Apr 30, 2012 22:40
End of the Month already? Seems like it's time once again to see what's moved from shelve A to shelve B...
2012 (62):
A morbid initiation (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle)
A Nomad of the Time Streams (Michael Moorcock)
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain)
Against a dark background (Iain M. Banks)
Der Amboss der Welt (The Anvil of the World) (Kage Baker)
Ashes and Angel Wings (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Bloody Scotland (Terry Deary)
Blut der Abtrünnigen - Der Große Bruderkrieg 11 (Tales of Heresy) (Nick Kyme & Lindsey Priestly, Editors)
Consider Phlebas (Iain M. Banks)
Cthulhu Geistergeschichten (H.P. Lovecraft)
The cut-throat Celts (Terry Deary)
Daemon World (Ben Counter)
Dark Imperium (Marc Gascoigne, Andy Jones, Editors)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson)
Drood (Dan Simmons)
Der Eiserne Rat (Iron Council)
Elric at the End of Time (Michael Moorcock)
Elric von Melniboné - Die Sage vom Ende der Zeit (Michael Moorcock)
Foucault's Pendulum (Umberto Eco)
The Founding - A Gaunt's Ghosts Ominbus (Dan Abnett)
Gloriana or the unfulfilled Queen (Michael Moorcock)
Der Gottkaiser des Wüstenplaneten (God-Emperor of Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Das Haus Atreides (Dune: House Atreides) (Brain Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Das Haus Harkonnen (Dune: House Harkonnen) (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Das Haus Corrino (Dune: House Corrino) (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Der Herr des Wüstenplaneten (Dune Messiah) (Frank Herbert)
How to write Science Fiction and Fantasy (Orson Scott Card)
Die Hyperion-Gesänge (Hyperion / The Fall of Hyperion) (Dan Simmons)
Ilium (Dan Simmons)
Imperium (Robert Harris)
Imperium (Hans-Christian Huf)
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
Jennifer Goverment (Max Barry)
Die Ketzer des Wüstenplaneten (Heretics of Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Die Kinder des Wüstenplaneten (Children of Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Die Kriegsmeute (The Warhound & the World's Pain) (Michael Moorcock)
Lustrum (Robert Harris)
The Lost - A Gaunt's Ghosts Ominbus (Dan Abnett)
The Madness of Priests (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle)
Maschinengeist (Chris Schlicht)
Die Ordensburg des Wüstenplaneten (Chapterhouse Dune) (Frank Herbert)
Paul of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Pawns of Chaos (Brian Craig)
Perdido Street Station (China Miéville)
The Player of Games (Iain M. Banks)
Die Rache der Rose (The Revenge of the Rose) (Michael Moorcock)
The Saint - A Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus (Dan Abnett)
The Scar (China Miéville)
The Seven Deadlies (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
The State of the Art (Iain M. Banks)
Tochter der Traumdiebe (The Dreamthief's Daughter) (Michael Moorcock)
Die Tochter des Kriegers (The Warlord's Legacy) (Ari Marmell)
Totenstadt (City of the Dead) (Rosemary Jones)
Use of Weapons (Iain M. Banks)
Verlorene Söhne - Der Große Bruderkrieg 12 (A Thousand Sons) (Graham McNeill)
What Jane Austen ate and Charles Dickens knew (Daniel Pool)
Welsh walkes and legends (Showell Styles)
Welten und Zeit genug (Worlds enough and time) (Dan Simmons)
The Winds of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
The Wounded King (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle)
The Wreakage of Paradise (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Der Wüstenplanet (Dune) (Frank Herbert)
April (22):
The Algebraist (Iain M. Banks): Another non-Culture novel, a story of a galactic civilization that has been ripped apart by the collapse of their wormhole network and an attack by a religious fanatic, and how that civilization might be saved by a reclusive species that is almost as old as the galaxy - if the can be made to cooperate. Reading this right now.
Die anderen Erden (The wreaks of time) (Michael Moorcock): I think I've remarked that it can be very difficult to get your hands on some things Moorcock wrote - this a good example. My copy if a old german science fiction magazine that I'd never heard of, and the story is also one I'd never heard of before.
The Beast Within (Stewart Wick, Edit.): A collection of short fiction set in the world of Vampire: the Masquerade. This was the reissue for the revised edition of the game, and while the old stories were still pretty good, the new ones for this edition were... very meh.
Behold the man (Michael Moorcock): On the surface this tale seems easy to describe - there is no Jesus Christ until a time-traveller falls into the role, but in reality it's more of a examination of the conections between religion and sexually "deviant" (And i use this word in the loosest meaning possible) tastes.
Das Cornelius Rezept (A cure for cancer) (Michael Moorcock): the second Jerry Cornelius novel.
The Dancers at the End of Time (Michael Moorcock): This is it, my favorite part of the Saga of the Eternal Champion. No monsters, no great doom, just a very strange love story throughout time. It also contains proof that "Behold the Man" is in fact part of the "Eternal Champion" saga. Reading this right now, and after this it's only two more books to go...
Eiszeit 4000 (The ice Schooner) (Michael Moorcock): Another old, old paperback I found digging though a fleemarket one day...
Excession (Iain M. Banks): A stellar artefact appears on the border of Culture Space, and it's older than the known universe. The Culture races to study it before a primive race can claim it and declair war on the Culture - but at the same time a group on Minds seem to be helping the primitives...
Feersum Endjiin (Iain M. Banks): A non-Culture novel, and the one book of his that to this day I just don't understand. And that's including the one where a third of the text is between the AIs or "Minds".
The Help (Kathryn Stockett): There's a film based on this novel set in "The South" of the USA in the 50s. Mother urged me to read this one - she bought it after seeing the film and loved it - but I wasn't much convinced, and gave up after about 100 pages.
The Hobbit (j.R.R. Tolkien): I still havn't seen any of the trailers, but then I only saw the trailers for LotR after I'd seen the films, and I intend to keep it that way.
Hunters of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson): the first part of their two part final to the Dune-Saga, and a bit... long-winded. I get the impression that if they'd cut the fluff they could have had it done in one book.
Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (Susanne Clarke): What can I say, I'm a sucker for regency era tales of magic and gentlemen...
The Lord of the Rings (J.R.R. Tolkien): I used to read this once a year. Reading it right now.
Miss Brunners letztes Programm (The final Programme) (Michael Moorcock): The first of the Jerry Cornelius stories. I think I might have a better chance of understanding what the hell was going on if I owned them all. And in english.
Necronomicon (H.P. Lovecraft): I got rid of my german collections of lovecraftian fiction and picked up this, the first of two parts of a wonderful collection containing all of H.P.'s work. Sadly, the black colour of the cover rubs off if you hold the book longer than two seconds.
The Neverending Story (Michael Ende): Confession time: despite the fact that the translation used in my copy of this book is at best atrocious, I've never read this book in the german original. Reading this right now.
Olympos (Dan Simmons): The stunning conclusion of Ilium (I still have to write that review). I could tell you how it all ends, but that wouldn't help you one little bit.
The Road to Dune (Frank Herbert, Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson): A collection of Dune material, including new short stories and the original novelle that became the monster that is Dune.
Sandworms of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson): Finally we're through with the expanded Dune-Saga. You know what theat means? Next stop: Arda!
The Silmarillion (J.R.R. Tolkien): I think I've mentioned before that this is my favorite of the "commonly read" writings of the Professor, but this time I was suprised how quickly I went through it this time.
Die Stadt des Ungeheuers (The City of the Beast) (Michael Moorcock): One of Moorcock's "Kane of Mars" stories, his hommage to Edgar Rice Burroughs.
booklist 2012