Suizen agrees again.

Jul 05, 2009 22:35

Who: Javeri, Piper, Suizen, and a bugged Chadamalith
Where: The beach
When: Nighttime on day 14, month 2, turn 20
What: Three women are out on the beach for three different reasons. Chadamalith, once they're together, decides to come along for the party and search Sooz while he's at it.
A few short lines of Chad stuffs added.

It's nighttime. It's quiet. It's a lovely spring time on the beach. Clouds pass occasionally by overhead dimming the light, but that's never a problem for those used to wandering about in the dark down here. Despite it being the perfect sort of night to be out walking with someone Javeri's out alone. And not so much walking as standing still. And not so much still as absently digging holes in the sand with her toes while she stares at the ocean.

And alas, the beach is not so empty as it could be. Seeming to have the same idea as Javeri, Sooz has made her way down to the beach alone, as well. However, there is no hole-digging for her. For some reason, she's toting along a bucket, rather loaded, given the slow swing to it.

Piper's been at the beach for a while now. Long enough to have lost track of time. And long enough for a crisscross tan line to appear on her back, should she wear something revealing tomorrow. She can be seen as a small figure working her way up the beach, wading in the surf and bending down here and there. She sees the people in the distance, but continues at her lazy pace.

Well, it's not like Javeri's ever truly alone anyway. So someone wandering by is not likely to be interrupting anything solitary. There being no such thing. The bluerider shuffles forward just a bit and then back. Then back some more. Eventually when she seems secure in being out of the way of any incoming tide she drops down to sit in the sand. Without looking away from the ocean she calls out, when the potter gets close enough to hear, "Hello, Sooz."

"Hiya, Java... Chad lurkin' about, or have you grown extra eyes?" Suizen asks, a bit curious, before going to plop near the bluerider, putting the bucket down between the two of them. There is a glance along the beachline, Piper down the way noted if not acted upon, before she sticks her hand in, and pulls out a bit of gooey clay-mud, to roll around in her hands. "Whatcha doin'?"

An unfamiliar voice can be heard, but the words are unclear. Makes no difference to Piper, she moves closer. No more bending down for sealife. And now close enough to see the profile of....Javeri? She leans forward and squints a little, as though that will help her eyesight. The voice must've come from the other woman. She makes a beeline for the two, towing a dripping bag over her shoulder.
"Always lurking," Javeri answers with a laugh. "Well, except when he's not. He's got this green on his mind, but I think he's getting bored of her. They were swimming." Pausing the bluerider stares out at the water and then nods. "Yea. She was being too nice. What a dork." Her blue, clearly. "What're you doing?" Other than playing with clay. She can see that so amends with, "Hauling that around at night." Between staring at the ocean and the clay, and it being night and all, she hasn't made notice yet of anyone else she knows.

There's a bit of a laugh, then a shrug. "Wanted to roll some beads, figured I could do that just as well there, as out here, an' out here's prettier. He's... bored of her 'cause she's nice? I think I'm havin' to agree with you there, hon.." Sooz comments after a moment's thought, and a couple of pinches taken from her handful to make small oval pellets.

Piper is now close enough to make out Javeri's face. Especially, since she swung away from the tide to make sure it was who she thought. A little lean and yup. "Hey Javeri." She offers a toothless grin. Not meaning to intrude, but not wanting to walk by without saying hello at least. "Man, wrong time to catch you at the beach." You know, the darkness and lack of anything/one to observe. She swings her bag down with one arm and gives another toothless grin. This time for the other girl. "Hey." So articulate.

How can she resist clay? Without even asking permission Javeri grabs a little more than a hand full. It's going to be on big bead. Or something else. "He's only really interested in the ones who won't give him the time of day. They start to pay attention and he goes off. It's why he's never gotten along super well with Aath and Yyth only annoyed him." Shaking her head she grins when out in the water the male in question erupts from the ocean and heads for the beach. "Show off." But then someone else is talking so her head turns and she smiles at Piper. "Hello, Piper. This is Sooz, my best friend. Sooz, this is Piper who got here not too long along. And there's plenty to look at. The stars, the ocean, the sand." Just not guys, true.

