Girls go shopping

Jul 06, 2009 22:15

Who: Javeri and Suizen
Where: Skinner's market
When: After dinner on day 17, month 2, turn 20
What: Veri and Sooz go shopping and buy hats. Then they laugh over a wood sculpture that looks like something it shouldn't and then the man at the stall makes the wrong assumption. They almost buy Paddy and Mic a present though!

Dinner's not been over that long and the sun hangs down low in the sky. People are out and about and noise carries from all the places they're gathered. Despite being busy through dinner Javeri still made it to the plateau and the market area when she said she'd be there. She stands waiting for Suizen to arrive and looking at the other people heading to spend their marks as well.

Suizen makes her way at a slight clip, the day having been long enough that the slight clip is only slightly faster than a meandering. "Sorry I'm late, hon. Had laundry today. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate the chore rotation?" she asks, with a bit of a grin, once she's close enough to fall into step.

"Sooz!" The bluerider grins and waves. "It's ok. I haven't been here long. Chadamalith wanted a bath and then I had to go change. So, don't worry about it!" Javeri laughs and looks sympathetic for a moment. "Sorry about the chores. I know it's horrid. I'm glad I don't have to go through it again! But maybe we'll find something nice to take your mind off it."

Suizen shakes her head, then grins. "Well, at least I know how to do all of it this time 'round. Last time was a pain, in more ways than one..." she admits, before looking about. "Haven't done too much wandering 'bout here. Any suggestions on where to start?"

"Well, shoot though. I was going to see about getting a stall here for you to sell your stuff, but I guess it's good I didn't do it now." Gesturing to her left Javeri grins. "I figured you could sell your pots. And I could sell some stuff too. Oh, well! If you impress it'll be ages before getting to do that. I missed working with clay in the barracks. But I don't know what's here right now. I haven't been in a seven or so."

"A stall...? That could be interestin'. I'd have to keep an eye on my temper though. Probably wouldn't be sellin' much if I started to chuck m'wares at folks askin' stupid questions..." she admits, before shaking her head and grinning. "Well, this gives us both some time to work on odds an' ends, and build up a stock, right?"

"Exactly! And to work a deal with Skinner." Javeri wrinkles her nose, but looks more amused than annoyed. "He's such a kid. Anyway I think we could do pretty well. And no throwing things exactly so!" One hand pokes the candidate's side as she gestures to a stall. "Look! Hats!" Hats. Not that she wears hats, but hey! Hats! Who can resist straw hats and all?

"I bet one of those would come in later... I bet there's compostin' duty again, like last time... Skinner's organizin' all this, or some such?" Sooz asks, before hming, "Ribbon? On a hat? That seems a bit frilly..." she comments, in response to one bedecked specimen.

Looking over the hats Javeri nods her head. "Yea. He runs the whole thing. Rents out the stalls and so on." She picks up a blue hat and puts it on before frowning. "No, not blue." The hat is put up and she looks at the one with the ribbon. "Yea, I don't think that's a good one. Oh, look! That one has flowers. Are they real?"

Suizen says, "They can't last very long, if they are...." as she reaches over to run fingers over them. "Some sort of cloth, I think. Think they'd last long outside?"

Javeri looks disappointed when they're not real and frowns. "Drat. I hate fake flowers. I was hoping for real ones. I guess I could tug them out. Oh, look at that one! It's red!" As if that's hard to miss. The red is pretty bright with a yellow band around it. "It's great!" But it's out of reach so she has to try to get the stall attendant's eye to let her see it.

"Well, all of them are woven, so I bet you could be puttin' your own flowers in...." Sooz points out, before waving at the stall attendant to 'look this way'. "Then, you could be coordinatin', or some such, with everyday outfits."

"Do you think that'd be too much?" Javeri frowns and then waits for the stall attendant to come over so she can gesture to the red hat. "I want to try that one, please." Looking at Suizen she asks, "What about you? Do you want a hat? Hmm. I wonder if the red is a good idea..."

Suizen tilts her head and considers for a moment, before nodding, "I think you'd be doin' well in red. I, on the other hand, would be lookin' rather ghastly. Probably rather plain, however, as I think I'd be wearin' it for outside chores an' the like. An' maybe swattin' at things."

