Dec 19, 2005 17:39
Josh, our IT guy just buzzed me on the intercom. "You better sit down for this."
He informed me that he did everything he could be he was unable to revive my Mac. The hard drive just konked out. My response, "Can I see it?" So, I walked back to the IT department and saw my dead computer.
I might try to take it to the Apple Store and Clarendon and see if the guys at the Genius Bar have any luck with recovering any of my files from the old machine. But I'm realizing that it's probably all gone. I don't think there were any REALLY important files... I mean, I had my Quicken on there and a few other things, but nothing life-dependent. I will just have to pick up and move. Luckily, I have my music and photos! THANK GOD!
And now I know that I must back up! It only takes one tragedy to make me learn.
If you don't back up your computer, START NOW!! Seriously! Get an external drive (they are so cheap) and back that shit up.
Now, I have two options. I can buy a new G5 computer, which I've been wanting to do. Or, I can replace the hard drive ($60-90). And also buy a new "superdrive" (one thing I really want for all my movie burning). That's another $60. So, I could spend about $150 and get these two new drives and be set for a while. The IT guys tell me that I have a good machine and it might be worth the "heart and brain transplant."
Plus, I just found out that Apple is going to start making machines with Intel chips rather than IBM chips.... so, another "revolution" is on the horizon. I imagine in another year or so, the new Intel machines will be out and I'll be mad that I didn't wait and buy one of those.... So, I'm leaning towards fixing the old gal and keeping her for another year or so...... It's probably smarter than droppin' a couple 'thou' on a new G5....