"Heyla; out enjoyin' the surf? One of the best times for it. A bit later can be better, but only if the company's right..." Sooz offers, with a bit of a grin, before grinning at Javeri's handful. "I know. You should be makin' a bell, with a clanker. Then we can be stringin' it 'round Chad's neck. Let everyone know when he's comin' over..." she teases, before adding to Piper, "'m a potter, in case the clay didn't give it away."

"Well, I meant there's nobody surfing." Gender of those /body/s not specified. "What are you two doing in the dirt." No dig towards potters choice of medium of course, her crooked smile should show that. "Are you making something special?" She crouches down, leaning on her thighs to get a closer look. Pointing at Suizen's handful, "That looks interesting. Oh, it's nice to meet you too." Too much sun on the brain.

"Oh, no. Surfing's going on other side of the island tonight. Some great waves, but only watched a bit." Javeri gestures over her shoulder to indicate the far side of the island. But as Chadamalith circles overhead three times before landing a little farther up the beach she laughs. "Yea I think he makes it clear when he's showing up," she points out. "But he says you can make him a bell if you want." Rolling her eyes she laughs again. "There's never a wrong time for playing with clay," Piper gets informed of this with a smile.

<< What are you doing? What is she doing? >>
Who? Huh? It's Sooz. You know Sooz. We're talking.
<< Interesting. >>
Ooookay. You ok?

Suizen eyes Javeri for a moment, then snickers, and shakes her head. "Suggestions on design or color?" she asks the two ladies present, before counting the pellets she already has, then working on adding another handful. How pellets equal bell is a different story.

As interesting as clay and the two women are, Piper can't help but look up as he circles. "Wow, am I going to get used to them?" Dragons. A little more staring and then she rejoins the conversation. "Night surfing?" There's a thought. "I'm partial to teal. But, since it's for him, why not something that will stand out against his color?" Color theory anyone? "Yellow or orange?"

"Not orange. I'm not a huge fan of orange." Javeri shakes her head and looks over at Chadamalith who doesn't say anything on the subject. Well, not too shocking what with the whole not speaking out loud. "He says he refuses to comment. But if he doesn't like the color you'll know." Eyes roll again before she lets it go. He's busy squirming around in the sand anyway like he can't quite get comfortable. "Night surfing's great, but it's not for novices. Always best to learn the basics and see yourself do it before trying to do it out when it's just the waves and you."

"If you do, they'll probably try to get you back to startled..." Sooz points out, hence the need for the bell. "Well, maybe pink then? Or a light purple?" Sooz sits up. "I know... citrus green!"

"Huh." That's not really a sentence that Piper utters, but it sort of sums up her thoughts. "Now why are you making this for him?" It doesn't seem to be any of her concern, but she asks anyways. Of more interest to her is the surfing, and reaching to touch a pellet, "Has anyone died from night surfing here?"

<< What has she done? >>
Who? Chadamalith are you ok? You're acting weird.
<< I am fine. She is fine. Why have I not noticed her until now? >>
Umm. You've flown with her before.
<< It is not the same thing. This is different. Make it stop. >>
Wait. Are you trying to...I mean...are you sure?
<< I am always sure. Except when I am not. >>

Squirm, wallow, paw at the sand. The large blue can't seem to get settled in the least and he exhales loudly. Wings spread and then tuck in and he squirms again. There's no statue like stillness tonight for the poor bugged blue. Javeri looks over at him with a frown before she says, "Dork." Fondly, always, of course. "He says no pink. Purple might be acceptable. He says if you make it we'll keep it on his egg." Snorting she adds, "Sure, /he/ can add something to our weyr without debate, but me? Noooo. Oh! Have you asked about your room? And people always die. I mean no one I know, but I heard about a guy last turn. And-" Stopping she turns and glares at Chadamalith. "Will you cut that...out..." Looking away from the blue she fixes her eyes on Sooz instead. "Hey, umm, Sooz? I don't suppose. I mean...well, shells. He says you've wiggled inside what he's thinking. So, err, I wonder if you're up for, you know, standing again?"

