Booklist 2012 - March

Apr 01, 2012 03:11

Yes, me again. More bragging about books. Let's get on with it.

2012 (36):
Der Amboss der Welt (The Anvil of the World) (Kage Baker)
Ashes and Angel Wings (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Bloody Scotland (Terry Deary)
Blut der Abtrünnigen - Der Große Bruderkrieg 11 (Tales of Heresy) (Nick Kyme & Lindsey Priestly, Editors)
Consider Phlebas (Iain M. Banks)
The cut-throat Celts (Terry Deary)
Daemon World (Ben Counter)
Dark Imperium (Marc Gascoigne, Andy Jones, Editors)
Drood (Dan Simmons)
Der Eiserne Rat (Iron Council)
Elric von Melniboné - Die Sage vom Ende der Zeit (Michael Moorcock)
Foucault's Pendulum (Umberto Eco)
The Founding - A Gaunt's Ghosts Ominbus (Dan Abnett
Das Haus Atreides (Dune: House Atreides) (Brain Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Das Haus Harkonnen (Dune: House Harkonnen) (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Das Haus Corrino (Dune: House Corrino) (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Der Herr des Wüstenplaneten (Dune Messiah) (Frank Herbert)
Die Hyperion-Gesänge (Hyperion / The Fall of Hyperion) (Dan Simmons)
Imperium (Robert Harris)
Imperium (Hans-Christian Huf)
Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
Jennifer Goverment (Max Barry)
Lustrum (Robert Harris)
The Lost - A Gaunt's Ghosts Ominbus (Dan Abnett)
Paul of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson)
Pawns of Chaos (Brian Craig)
Perdido Street Station (China Miéville)
The Saint - A Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibus (Dan Abnett)
The Scar (China Miéville)
The Seven Deadlies (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Die Tochter des Kriegers (The Warlord's Legacy) (Ari Marmell)
Verlorene Söhne - Der Große Bruderkrieg 12 (A Thousand Sons) (Graham McNeill)
What Jane Austen ate and Charles Dickens knew (Daniel Pool)
Welsh walkes and legends (Showell Styles)
The Wreakage of Paradise (Trilogy of the Fallen) (Greg Stolze)
Der Wüstenplanet (Dune) (Frank Herbert)

March (26):
A morbid initiation (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle): The first part of the trilogy to Victorian Age Vampire, on of the last settings for the old World of Darkness. It's a slow read, and rather dry, but the trilogy as such does manage to give the reader a feel for what it means to become first a plaything, then a ghoul, then one of the kindred.
A Nomad of the Time Streams (Michael Moorcock): The Oswald Bastable stories, almost my favorite Eternal Champion Stories. An english Soldier from 1900 gets unstuck in time and sees different futures and the ends of the world.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Mark Twain): Another classic - actually, one of the first books I ever read cover to cover.
Against a dark background (Iain M. Banks):  Not a Culture novel this time, a SF Novel featuring the Hunt for a strange Weapon on a World of ten thousand years of history that repeats itself.
Cthulhu Geistergeschichten (H.P. Lovecraft): A collection of tales by that master of the weird fiction.The only problem with the german collections is that certain stories keep on cropping up. Mind you, I am a great Lovecraft-Fan.
Gloriana or the unfulfilled Queen (Michael Moorcock): Moorcock's elizaethian tale of chaos, madness and the most glorious queen of them all.
Ilium (Dan Simmons): So, imagine the war for Troy, but observed by scolars from the 21st century. A empty world populated by posthuman Eloi. Cybernetic organisms quoting Shakespear. And this is one single tale.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Robert Louis Stevenson): Okay, hands up who hasn't heard of this novella. A gothic tale of a scientist's attempt to get rid of his worst traits, only to enhance them beyond control.
Die Ketzer des Wüstenplaneten (Heretics of Dune) (Frank Herbert): So, this is it, the Golden Path, the return from the scattering, and the Honored Matres
Die Kriegsmeute (The Warhound & the World's Pain) (Michael Moorcock): One of the rare tales that are hard to pick up. A Story of how a man makes a deal with the devil to reclaim his soul.
Elric at the End of Time (Michael Moorcock): A collection of short fiction, including the title story, by one of my favorite fanatasy authors.
Der Gottkaiser des Wüstenplaneten (God-Emperor of Dune) (Frank Herbert): This is the part where Dune bcomes interesting for me. Leto II, the Golden Path and what will become the scattering.
How to write Science Fiction and Fantasy (Orson Scott Card): Think of Card what you will (I find him... disturbed, and his fiction not to my taste), but his advice on writing is solid. Very much a recommendation
Die Kinder des Wüstenplaneten (Children of Dune) (Frank Herbert): The final book of the "original trilogy" - and for me the beginning of the interesting part of the storyline. While I like the whole Muad'dib story and the discussion of whether seeing the future creates it, but I prefer the story of Leto II. and the Golden Path.
The Madness of Priests (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle): The second novel of the trilogy
Maschinengeist (Chris Schlicht): A recently released german steampunk novel that I was sent as a review copy. Starts off slightly  slow, but I do recommend it.
Die Ordensburg des Wüstenplaneten (Chapterhouse Dune) (Frank Herbert): Still reading this now - the sixth and last of the original Dune novels. This means I have only three more books to go, then it's off to Middle-Earth
The Player of Games (Iain M. Banks): Once again a novel from my favorite socialist space utopia. One of the best Game-Players of the Culture is sent to play a Game that can topple an Empire - if it doesn't topple him first.
Die Rache der Rose (The Revenge of the Rose) (Michael Moorcock): Yet another Elric novel. Sadly, however, the later Novels are nowhere as facinating as the originals.
The State of the Art (Iain M. Banks): Another collection of short fiction (Anyone noticing a theme?), this time mostly set in the Culture - including an observation mission to Earth in the late 70s...
Tochter der Traumdiebe (The Dreamthief's Daughter) (Michael Moorcock): The latest of the Elric novels, at least as far as I know. Not as bad as the other one.
Totenstadt (City of the Dead) (Rosemary Jones): A Forgotten Realms novel, if that says anything to you. Normally I'm not very kind to gaming ficiton, but this novel was pretty good, even if you don't know much about the world. This was a review copy.
Use of Weapons (Iain M. Banks): You can never read this book for a second time. After you've read this book, you'll have a book with the same title, but it will never be the same book again. The tale of a mercenary who does the dirty work that the Culture needs done, but will not. Even the moral high ground needs dirty work done.
Welten und Zeit genug (Worlds enough and time) (Dan Simmons): A collection of short stories by one of those rare authors who can mix genres without problems. Included here are both a continuation of Hyperion and the germ of Ilium...
The Winds of Dune (Brian Herbert & Kevin J. Anderson): Like Paul of Dune last month this is a "filler novel" that fixes some of the holes in between their books and Frank Herberts.
The Wounded King (Victorian Age Vampire) (Philippe Boulle): The final part of the trilogy

So, anything here anyone wants reviewed?

march, booklist 2012

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