Oh lord help me.

Jul 09, 2012 11:16

Where to begin!

Mark reenlisted. And we got stationed in north Carolina, camp lejeune. Before we left California we found out we are pregnant again. As of today, I am 9 weeks and a few days. Things are going routinely, I am taking vaginal progesterone to keep this pregnancy afloat. Getting my tricare transferred from California to here.... has been a nightmare! !!!

They set me up with a pcm, that pcm has to do proof of pregnancy and them get me a referral to an obgyn. Well the pcm they assigned me to doesn't have any appointments until September. What the fuck right. So I told them I cannot wait that long. I'll be well out of my progesterone by then and that is not okay to not get any prenatal care whatsoever until im well into my 2nd trimester. Ugh.

So Saturday I was having cramping with no bleeding but went in anyway to the Er on base here. They didn't do an ultrasound or a pelvic but they did get me a referral to obgyn so hopefully by Wednesday I will be able to make an appointment. Fingers crossed. Im almost 10 weeks... I need an ultrasound to make sure everything is growing the way its supposed to.

Anyway, when arriving here, we realized our Realtor was a big liar with a lot of things. For example, she said the builder sprayed for ants, and other bugs and that we wont have to do it for a while. Well... after days of being invested with ants in literally every room all the time he never sprayed for ants and now we have to pay out of pocket for someone to come out and spray.

We were also supposed to have a shower door in our bathroom and its been over two weeks since they ordered the door and yet still no shower door. This house had little to no light bulbs in any of the fixtures, no mailbox because our realtor said we had to buy our own, so we did and we then we informed that the builder would have put one in for no charge if we would have liked.....

So all this stress.. god. And then on top of it I ran into Taylor at the naval hospital last week. Fuck. Out of all places and all people...

Tamara hardly talks to me. She's asked me to babysit already and for money, but wont even see me. It's a let down. Im so fucking lonely I can barely stand it. Im depressed majorly. Not that anyone here cares, they just go on about their lives, including my own husband who seems to have a fucking filter when it comes to me. Sigh.

As we've been going through boxes there's been a few things we bought the last time we were pregnant. I keep them in the boxes and push them to the back of the pile. I guess I don't want to unload anything just in case. Why go through that pain again yanno. I wont even buy anything baby related. Or talk about the due date or when people should fly out. Nothing. Let's wait until the baby is poking its head out of my vagina, and then I'll call everyone to come out. Man, im not even going to get a baby shower or anything where people fuss over me or buy us cute things or anything. Its gonna just be another day in everyones life. When its such a miracle in mine.
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