Grand opening part one

Jun 26, 2009 13:16

Who: Dulcinea, Javeri, June, K'aus, Lachai, NPCs
Where: The Lucky Seven
When: Opening night. My +time said day 15, month 1
What: The Lucky Seven opens.

Outside, darkness has only just begun to overtake the blazing tropical orange and red sun-tracks, but already there's quite a crowd pressing against the walls of the tavern. The bar itself is clogged with the first drink orders of the night, every stool and space between taken up by a body, though the turnover of those bodies does seem to go quickly thanks to the girls behind the bar. Petra, Ruesse and Danta are the ones that have that particular duty right now, while the rest of the seven, June included, are circulating among the sparsely filled tables, engaging in conversation with their new patrons and fetching the occasional refill. The seven of The Lucky Seven are all dressed in the revealing Istan fashion, though the colors of their dresses are less tropical; each of them has a jeweled tone to themselves, from ruby to topaz, a coordinated look, but different for each. The entire tavern, porch included, is lit with that half-shielded, gritty glowlight that gives the whole place an unwholesome, delightfully disorderly feel, even though the dcor is crisp and neat.

"Like you don't plan on abandoning me as soon as you find some vapid looking thing," Javeri's saying to someone as she steps into the tavern. Her companion is shorter than her by several inches and dressed in a loose shirt and trousers. "Come on, Veri," he says as he laughs. "Would I abandon a wingmate like that?" Then he's quiet, they're both quiet, before they both say in unison, "Of course." When they're done laughing and have stepped out of the way of someone else trying to get in Javeri looks around. "Ugh. Look at the bar. Be a dear and fetch me...something. Until you find your stupid piece of paradise you're paying for my drinks."

June, in her ruby get-up that surprisingly goes well with her intricately curled hair, swings up next to Javeri and her wingmate, fresh from chatting up a pair of herder men. "It doesn't seem like it's taking that long," she reassures the pair of riders as she sidles, charming smile in full swing. "How have you been doing, Javeri?" she asks, then, when recognition sets in. "I've been hearing good things about your... your ship." She remembers, see?

Ready to step towards the bar the wingmate stops to give June a dashing smile. "Then I shall just be a moment," he says to them both before excusing himself. Eyes rolling Javeri watches him a moment and then turns to June with a smile. "That's ok. Even if it were a long wait he'd be fine. He's made for long waits. His mind's not always there and all." Her head shakes a bit and then she says, "Oh, I've been fine, thank you. It looks like you're doing well. At least from a business perspective. The Layabout's been doing about what I expected. I hope by next turn we're having to turn people away, but at least the novelty is drawing people in. As well as the weather up north."

"I am," June replies in regard to her wellness, utter satisfaction in her voice, taking a moment to survey the bustle of her new place while she listens to Javeri. "That one's been bugging me to let us check out the novelty for weeks now," she notes, lifting a finger to point out her sister in the tourmaline green, the other redhead who's batting her eyes over a sailor across the room. "If tonight goes well, I may have to indulge her." Her eyes slide back to the bluerider, a sly hitch raising one corner of her smile. "All the more reason for you to spend your friend's marks," she hints with a short, quiet laugh, then asking with a wave toward the bulk of the rest of the room, "Did you want a table?"

Javeri grins widely and says, "We could probably come to an arrangement over the trip. Day cruises are especially light right now so I'm willing to be talked down a bit. I'll go half off for a group of four or more." Looking towards her wingmate who's ordering even as she looks there's a laugh. "I plan on spending as much as he doesn't throw away on someone else. If worse comes to worse I might even be willing to part with my own marks. But I don't know about a table. Let's see if he comes back and does more than hand off a drink. If he's not found someone by then we'll have a seat."

While June and Javeri chat near the door, mostly out of the way, the real action is taking place at the bar, where a mass of people vie for the tenders' attention in order to get their drinks. Slowly but surely, however, the demand evens out, putting more out on the floor and less pressed up against the barstools. "I'm sure he'll find plenty of pretty to catch his eye," June comments, looking about again. There are several women not associated with the bar here, but they're far outnumbered by the male patrons. "There's also the game tables, if you like," she informs the rider, indicating the smaller doorway to the right. "You may recognize the make, actually," she adds, laughing gently. "A Skinner product."

