Things I find interesting that are of no consequence whatsoever.

Sep 02, 2009 17:47

Olivia Wilde plays Dr. Remy Hadley, a.k.a. Thirteen on the television show House, M.D. She was born on March 10, 1984, Which makes her 25 years old. She first appeared on the show in 2007, when she was 23. Now here's where things start to get muddled. In House, everything medically related is somewhat fictitious. There is no department of diagnostic medicine in real life. However, in one episode, I do remember someone mentioning that Dr. Greg House runs a fellowship. You do your fellowship after residency. Assuming that Thirteen did her residency in internal medicine, let's do some math:

Age of Graduation from High School:          18
Years Spent as an Undergrad:                   4
Years Spent in Medical School:                  4
Residency (Minimum):                             _3_
Total:                                                   29

That's assuming a three year residency, which is the minimum. Depending on specialties and whatnot, I believe a residency in internal medicine could take even longer. In fact, with consideration to how prestigious House's fictitious fellowship is, I'm sure that 29 is probably on the lower end of the spectrum.

But for now, let's take that number and compare it to real life. Olivia Wilde was 23 when she started the fellowship, when at the very minimum she should be 29. That means she was six years ahead of the class, which means she graduated from high school at the age of 12 in order for everything to make sense mathematically.

Why do I bring this up? Perhaps I'm thinking of the constant pressure on women to not only be accomplished, but also to look incredibly young and beautiful at the same time. It's kind of crazy when you think about it, especially when you compare her age to the age of her male coworkers, Kal Penn (currently 32), Omar Epps (currently 36), and Peter Jacobson (currently 44, and son of the local Chicago news anchor Walter Jacobson!).

But it's more likely that all of this falls under the category of things I find interesting but are of no consequence whatsoever.


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