael Moorcock)
Elric von Melniboné - Die Sage vom Ende der Zeit (Michael Moorcock)
Erlkönig (Dead beat) - The Dresden Files 7 (Jim Butcher)
Excession (Iain M. Banks)
Feersum Endjiin (Iain M. Banks)
Firmin - Ein Rattenleben (Firmin: Adventures of a Metropolitan Lowlife) (Sam Savage)
Der Fluch des Verächters (Lord Foul's Bane) (Stephen R. Donaldson)
Fool Moon - The Dresden Files 2 (Jim Butcher)
Foucault's Pendulum (Umberto Eco)
The Founding - A Gaunt's Ghosts Ominbus (Dan Abnett)
Das geheime Leben der Bücher (Régis de sá Moreira)
Gesammelte Werke (Friedrich Nietzsche)
Der Glanz des Mondes (Brilliance of the Moon) (Lian Hearne)
Gloriana or the unfulfilled Queen (Michael Moorcock)
Der Gottkaiser des Wüstenplaneten (God-Emperor of Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Grave Peril - The Dresden Files 3 (Jim Butcher)
Eine Hand voll Sterne (Rafik Schami)
Das Haus Atreides (Dune: House Atreides) (Brain Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Das Haus Harkonnen (Dune: House Harkonnen) (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Das Haus Corrino (Dune: House Corrino) (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Helena oder das Meer des Sommers (Julián Ayesta)
The Help (Kathryn Stockett)
Herr der Nacht (Night's master) (Tanith Lee)
Der Herr des Wüstenplaneten (Dune Messiah) (Frank Herbert)
Himmelssturz (Pushing Ice) (Alastair Reynolds)
The Hobbit (J.R.R. Tolkien)
House of Leaves (Mark Z. Danielewski)
How to write Science Fiction and Fantasy (Orson Scott Card)
Hüter der Pforten (Various Authors)
Hunters of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Die Hyperion-Gesänge (Hyperion / The Fall of Hyperion) (Dan Simmons)
Ilium (Dan Simmons)
Imperium (Robert Harris)
Imperium (Hans-Christian Huf)
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
Jennifer Goverment (Max Barry)
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (Susanne Clarke)
Die Ketzer des Wüstenplaneten (Heretics of Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Die Kinder des Wüstenplaneten (Children of Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Die Kriegsmeute (The Warhound & the World's Pain) (Michael Moorcock)
Die letzte Walstatt (The Power that preserves) (Stephan Donaldson)
The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Lustrum (Robert Harris)
The Lost - A Gaunt's Ghosts Ominbus (Dan Abnett)
The Madness of Priests (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle)
Magira - Jahrbuch zur Fantasy 2005 (Hermann Ritter, Michael Scheuch, editors)
The Man in the high castle (Philip K. Dick)
Maschinengeist (Chris Schlicht)
Matter (Iain M. Banks)
Meine Freunde die Roboter (Isaac Asimov)
Miss Brunners letztes Programm (The final Programme) (Michael Moorcock)
Necronomicon (H.P. Lovecraft)
Nemesis - Der Große Bruderkrieg 13 (Nemesis) (James Swallow)
The Neverending Story (Michael Ende)
Nollops Vermächtnis (Ella Minnow Pea)
Olympos (Dan Simmons)
On Writing (Stephen King)
Die Ordensburg des Wüstenplaneten (Chapterhouse Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Das Papierhaus (Carlos Maria Domínguez)
Paul of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Pawns of Chaos (Brian Craig)
Perdido Street Station (China Miéville)
Der Pfad im Schnee (Grass for his pillow) (Lian Hearn)
The Player of Games (Iain M. Banks)
Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
Principia Discordia
Die Rache der Rose (The Revenge of the Rose) (Michael Moorcock)
Revelation Space (Alastair Reynolds)
The Road to Dune (Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Der Runenstab (Michael Moorcock)
The Saint - A Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus (Dan Abnett)
Sandworms of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
The Scar (China Miéville)
Schuldig (Proven Guilty) - The Dresden Files 8 (Jim Butcher)
Das Schwert in der Stille (Across the Nightingale Floor) (Lian Hearn)
Das Science Fiction Jahr 2011 (Sascha Mamczak, Sebastian Pirling, Wolfgang Jeshke, Editors)
The Seven Deadlies (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Shakespeare (Bill Bryson)
Der siebte Kreis des Wissens (The Illearth War) (Stephan Donaldson)
The Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Spells & Chrome (John Helfers, editor)
Die Stadt des Ungeheuers (The City of the Beast) (Michael Moorcock)
Starship Troopers (Robert A. Heinlein)
The State of the Art (Iain M. Banks)
Storm Front - The Dresden Files 1 (Jim Butcher)
Summer Knight - The Dresden Files 4 (Jim Butcher)
Surface Detail (Iain M. Banks)
Tochter der Traumdiebe (The Dreamthief's Daughter) (Michael Moorcock)
Die Tochter des Kriegers (The Warlord's Legacy) (Ari Marmell)
Tote ohne Begräbnis (Jean-Paul Sartre)
Totenstadt (City of the Dead) (Rosemary Jones)
Unfinished Tales (J.R.R. Tolkien)
Use of Weapons (Iain M. Banks)
Verlorene Söhne - Der Große Bruderkrieg 12 (A Thousand Sons) (Graham McNeill)
The Wasp Factory (Iain Banks)
What Jane Austen ate and Charles Dickens knew (Daniel Pool)
Welsh walkes and legends (Showell Styles)
Welten und Zeit genug (Worlds enough and time) (Dan Simmons)
The Winds of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Winter Witch (Elaine Cunningham)
The Wounded King (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle)
The Wreakage of Paradise (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Writing Fiction for dummies (Randy Ingermanson & Peter Economy)
Der Wüstenplanet (Dune) (Frank Herbert)