"Oh, I don't gamble," Javeri says with a laugh. "If I'm going to throw my money away I want something concrete from it. Even if it's just a pleasant buzz." She lowers her voice enough that in the din of the crowd it won't carry to say with an impish grin, "See from my own I know the house always wins." Just then her companion comes back and holds out her drink. Ever imaginative he brought beer. "Thanks, S'tan. Oh, June, this is S'tan. And this is June." Once he has one hand free S'tan winks at June and says, "A pleasure to meet you. Did someone say gaming?"

Lachai is not lost, nor is he being chased by anyone - but he could easily look either as the latest few entering the tavern move away from the doorway to reveal him standing there. A stray elbow to the side encourages him forward at last into the excited atmosphere. Recovering, he steels himself up with a vaguely resigned sigh and finds the closest reveler to accost with a quick tap on the shoulder. "Excuse me, I'm looking for someone." The young man states, to which his chosen target laughs, swings a mug and retorts, "Aren't we all?" before sliding away at the beck and call of one of those un-associated but just as lovely women. Well, one down. And Lachai adjusts his glasses and looks around.

June greets that impish grin with that same, sly-tilted smile of her own and leans an inch or two closer to share more confidentially, "It's a great deal when you're the house." She straightens when the bluerider's wingmate returns, inclining her head as she fields the introduction with an amiable, "The same. I did indeed say gaming. There's no official games being run right now, but they're open for anyone. Cards, craps, billiards. Feel free to have at 'em." Meanwhile, one of the associated ladies has deemed it necessary to wade through the tavern-goers to confront Lachai. Valenia, the other redhead in the green, an unburdened tray dangling at her side, comes up from behind Lachai and places a soft hand on his shoulder. "You look like you could use a little help," she notes, with a bit of concern in the bubbly flounce of her words, smile bright and waiting for him when he turns about.

"Hey, give me some marks before you lose them all," Javeri says with no shame to S'tan. Her wingmate looks at her mournfully, but dutifully fishes a couple marks from his pouch to hand off to her. "Now, run along then. But if you pass out I'm not hauling you home." Looking at June she grins, "Just toss him into the jungle. It's what his weyrmate does when they fight." That's right, she's not even letting the poor man spend his marks on his weyrmate. She's so terrible. As S'tan goes off to help the house afford a cruise there's a chuckle from the bluerider. "Ah, well. This is why he's not allowed out in public with much in the way of money. Am I keeping you? You don't have to linger. I'll find a spot out of the way and drink my beer."

Oh! There's a hand on Lachai's shoulder before he can do the same to someone else. His arm lowering, he turns carefully to find the person addressing him - smiles when it's a pretty face. A pretty friendly face, that is. "Hi! Yes, that is, I was told I could find someone here," He says, distracted away from her for a third all-encompassing look at the place that he compliments with as broad a gesture as he can make with the crowd stacked in. "I wasn't really expecting all... this. I guess there's... something going on." A look to the door and then back to her, grimly concentrated, "I think I missed that."

Over by the entrance to the tavern, the weather may well have thrown in a stray Fortian a while before she was ready to wander inside, judging by the windswept look to her. Hattie's not quick about taking any further steps inside and appears to study the different elements of the room whilst she loiters, probably right in the way, until the wind outside or curiosity about inside propels her forward a few steps, jacket shed and flung over one shoulder. The bar seems to be her destination in the end, as the goldrider weaves past tables and briefly glares down at heavy-booted feet that make just a little too much noise as she moves.

June watches S'tan go with her eyes crinkled up by the strength of her smile. "There'll be a pile of 'em in the clearing before the night is over, trust me," she says. No mercy for the passed out. "No, not at all," she reassures then, "lingering's my job until it's my turn at the bar." She nods gently at the bar, with it's evened out crowd of people. The pace has slowed so much, in fact, that Danta gets a reprieve and loses her apron to go out onto the floor and mingle. "How do you like the beer?" she asks Javeri, "It's Petra's favorite brew so far, but I find it a bit strong."