The red hat comes down and Javeri takes it to try on. She tugs it down and lifts the floppy brim up some before grinning. "So? What do you think? We could get fresh flowers every morning." The stall attendant doesn't really say anything but stands by ready to offer a price. "How about that one?" The bluerider points to a yellow and blue hat in a check pattern. "That's impressive looking. And has a wide brim."

"Yellow and blue? Hm... that would probably be bein' useful, come crowded chores-time, an' when I'm out an' about. Folks could see me from a mile away.." she teases, before taking up the hat and trying it on herself, tilting it forward on the left side.

"Hey! I think it looks pretty!" The stall attendant nods her head. It's so pretty. Pretty and a sale! Javeri takes off her red hat and turns it over in her hands to study it. Like she has any clue about weaving hats so would know if it's any good. "But if you don't like it get something else. My treat. For getting you into chores again."

Suizen chuckles, "Yellow an' blue should work just fine, hon. It'll be a nice change from m'usual mud-splattered. Though, see?" she shows off one leg. "Found my clothes from last go-round, so Fayre doesn't get upset at my usual garb." Of course, it still isn't perfect, but it isn't stained, and that's a huge plus.

"We could go to weaver and get you some new clothes," Javeri teases with a laugh. "I was going to take Nenita, but it looks like she's busy with chores too. I lost a cook. I need to find a replacement fast." Groaning she takes off her hat and sighs. "Now I'm depressed thinking about being shorthanded, dammitall."

"No! No clothes. I /hate/ looking for new clothes, an' all my stuff fits me still. I got this, my usual wear, and some nice party-wear. No more clothin'. As for Nenita... hm... Get Andy to take her place?" Sooz suggests, with a bit of a grin.

Sliding a hand into a pocket Javeri pulls out her marks and begins to haggle for the hats. It doesn't take long before a price is agreed upon and she's grinning at Sooz. "Onward! Ohh. I outrank you now!" With a wicked grin she pokes the candidate in the arm. "Oh, the possibilities! And I don't think so. No, I'll see if maybe my friend from the Hold can pick up some extra shifts."

Suizen groans, as she puts on the straw hat, and then reaches out to flick Javeri's. "You gonna be pullin' rank then? What, am I to be feedin' you redfruit, while makin' sure your cup is always full?"

"Ohhh! There's an idea! Will you rub my feet and fan with a palm leaf?" Javeri asks around a laugh and nearly runs into a grumpy looking man who glowers at the both of them. "Oops. Sorry!" Not that she sounds too sorry with her still laughing and all. "Come on! Let's see what's over there!"

Suizen snickers, "I don't do feet. Sorry. Never know where.. sorry, sir.. where they've be... what's over here?" comes the jumbled words as Sooz follows about.

"In clay and you know it," Javeri answers with a snicker as she finds a stall selling wooden sculptures of varying degrees of craftsmanship. "Oh, my," she says with a giggle. "That one." In a whisper she says while nudging the candidate, "Does that look know what? Or is it just because it's been too long." Clearly it's not meant to be phallic, but the...tree, maybe, is definitely not looking like a tree or whatever it's meant to be. It's all the bluerider can do not to laugh out loud.

Suizen tilts her head at it, then snickers. "Yes, it rather does. Why, are you wantin' it?" she asks, brows going up and down as is, alas, often her wont.

Clapping a hand over her mouth Javeri can't conceal the giggles that come. "Oh, shells. Oh, no! No, no, no! You know I can't add stuff to my weyr. But maybe I can get it for you for a weyrwarming gift. Or when you get your own room." But she'd rather think of the former! "Oh, no. I can't...shells! He's coming over here!" She tries to stop laughing before the stall owner comes to chat.

Suizen snickers, badly, then looks up as the stall owner comes over, "Ah, yes - we are... looking for a present for a friend of ours. A brownrider, and an expert of ales, an' the like..." she explains, aka, lying through her teeth.

Perfect! Javeri gives Sooz an approving look. "Yes! For the weyr he shares with his weyrmate. Something amazing!" The stall owner preens and looks at the two women. "I have many lovely things here. What sort of item do you wish to find?" Since she started it the bluerider allows the candidate to answer. Although she does snicker quietly.