"Because it would be si.. fun to see him belled?" Sooz answers cheerfully, before putting her attention on the wiggling blue dragon, the grin just growing a bit, before she shakes her head, "Every time I've gone past, seems she has someone already in her... office... " There is a pause, then a tilt of the head. "Again? Me?" There's a pause, then she hms, looking from rider, to dragon, and back again. "Well, if I do... don't need to be talkin' to the Headwoman. An' if I do... will you leave Java's next bed alone? No smashin', or splittin' seams? Gonna have to follow.." wince.. "curfew, and rules, an' stuff, so not so much late night wanderings." Making a deal with a dragon over Standing? Well... maaaaaybe.

"Kiss me and call me Susan!" Piper stands back up to eye the blue and then crouches back down. "It's that easy? He just tells you?" Pointed at Javeri. "And you answer?" Pointed at Suizen. "And then your life is potentially changed forever." Only quiet head shaking left to do.

Chadamalith's stopped moving. There's no more need for squirming now that it's been settled because clearly it's all settled. Big eyes whirl from the now statue-like blue as he watches the potter, his rider, and even the other woman there because it's all connected. "He says," Javeri begins before laughing so hard she has to start over. "He says the new bed will be mine and therefore it will be safe. He also says-no. No! I am not saying that." It's dark, she's got a tan, and there's no way any blush is showing up tonight. Thankfully. Then Piper's speaking so she focuses on her. "Oh, it's not- I don't know. I've never done this before. We were search virgins until just now. He was from the last clutch so there's been no chance and all. But, yes, that easy. I was searched picking fruit."

<< Thank you. >>

"... I don't think I've been searched the same way twice, so far. Third go'round, though only second here... An' I think you should tell me ... but maybe not right now." Because she will harass the bluerider 'til the clay bakes without help, Sooz will. There is a moment's silent, then she offers, unusually solemn, "It'd be bein' my honor to be standin' for Ista's Clutch, once again."

"Oh." But, the rest is shhh. Piper being still. And tight-lipped. Solemnity she understands. It seems best to listen and watch.

Solemn should come from someone. Javeri's certainly not being solemn or serious or anything. "Yes!" she says excitedly. "Great job! And, well, it sucks I know. But if you ever want to sneak out or anything just come to me. You know I won't tattle and will say it was all official business and stuff." Winking at the now candidate she adds, "I guess you know the drill by now, yea? I'll- let someone know." Ugh. The headwoman. For a moment she nearly glares at the potter. But then she lets it go with a sharp exhale. "Anyway! Sorry to interrupt the conversation, Piper."

Suizen laughs, and shakes her head, before taking advantage of the situation, and giving her best friend a hug. A fully-clothed hug, before grinning at Piper, "It can be crazy, random, formal... anyway you can be thinkin' of. I'm just thankful this time I'm dressed - last two times got me in my bathin' suit."

"Bathing suit? We /are/ at the beach, you were a strip-tease away from being the same tonight." Piper's apparently no longer solemn. "So, that's it? Are you gonna celebrate at some point tonight, or just go fire some pots?" A friendly poke, and now Piper's sitting on her butt, because knees aren't meant to crouch for that long. "Um, back to conversation?" There are at least 6 wrinkles on her forehead right now. "I don't remember what we were talking about." Istans: casualness defined. "I'm kind of absorbed in what just happened."

"Ohh. Strip-tease," Javeri says with a laugh. "A shame I think you can't do that anymore. Silly rules." Shaking her head she looks over at her blue, but he's all calm and still like always now. "That's it really. I mean I have to inform the headwoman and Sooz'll move her stuff into the barracks and get to chores tomorrow. Although, Sooz, if you want me to wait and tell her, like, tomorrow night we can do that. Give you a day to not worry about chores and all." Glancing at Piper she lifts a finger to her lips and makes a shhh noise. "No telling."

Suizen chuckles, "Well, it's not like I'm off to anywhere else.... An' hey - I can strip-tease as much as I'd like. I just can't be /doin'/ much of anythin'. 'course, That's cause all skinny-dippings end up that way...." *mumble*

Piper zips her lips and sticks the key in her ear. "Not a word." Hold on...those lips didn't stay closed long. "Suizen, we'll have to be your party in a box then. And now for that dripping bag, which she flops open to reveal a collection of whole shells. "Well, you need a gift to commemorate such an occassion." Piper pulls out a large pink conch shell. "I've never seen anything like this shell. Seems appropriate to give this to you." And she peaks inside of it and tips the sand out of it. "Here."