Valenia pats that hand against Lachai's shoulder a few times before she lets it fall, nodding as she follows his sweeping gaze. "We just opened. Today. Might make it a little hard to find anyone, but..." She spares a glance at the bar and her sisters manning it for a paused second before looking back at him, all smile and sweetness. "I could help you look?"

Back at the bar, Ruesse, easily the oldest woman in attendance today, though her shallow wrinkles would put her in her late-forties at the latest, steps up to take the next order. "What can I get you?" she asks Hattie pleasantly, voice loud enough to carry over the hubbub of nearby chatters. It's a second more before she notices the knot the woman wears. "Didn't think we'd be seeing any Fortians today," she comments with a widened smile.

"Oh, well, I knew there were other people you might rather be mingling with. Ones with more marks to be pried from their fingers." Javeri's tone is light, teasing, she doesn't begrudge anyone their getting of marks from drunken patrons. Not exactly her racket, but close enough. "The beer?" A small sip and her nose wrinkles a bit. "It's fine. I'm not a big beer drinker to be honest, but I've been told to expand my horizons and all that. So, expand them I shall! And I'm sure S'tan's weyrmate will come separate him from the pile if only to moan about it later all the trouble he is."

There's a moment of a wry smile from Hattie that might betray that maybe she didn't think she'd be here today, but she only shrugs and catches her elbows up onto the very edge of the bar. "What can I say? I was curious," she replies easily enough. "I've not seen much of Ista yet, so I thought that ought to change." A second of silence and a thoughtful look follows, yet not a particularly precise order. "Something with citrus? Not too sweet."

"Yes, I can see how that would be," Lachai replies, only too aware of every person who wanders close by. "Oh, help, that'd be great. She's a rider, tall, I think." And he levels a hand near his own ear, "Her name's Javeri. Did you say 'we'? Is part of this endeavor yours?" He gives Valenia a closer examination at this, the resulting judgment not quite readable on his face. "The place is nice... I think. What I can see of it, that is."

June watches Javeri take that sip, tracks her reaction afterward with close-watching eyes, though her easy expression takes much of the intensity away. "Who told you that?" she wonders idly, blinking with a bit of bemusement as her arms cross easily across her waist. "To widen your horizons?"

Ruesse leans an elbow on the other side of the bar from Hattie, other hand wiped idly at the hem of the apron that sits over her sapphire outfit. "It's a beautiful place. Heat takes some getting used to," she notes with a glance at the rider's jacket. Then, "Citrus. Not too sweet. Gotcha." She's gone for a moment of bottle-wrangling and swift pouring before she returns with a faint green concoction, smelling of lime, melon and rum, a delicately sweet drink. "Tell me how you like that, weyrwoman."

Valenia repeats the name, "Javeri," on a soundless breath, before she adds with more voice, "It sounds familiar. What color does she ride?" Important information, you see, for she's rocking onto her toes to peer at the knots in the immediate viscinity. At least until he asks her about the tavern, then she's completely distracted. "Oh, yes, I am," she states proudly. "I'm one of the lucky seven. It's a very clever name, the tavern, you see, because there's seven of us, and we do gambling and the like. Lucky. Seven. The Lucky Seven." Ta-da! She lifts a hand to present the tavern-- what he can see of it. "It is a very nice place."

Haha! Poor Valenia will be out of luck with Javeri. She just rarely wears enough at home to bother with a knot. Not that she's hiding from the leatherworker, but hey. Looking at her drink again she bravely takes another sip. "Who? Oh, Chadamalith. He says my circle is not wide enough to intersect with others and that I was limiting my life experiences by not putting myself out there to experience more." Stopping there she grins widely. "He's like that. And since I had nowhere to be anyway I thought when S'tan invited me I'd come along. And then I let him pick my drink. To put myself out in the world away from where I normally am settled." And she speaks like it all makes sense to her, but it's anyone's guess if it really does.

Lachai watches Valenia look around for people now more than he's looking, himself. He hesitates at her question, nibbling a lip and then admitting, "I... don't actually know that." So much for the search. He's moving along easy enough with her, nodding at the following explanation, "Seven. The Lucky Seven," he repeats softly, "Yes, that seems to fit. So, does that mean you're always lucky at gambling, or do you leave room for others once in a while?" It's said a bit wry, suggesting perhaps that his opinion of gambling and the activities therein is not too high.