Suizen gets a caught-in-the-dragon's-maw look for a moment, then hms. "They have a very nice set of crockery, perhaps something to accent that? His weyrmate is a greenrider, and there are often children 'bout.." she expands.

"Ahh. Children, yes. Nothing spiky and the like then." The craftsman looks and then grins. "Aha! I've just the thing." He heads towards the back of the stall where he rummages. When he comes back he's got a moderately sized piece that's all swirls and loops. "Found this on the beach a couple turns ago and carved it." It's just a sort of free form sculpture, but he sets it on the counter on it's side. "And you see? If you lay it like this you could display a couple of plates or the like."

Suizen tilts her head one way, then the other, before hmming. "That'd probably work as well as naught. What do you think, Jav? Think Paddy an' Mic would like that?" Apparently, it's gone from a lie to an honest consideration.

The stall keeper looks eager for them to decide, but doesn't say anything. "It would be a lovely gift." Other than that. But he /has/ to say that! Javeri looks at it and considers before nodding slowly. "Well, it might be nice. I don't know..." She looks at Sooz and asks, "Do you think they'd like it? I wonder what they would display on it if anything."

Suizen hms, and scratches at her nose. "Well, if any of the children bring somethin', they might display that.... Does Mic make anythin'?" She has, after all, had rather less to do with him, than his mate.

There is the problem though because Veri has little to do with Mic either. Not because she avoids him, but they don't run into each other as much. "I don't know. I don't think so. Other than people happy?" She grins as she says that and then laughs loudly. "It's pretty though and it doesn't really need to fit in with anything you know? It's pretty." But she doesn't sound sure because then the seller would have the upper hand.

Suizen gnaws on her lip for a moment, then grins and shakes her head at Javeri. "Let's sleep on it, eh? Maybe find Palia on the morrow, an' see if she has any suggestions?" Hey, a way out from actually having to buy anything, /and/ they can snicker about the 'tree' later. And maybe go over prezzie-ideas.

When the sale doesn't look to be happening the woodcaver looks disappointed. "It's a beautiful piece. I can't promise it'll be here tomorrow." Then he looks at Javeri and Suizen with a knowing grin. "But you two sleep on it and come back tomorrow. I'll hold it til after dinner, but I can't promise more than that. How could I resist such an adorable couple." Well, Sooz was the one who phrased it that way and he's a Weyr so of course he assumes! Veri looks away and tries not to laugh. "Asking Palia sounds good. She's got a surfing lesson tomorrow anyway. I can bring her up."

Suizen just... blinks at the woodcarver for a moment, then turns a darker tan, and opens her mouth. But what can she really say? That's right - nothing. "Ah... you do that. We've a girl to go find.... bye!" And then to confirm matters, no doubt, Sooz grabs Javeri's wrist, and off they go.

It's hard to run away when you're laughing this hard. Javeri trips twice and nearly tumbles to the ground. The woodcarver watches them go and shakes his head. He leaves the piece they were looking at on the counter though so there's no guarantee it'll be there tomorrow. "Sooz!" she gets out when they're far enough away. Tugging her hand back she collapses onto the ground to laugh harder.

Suizen collapses next to the rider, and wheezes for a couple of minutes, before she starts to snicker. And wheeze. The two together, do /not/ go well.

There's no talking for now because she's laughing too hard, but eventually Javeri gets herself somewhat under control. "Oh, sorry. Sorry that was just too funny." Shaking her head she adjusts her hat and grins. "Awesome job though. Now everyone here is going to, you're lucky you're a candidate." Leaning closer she adds, "Because otherwise I'd kiss you right here and prove them right." But what she does do is stand up and offer the candidate her hand. "Come on, Sooz candidate. It's time to escort you back to the Weyr. They might have snuck in a few last minute chores for you!"

Suizen groans, "No tryin' to give me bad luck..." as she gets to her feet, and turns back towards the weyr. Snickers break out every now and then, but it's not 'til they move off, that she waits to toss over her shoulder, prior to ducking into the candidate's barracks, "Hey, they never said I couldn't be kissin' on occasion. Just can't be doin' anythin' else!" And then she's out of sight.

**search09, ~javeri, suizen

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