"Where's the fun in that? One last chance to do whatever you cannot do until they hatch." Javeri winks and then laughs. "But, well, if you don't want then I will just...let her know. Ick. You so owe me." This last is said over her shoulder because he's the one who's going to make her seek out the headwoman. Flicking a braid over her shoulder she looks at the bag as it is emptied. "You don't need to take them all, you know," she teases Piper. "Someone else might want one after all."

Suizen carefully puts aside her pellets, in the bucket probably, then throws herself to one side, using Javeri as a pillow. "With an offer like that, how I can be refusin'...?" she asks with a bit of a grin, before peering at all the seashells, "Oohh, that's a nice one. Are you sure, though? Could be a fine start of a collection.." she points out, even as she reaches out to pick it up and turn it this way and that.

Piper watches the flying body of the newest the red headed potter lady "You two are /really/ good friends. You need me to move down beach? I'm good with that." A swipe of her nose hides a smirk. "There was a crapload of shells out there. A bunch washed in together. And, I did leave some." /Some/ as in the broken /some/. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'd rather know I gave the best one to you on an important day, rather than have it collecting dust on my shelf." Piper folds her arms, no taking the thing back.
"Oof!" Javeri complains with a laugh when Sooz uses her as a pillow. "And we're not like that. No sex. And certainly not now. What with candidacy and all. Although I know from personal experience you can get away with a little kissing if you're careful." Yep. She'd know. "There were plenty of men who wanted to congratulate me after all." It's a good thing for the potter that the former potter moved her clay out of the way so there's not a head full of it now. "And, that's fine. More will come in. Kids will cry, sure, but that's what they do." Still teasing most likely. The bluerider laughs and adds, "You get over shells. But that was a nice thing to do." Then she yawns and mumbles an apology.

"Ooohh, kisses. Only a few? Well, there goes /that/ plan..." Sooz teases, before she follows with a yawn. "Hey... no fair... those things are catching..." The shell is looked at once more, then she nods, "Then I'll be takin' care of it. An' once I get m'own place, one way or another, I'll have somethin' to put on a shelf. One whole thing. An' sorry about that, Java - you can't be pickin' out m'bed for me anymore..."

"Ahhhh..." For everyone's love lives. "I kid. Saw all kinds of things back home. Maybe worse than a weyr, people didn't have flights to blame things on." In other words, her shrug shows she's not phased, either way. "Oh yeah, I don't have a shelf either. So, where ever you got to put it. I don't think I'll ever get over shells. If somethings beautiful, it's always beautiful." This coming from a track kid?

"Sorry, sorry!" Javeri's quick to say with a grin. "I was up at dawn though so I have an excuse. Early sweeps. We drew the teeny tiny short straw. Sad for us." Shaking her head she glances at Piper. "That's just wrong. I mean people, well, anyway. Whatever makes them happy that I don't have to watch." She yawns again and looks at the shells. "But I think I'm going to have to bail on the celebration or I'll pass out right here."

"I think I'll pack things up tonight, put stuff in a press in the stores for stuff I'm not gonna be needin' for the next bit of time..." Sooz admits, sitting back up, taking care not to dump the shell.

"Yup, I should be getting gone too. Take my booty back to the dorms." Piper means the shells of course. "I wonder if these will stink the dorms up?" That's sort of mumbled while gathering everything back up. A few escaped shells, and drawing the string on the bag. "Congratulations Suizen, third they say." And with that she's up, bag and all. "Javeri, I promise to catch you one of these times in the daytime. Surf or bust."

Once Sooz is off her Javeri will stand up and brush sand off her dress. "Leave it out overnight," she suggests to Piper. "Then when they're dried out give them a good wash in fresh water. That should take care of a lot of the smell." She ruffles at Sooz's hair before stepping away. "Congrats, Sooz. I'll come visit tomorrow. But I'm sleeping in for sure. No matter what someone wants." With a wave she heads over to Chadamalith to nudge him up so they can go home.

To Piper, Javeri adds before leaving, "Try day after tomorrow. I have a rest day then!"

**search09, ~javeri, suizen, piper, ~chadamalith

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