"Oh, I'm not a weyrwoman. Not yet," Hattie is quick to correct, looking a little unsettled by the title. That look is quickly aimed at the drink and the fingers of one hand get wrapped carefully round the class as she murmurs her thanks. A few sips later and she apparently approves, since she smiles a little more properly and genuinely. "I think I'll have to come here more often," she states. Her slung jacket gets a quick look and she shrugs as she looks back to Ruesse. "It was either freeze leaving Fort or burn up on arrival here. I'll brave freezing next time," she jokes.

Surprise gently arches June's eyebrows as she listens to all of the advice this blue Chadamalith has handed down to his rider. "I had no idea that a dragon could have... so many opinions," she admits, ducking a bit as a loud clatter sounds behind them, the slam of several mugs down at once as a handful of men finish a chugging competition. She continues after it unperturbed. "I don't know, they just seem all the same to me, here on the outside. I know they're not, but. That's the way it seems."

"It's a game of chance, silly," Valenia tells Lachai, breaking her scan to look at him with a little wrinkle of her nose. "I don't control chance. Sometimes people win, sometimes they don't." Nevermind she's a part of that house that always wins. "Let's go further this way," she says then, giving his arm a tug as she leads them over to the right of the room, "see if we can see her from over there. You do know what she looks like, right?"

"There's gold in there somewhere," Ruesse says dismissively, with a little flick at Hattie's knot. "I still haven't learned how to read the Weyr ones." While still listening to the new goldrider, she points at a young sailor, who begs a beer and gets one in a flash. "So has our fame reached all the way up to the mainland, or did you just happen upon us?" she asks Hattie, allowing herself another break of just talking in between fetching drinks.

"I never thought of it much before to be honest," Javeri says with a shrug of her shoulders before taking another small sip of her beer. "I mean dragons are...dragons. But then you get one in your head and-" Stopping she blinks and glances to the side before trying not to laugh. "And he says it's not fair to talk about him when he's not around. He's going through a phase where women are fascinating. If he were a man I'd say he was about thirteen and crushing on everyone. So, anyway! He's very brilliant. He's the brains, I'm the brawn. Well, he may be the brawn too, but that's ok! I fit in there somewhere." Glancing at a nearby table she asks, "Who made your mugs? And I'm working on a project to get these little glow baskets to make just enough light for when we have the beach cookouts on the cruises. So, if you ever consider setting tables up outside we should talk because I'm sure we could come to an agreement. If you liked them." With an apologetic grin she stops and then says, "Sorry. I'm pulling my hair out over this project and my brain is on clay mode these days."

"Oh yes, /chance/," Is it obvious that Lachai doesn't quite believe in chance? It's a little obvious. "Well, miss, you can have chance. It never did much for me." At her bidding, and more-so at that tug, he follows along in the vein she chooses. "What she what? Looks like? Yes. It hasn't been that long, shouldn't be too much of a problem..." He might've gone on to describe the rider through questionable means, but as he's walking, he suddenly slows, halting inconveniently in-between some other two tables. "Did you just hear something about little glow baskets?" How's that for chance, after all.

"People on the mainland certainly know of you, I'd say," Hattie replies. "It just depends where you go, I guess. Word gets round quick, between riders especially, since it's hardly a trial for them to get anywhere." Blink. "Us," she belatedly corrects. "Anyhow, it's more that they've heard the name at the moment, I think. People'll probably get curious about what goes on here and come see for themselves before too long." Whilst she sips at her drink, her eyes wander about the room a little and once the glass is set down again, she bluntly asks Ruesse, "So, what does go on here?" with a bit of a cheeky grin.

June turns a look at the rowdy mug-slammers. "I caved and just got Skinner to get me my dishes. There was so much to worry about. But they don't look very sturdy, do they?" Another couple of quick bangs, un-chug-related, cause the tavern owner's eyes to wince a bit, but she smiles just as broad when she looks back at Javeri. "Clay mode," June repeats with a faint chuckle. "It's good. I would have never thought of that. I've been using baskets for forever," and she looks over at said baskets, half-lidded and stuffed into alcoves along the wall, above the bar. "I never would have thought of anything like it. It would definitely be handy on the porch. Keep people from throwing darts at one another."

