Unasked for advice

Sep 18, 2009 16:15

Who: W'ton and T'rev
Where: T'rev's weyr
When: After lunch on day 15, month 10, turn 20
What: T'rev and W'ton talk. No one gets hit.
I am meh about this scene. I'm totally out of Win headspace, but hey! Have to start again somewhere.

It's a quiet, polite request that goes from Mecaith to Dasarth: << Good day Dasarth, please let yours know that T'rev would like to speak with him in his weyr after the lunch hour if he's available. >> And should W'ton accept, T'rev will be found not at work on hides but sitting on the couch with drinks poured and leaning back a little into pillows. Apparently that cracked rib is a bitch.

Despite Dasarth's continued sulking he's still stickler enough for hierarchy that when the request comes he passes it along and informs W'ton he will be going. So whatever plans he might have had after lunch the wingrider appears at the given hour. If W'ton's unhappy or annoyed or just pissed off at the summons none of it is visible in his expression or movements. For now surely. Since he was expected he just steps on in. "Afternoon, sir," is the greeting given to the weyrleader and his cracked rib.

"Hey Win," T'rev says with a half grin. "C'mon in and have a seat. Drink if you like." A gesture to the glasses. "Port," he says about what's in the glasses. "If you'd rather there's water, juice, wine or ... whiskey," the Weyrleader's grin turns a little wry there and he pushes a little more upright. "So. Seems like things are goin' a little rought right now, hm?"

"Thanks," gets said in reply to the seat offer. W'ton finds himself a place to plant his butt and does so. Then he spends a second flicking a bit of lint from a pants leg. "Ah, I'm fine right now thanks." In response finally to the drink offer. It's a quicker answer than the one about how things are going. Finally he shrugs his shoulders. "Not going so bad as all that. Certainly not going so bad as you've got it I think." At least he's not injured!

"Sure," T'rev says and reaches for his glass, leans back again, only wincing a very little bit. "Body'll heal up pretty quickly," the Weyrleader says with a tiny movement of one shoulder. "Just a question of time. Heart can be a tricker matter though," he continues and takes a long draught from that glass.

"Still a bitch while it's mending," W'ton points out and arranges his hands in his lap after brushing at something on his sleeve. There's not even a raised brow when the conversation seems to get where it was meant to be going. "Not sure I understand you, sir. Is something wrong?" With him. Because clearly things are just spiffy with the younger bronzerider. Spiffy. Completely.

Sometimes, cutting to the chase is a good idea. That or T'rev's hopped up enough on painkillers to have less patience than usual. "Hattie," he says simply. "You're not speaking to her."

W'ton's expression changes just a little bit. Eyes narrow a fraction as he almost frowns. It's a there and then gone expression unhidden by any looking away or fidgeting. "She's busy. I'm busy. Sometimes there's no way to make time for talking. It's a sad fact, but you know how she works herself so hard." He might have said 'too hard' but that would not give him an excuse. So even though he's said those very words in the past today he uses different ones.

T'rev just looks at W'ton steadily and then says quietly. "This has nothing to do with being busy, Win." He takes a breath and another drink. "You've lived in a Weyr a long time ... why is the outcome of that flight bothering you so much?"

One hand lifts to rub his palm across his scalp as W'ton listens to what's being said. When T'rev finishes speaking there's a bark of laughter followed by a more somber expression and a shrug. "It's a stupid question to ask I'm thinking. I don't see a reason to answer it. I'll just say here, sir, that don't go assuming you know what's going on like you have in the past. There's more to it than you are thinking I can see."

"Not really," T'rev says with a shake of his head. "No such thing as a dumb question, especially when there's two people walkin' around hurt." The Weyrleader lifts a hand to rub through his hair. "Just y'know, offering an opportunity, to get things off your chest if you need to. See if that helps work things out."
"I appreciate your willingness to talk about it, sir, but there's nothing to say." W'ton's head shakes as he smiles politely. The teeny strain at the edges of his smile are barely noticeable. "I am not hurt by anything. I am fine as is my heart. Nothing broken in need of fixing here." One hand rises this time to tap fingers against his chest over his heart. "All in working order."

T'rev is quiet for a moment or two, blows out a breath. "I'm sorry Win, I just -- I don't quite believe that it is all fine if you won't talk to her." Pause. "I just -- I hope it's not going to be like this every time Elaruth goes up and Dasarth doesn't catch. This is only her first flight, she's got a lifetime of them coming and while he might catch her sometimes, he might not others and ... he might /never/. I know you've got an eye on leadin' someday. I just -- I think it'd be a good idea if you find it in yourself to handle this all better." Breath out. "I hope you can get it all sorted out, I really do, because right now, I'm seeing it possibly affecting the Weyr because it affects Hattie and her duties. And that's the only reason why I'm poking my nose into something that is otherwise just plain between the two of you. That's all I got to say, won't bother you about this again unless I see it startin' to be a problem for the Weyr."

It's time for deep breathing and not the good kind. W'ton's eyes shift away from the weyrleader to stare vacantly off at the wall. "Like I said. She's been busy. It's not like she doesn't know where to find me in the evening. It's not like I've got rocks up over my weyr with a big old sign saying 'keep out' or anything like that." Which is technically true! If she's not blocked hers off either that's clearly no nevermind here. "I don't need anyone nursemaiding me." His eyes slide back to the weyrleader and his expression says it all so he doesn't bother. The last person he wants interfering is this man. "I don't see any reason to put him through trouble and pain. She's made her choice and it's not like she wasn't making mushy eyes around before that. I know people are happy to think he's a right bastard and all, but he got hurt and ain't it a dragonrider's duty to see to their dragon first? Dasarth doesn't need to see Elaruth with Mikhuth any more than he needed to notice how much time she seemed to want to be around Mecaith. It was made plain as day to me it wasn't fair to expect any considerations and that's fine. I listened fine in lessons. I expected we might not like the outcome. But he got hurt and until I know he won't just get hurt all over again I don't see any reason to push it. Hattie herself said their wants come first. Well, right now that's what I am doing."

There goes T'rev taking another long drink from his glass. "Do I really need to point out again, that Elaruth's choices don't have anything to do with Hattie's? Or that you talking to your weyrmate is a completely separate issue from any hurt Dasarth might feel? You got two feet, Win. Her ledge is right next door. Don't need Dasarth for that, or to put him through anything to stick your head and explain what's up" the Weyrleader says with a shrug. "I'm not going to say anything else about all this," he concludes, "because it's not my business unless it's affecting people's ability to their jobs. So. That's it. That's all. Thanks for comin' down." Pause. "And I really do hope that you and Dasarth can work this out sooner rather than later."

"Always pleased as punch to get advice from you, sir," W'ton says as he stands up. "Hope you get to feeling better, sir." Since he's been dismissed there's a salute and an exit. Followed not to long after by W'ton and Dasarth heading off away from the Weyr.

If that quip hit home, T'rev doesn't show it. He just nods and tries a smile for the other bronzerider. "Thanks," he says simply about the get better wish and returns that salute, but doesn't rise to see W'ton out. He drains the rest of his glass and reaches for Win's untouched one, then lies back on the couch and closes his eyes for a few minutes, forces himself to take a couple of deep, full breaths and grimaces. "Damn rib," he mutters to himself and dozes off for a little while.

t'rev, ~w'ton

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