August (16):
Der einsame Baum (The one tree) (Stephen Donaldson): being the second book of the second chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever. Covenant has taken to the Sea with Giants and Linden Avery in search of the one tree from which he wishes to shape a new staff of law with which to save the land. Reading this now
Fight Club (Chuck Palahniuk): Mischief. Mayhem. Soap. In Tyler we trust.
Für eine Handvoll Pfund - Geschichten von der Nightside 10 (The Good, the Bad, and the Uncanny) (Simon R. Green): Book ten in Green's series about the supernatural detective John Taylor, this tells the tale of how Walker, the face of law in the Nightisde, dies, and how John Taylor becomes his replacement. Review copy.
Götter und Kulte der Germanen (Rudolf Simek): An overview of the faiths of the germanic tribes. Reading this now.
Ketzerfürst - Der Große Bruderkrieg 14 (The first Heretic) (Aaron Dembski-Bowden): Yes, yet another Horus Heresy novel. Pretty interesting so far, to be honest. Reading this right now.
Living Wicca (Scott Cunningham): The companion and follow up volume to Wicca for beginners.
Robots and Empire (Isaac Asimov): The last of Asimovs Robot stories, and the bridge novel between the Robot Trilogy and the Galactic Empire trilogy. reading this now.
Snow Crash (Neal Stephenson): Okay, so there's this guy called Hiro Protagonist, freelance hacker and world's best swordfighter. And pizza deliverer for Cosa Nostra Pizza. And things just get weird from there. This book is the last of the cyberpunk novels, and probably one of the first postcyberpunk tales. Reading this now
Die Stahlhöhlen (Isaac Asimov): A weird compilation - the first two books of Asimov's Robot-Trilogy. Why they didn't collect all three of these rather good detective stories into one book, no idea...
Sturmnacht - Dresden Files 1 (Stormfront) - Jim Butcher: "But Alla," I hear you cry, "You already read this one!". And yes, I did, but this was a review copy Feder & Schwert sent me for Aktion Abenteuer
Das verwundete Land (The wounded land) (Stephen Donaldson): The first book in the the second chronicles of Thomas Covenant the unbeliever. Thomas Covenant is returned to the Land, but this time he's not alone - and this time, he might be the danger.
Und Nietzsche weinte (When Nietzsche wept) (Irvin D. Yalom): A semi-historical novel that has Nietzsche treating his doctor while his Doctor treats him. Not quite my kind of book, but the last in the package sternenwanderer sent me.
Weiße Nächte - Dresden Files 9 (White Night) (Jim Butcher): Once again a review copy from Feder & Schwert, their latest translation of one of JIm's books. There's been a series of suicides that aren't suicides, and somehow Harry's half-brother, the Vampire Thomas, might be involved...
Wicca - A guide for the solitary practitioner (Scott Cunningham): A very good introductionary book, I highly recommend it (As well as the otehr Cunningham book on this list and the Sabin book)
Wicca for beginners (Thea Sabin): You know, I've never advertised my faith, but then I've never made much of a secret of it, so sometimes it does come as a suprise when someone is suprised about this kind of book on my list...
Wolfsjagd - Dresden Files 2 (Fool Moon) (Jim Butcher): Another review copy from the early Dresden Files.

august, booklist 2012

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