Valenia keeps on leading Lachai through tables, perusing those sitting there for female faces, though she can't help but smiling at a few of the male ones as they go. When her leading receives resistance, she pulls herself around to look at him, questioningly. "Um, no. But I wasn't listening," she admits, a little apologetically. "Is that important?" she questions him, hand still on his arm, though she'll let him do the leading if he's found a clue.

Ruesse uncaps a couple more beers effortlessly while Hattie tells her of her own bar's renown, always an ear tilted toward the goldrider, if not her entire gaze. "Well, isn't that exciting," she comments, though with such a dry tone, it's hardly like it is at all. "Lots goes on here," she answers, sneaking a sip from a beer, presumably hers, that's been kept under the bar until now. "Mostly drinking. Singing on occasion, dancing too. Gambling in that room over there," and her thumb jerks to her left, Hattie's right. "Travelers can rent a room, if they need one, or can't go any further after their drinks."

Javeri just holds her beer loosely in her hand. Likely it's met it's end. Unappreciated. Unloved. The poor hops. "Ahh. Yea, sometimes it's just easier to pay someone else to worry about it. I guess he figures I'm about as broke as I can be because I haven't seen him near the Layabout trying to sell me something I just have to have." Shaking her head she laughs about the trader before smiling brightly. "Oh, well, I do clay glow holders for walls too. Ones with little lids so you can close them up. Wide on the top and narrow at the bottom or round and done in a loose basket style so light can peek through the weave. It's not really a weave, but it looks like one. It's not really hard to do. If you're ever interested I can show you some examples. And, yes, see? Clay mode. I was a potter before. The Layabout's great, but it's just there now and I handle problems and make sure it runs ok, but it's not creative. And drills and sweeps are just that. Not very exciting."

"And what time do you throw people out?" Hattie questions. Not close. Throw people out. She leans a little more against the bar and steps out of the way as someone passing by gets just a fraction too close. "Or, you know, point the stumbling masses towards the door. Unless you're open all hours?" Now she studies her glass quite appreciatively and mutters, "I should get a shirt made up in that colour."

Lachai does not remember to answer Valenia because now he's concentrating. Putting a hand over the one she's got on his arm, he ducks around some of the people blocking the nearest tables. It isn't ridiculously crowded anymore but he manages to look over the same spot twice before giving an 'ah ha' and moving in. That's how he, and the nice little red-head still supposedly at his arm, pop in where Javeri and the other woman are talking. "I knew it, I heard it." He informs the room, pleased, before nodding to Valenia, "She said 'little glow baskets'."

"Well, he was on a long route not that long ago," is the only excuse June makes for Skinner's neglect of one of his better customers. The interest injected in her expression when examples of those clay glowholders are made is, by the look of it, completely sincere, and the enthusiasm in her voice just as genuine when she tells the rider, "Bring some samples along whenever we take our cruise." So it's a certainty now? "A little business in the middle of relaxing won't hurt much. I think I'm going to get myself one of those," she notes, then, giving her head a short nod at the poor, unloved beer in Javeri's hand. "Come with me?" To the bar, which has thinned out enough that you can see the actual bar now, and the people that work behind it.

Ruesse laughs, a tiny, raspy little noise that manages to still be pleasant. "When things start to wind down, and the stragglers left are all too drunk to drink any more," the older woman explains. "It usually gets to be pretty late at night, sometimes towards dawn. We don't all usually work, though, every night," she says, giving a gesture toward her fellow bartender, who's leaning toward an old sea captain, to yell in his ear the beer options. "It's pretty isn't it?" she asks of the drink, then. "June's idea. She's the one who dreamed this whole thing up." A grander gesture, this time, encompassing the whole of the tavern.

Valenia follows dutifully, green skirts flowing out behind her as she's pulled along, laughing lightly all the way. "Ooh, hi June," she greets her sister with a chuckling undertone as she's pulled into the conversation. "Hi," she turns to the bluerider then, presuming enough to add, "Javeri? I'm Valenia."

"Oh, I'm sure when he wants to sell something he'll turn up," Javeri says with a laugh because she's completely unconcerned. "Have you been to that market of his yet? I've thought to go, but haven't yet. I'd just find stuff I couldn't have and I'm saving my marks, supposedly, for a new bed anyway." The neglected beer in her hand is noticed again and she nods. "Sure. I can come along-" Before her sentence is finished someone repeats her words and she turns a smile upon Lachai. "I'm going to think you're following me," she teases the man as she laughs. "I never would have pegged you for the bar type, but here you are in two different ones in a matter of days. We're headed for the bar. I bet they can get you a juice or water while we're there." Because she clearly expects him to agree to tag along even if she doesn't know he braved the crowd for her. Only then does she turn to Valenia and smile. "Oh, yes, Javeri. Hi! It's nice to meet you."

Hattie nods. "Good to know," she says, of dawn closing, however much her focus is still on the drink. "Yeah," becomes more absent, then she looks up and grins again. "Don't know how I'd ask a weaver to get that colour without looking like a complete alcoholic, though. It could be an interesting challenge. Anyhow, how much do I owe you?" Her gaze wanders a little again, around the tavern, lingering a touch on the aforementioned way of the gambling, but then she's asking, "June?"

Lachai makes sure to nod politely in June's direction now that he's aware someone else is there, but he's speaking quickly with Javeri. In dry, low, tones, "You'd almost think I took your advice for a hobby to heart." He waves his hand, the act causing him to have to remove it from Valenia's which nearly surprises him out of doing it at all. When did his hand /get/ there, after all? Anyway, hand waving. "Actually, I was really was following you. Looking for you, that is. Talked to a rider mate. Oh, you're moving.. we're moving?" And, although he's been invited, and even found the person he wanted, the man turns to see how the ever-helpful Valenia feels about this transition.

June shakes her head, a no to the market, and she's about to explain her reason for being so negligent, but their little circle is invaded by this new man and, of all people, one of her sisters. Eyebrow arched, June smiles at them both, returning a simple, "Well, hello." She takes Javeri's cue and offers generously to Lachai, "We have plenty of options, even for those who don't want alcohol." Another associated woman, it would seem. She flips her hand open, a welcoming gesture inviting them all to precede her to the bar and, when they do, to place their orders first. Valenia nods in silent agreement with her sister, giving Lachai a little prod before her hand drops from his arm altogether.

Ruesse quotes Hattie a price easily as soon as she's asked, a fairly moderate price, though it's more than what she's been asking for those beers. "Let's see," she muses, peering past the goldrider to point out her sister. "June. That's her. She's sort of the ringleader of this little sideshow," she says, mouth twisting up with amusement, even though the quip wasn't all that funny.

"People should always take my advice," Javeri points out to Lachai with an easy grin. "Especially nice men I want to work with. Or not. Did you come to say you couldn't do it? It's fine if you can't. I'll still let you sneak on board sometime over that matter we discussed." Her grin shifts to something more teasing, but she doesn't explain perhaps because she's not sure how he'll take it amongst other people. Then they're on the way to the bar and the bluerider's not shy about setting the beer down and waiting until Hattie's transaction is finished before saying, "Anything that is not beer. And has alcohol. And whatever he wants." How generous. Well, she is spending someone else's marks once more. "Oh, not that the beer is bad," she's quick to say to everyone sincerely. "I just don't usually drink it. I'm too Istan to drink things that are not sweet." That done she'll let Lachai get what he wants or not. Then she looks at Hattie with a polite smile and a, "Pardon if we've interrupted."
Lachai is prodded and talked forward, leaving him somewhere by Javeri's side so that he can assure her properly. "No, no. Quite the opposite. I spent some time in the stores after we talked, just looking around, really, but I noticed a tendency of one kind over the other and I knew I wanted to ask you if--" They reach the bar, mid-sentence, so that he must interrupt himself to approach and eye the counter skeptically. When he picks back up, he's lost a bit of steam. "I, uh... yes, I still do jui-- Javeri. You can't keep paying." He tries to give Ruesse a little shake of his head while Javeri's talking to Hattie.

Payment is handed over without argument about the price, then Hattie turns to peer across the bar and goes up on tiptoe to see past or over any wanderers who temporarily get in her way. "June. Right." Like she's making mental notes. "Sort of the ringleader?" she shoots back towards Ruesse, either joking or turn or curious and despite the woman in question's approach. She tilts her head in response to Javeri's smile and she produces a more reined-in version herself. "Not at all, go right ahead," she answers, attention going back to her drink. Questions have to stop sometime, after all.

"Lachai. It's still not my marks I'm spending," Javeri answers the leatherworker with a laugh. "My wingmate is over there somewhere losing his marks at a poker table. And since he dragged me out I made him agree to buy me a few rounds. So, see? You're saving him from losing it all and having his weyrmate throw pots at his head." Because she surely will not drink away all his marks. Not her! "Besides if you're going to work for me I- shells." Straightening up she looks at the door. "That's S'tan's weyrmate. I need to go talk to him." A mark is pressed into Lachai's hand before he can say no. "Keep my drink safe! I'll be right back!"

Ruesse slips the marks Hattie hands over and bends to secret them away in some spot beneath the bar, perhaps next to that unseen beer of hers. When she straightens, she has new customers being escorted by the very sister she was just talking about. And another. She smiles widely, and greets, "Our ringleader, herself," prompting a minor chuckle from June. She lets Javeri order her something sweet then, while Lachai is hesitating, tells her sister, "I'll just have a beer, when you get a chance." While Ruesse is mixing, she notes to June, "We have a goldrider, here," with a nod at Hattie and a smile spared her way, "all the way from Fort." June turns her charm on Hattie, then, extending a hand, "Good to have you," she says sincerely. "Enjoying yourself?" Meanwhile, Valenia tilts her mouth toward Lachai's ear, pretty much necessary here at the louder bar. "She can make you a virgin one of those," she tells him, pointing at the tall glass of light green liquid, another of which is being made for Javeri. "It's really no trouble."

"I don't see how that makes it any better," insists Lachai, despite that Javeri is quite out of range by the end of it. Eyeing the mark now in his hand, he turns back to the bar with a little shrug. Since it's necessary and all, he manages to keep a fairly neutral form when letting Valenia tilt her mouth so close. As she points, he tucks away his hair behind that ear near and gives the drink a sideways look. "Is th-- well, yeah, okay. Why not." Whoever's mark it is, it's now getting smacked down on the bar as if he had any confidence in doing so.

Just in-case it might be rude - or so says the hesitation from the young woman - Hattie doesn't turn her back on Ruesse to greet June, standing at an odd angle so that she might be able to keep numerous people in her sights at once. She offers her hand to the latter in turn and dips her head. "Yes, thank you. It's a nice place you've got here," she responds. "If you can stand having a few more Fortians around, I'll haul some of my classmates down here one day soon. Some of them could do with a break." Because from the windswept and tired look to her, she's really one to talk about breaks.

Whatever is said is said as quickly as possible. Javeri's got a drink, after all, waiting for her and a quarrel between weyrmates is not how she planned on spending her night. On her way back to the bar she's grabbed by a sailor and spun around off her feet as she laughs. The two exchange a few words and a kiss on the cheek before she smooths her dress back down and continues her trek to the bar. She slides back up to the bar making a space for herself easily. "See how polite I am being and not mentioning how relaxing a cruise would be?" she tells June quietly. As quietly as is possible in the noise at least. Then she turns to Lachai and says, "So, what were we talking about?" Like nothing's interrupted them at all.

"It's good," Valenia reassures him, even though his mark is already being swept away by Ruesse and his change being put in its place. "Probably my favorite. Really nice on a hot day." Ruesse produces two glasses of the light green stuff, placing them both near Lachai, then turns away to prepare a few more beers, for June and a couple of pushy sailors that just walked in, seeming close to drunk already. Unfortunately, she didn't indicate which one was the virgin. "We'd love to have 'em," Ruesse tells Hattie with a short nod while wielding her bottle-opener.

"Of course," June echoes. "We welcome one and all, Istan, Fortian, Keroonian... we'll even take a Bitran or two, even though they'd probably beat us at our own game." June turns to hear Javeri's nice little aside, but she does the work for Javeri, by mentioning it herself. "Javeri here also has cruise expeditions on her ship. Quite enjoyable, I've heard." Three cheers for cross-promotion!

Lachai takes the change quickly, not wanting it to be sitting about on a bar counter long. Luckily, Javeri is soon pushing herself back into the group and he lifts the hand with the money, to be dropped into hers when she's ready. "Ahh, that is... oh, right. The product. The leather, in the stores. Primarily brown so far. And then I realized I didn't know if you wanted a color." He swings around to the bar only to discover that, well, from what he can tell there are two identical drinks right in front of him. He eyes Ruesse, glances at Javeri, and then throws hesitation away by grabbing the one on the left, for better or for worse.

"Well then, I'll endeavour to do some herding of people if ever the chance presents itself," Hattie declares, very polite, even overly so. Ruesse gets something like a more proper smile, however, but then there's more people to concentrate on too and not be late in acknowledging once again. "Javeri and a ship?" isn't really a question, more repeat to make sure she has things in their right place, dark eyes settled on the bluerider a moment or two. "We've been freezing at Fort, so there might be some people interested in defrosting on a cruise," she says, maybe joking. Whatever remains of her drink gets knocked back pretty quick, glass settled carefully on the bar, then she's backing away a few steps. "Thanks for your hospitality, but I'd best be getting back." For anyone who notices, she's not quick about leaving, might be seen to wander around where the gambling occurs without actually getting involved before she heads off. And even then, there's a pale gold queen lingering on black sands for a good hour after.

If he's grabbing the one of the left Javeri'll take the one on the right. After she gets her change back. "Thanks! I knew I could count on you. Dependable. I had you pegged as dependable the moment we met." Then she blinks at Hattie and grins. "Oh, I know you! Well, we never met. You impressed last clutch. Sooz was there standing. Thank goodness we got her back. Or I'd never survive visiting her in the winters. I'm apparently the one who got her in trouble when I came to visit." And back to Lachai after giving June a grin. Not competitors, yay. "Well, I'm not sure. The ship's colors are orange and blue. But if it's easier to work with brown I am fine working with brown. And it was nice to sort of meet you." The last to Hattie as she heads off.

Those rowdy sailors monopolize Ruesse now, leaning in to converse with her over the bar, all of them using the sort of low tones that don't travel well in a bar setting. June pulls the beer set out for her from the bar and tilts back a gradual first drink. "Nice to see you," she says familiarly to the departing goldrider, adding, "Come by any time," before she turns to her others, listening in on their conversation while she nurses her beer. "What's the leather for?" she inquires when there's a convenient pause in there somewhere. Meanwhile, Ruesse calls Valenia away with a short wave of her hand, over to where the goofily grinning sailors sit perched on stools.

Lachai is glad for other people talking to everyone else because he can take a slow, shy, sip of this green stuff without anyone staring at him. Bah! It's a little odd, but he clings onto it as Javeri looks back. "Uhh, orange and blue... hmm. Blue I have some experience with." For whatever reason, this fact is tinged with something akin to regret before he has time to notice and filter it out, "I think colors would be nice, keep the theme. People know they're in the same place as it coordinates. You /did/ say it was for an... island?" He tilts his head back and forth considering, "Alright. I'll see how it goes." There's more movement, and he waves to the leaving Valenia, whether she sees it or not. Then back to June. "Ahh, for Javeri. For Javeri's clay pots." Cue the need to do cupped hands, for which he has to hurriedly place the drink down.

"They're too thin to travel well. I can't get them quite right. Lachai, June's thinking of getting some for the porch and might be interested in some leather too. If you have time. Obviously my stuff comes first." Laughing after she says it Javeri's not shy about her drink and has a sip and then another. "That's better." A loud laugh near the door turns her head and she blinks. "Oh, no way!" she says excitedly as she finishes her drink in one go. "Argen!" she hollers and then says, "Excuse me. Excuse me. I'll be around later. That's my cousin. Argen!" And through the crowd she goes elbowing if need be to throw herself at the bearded man who's grinning at her. They'll disappear outside for some time except when he comes in to get them more green drinks.

June, leaning on the patron side of the bar with a beer curled in one hand, is tied up in conversation with Lachai, looking all manner of out of sorts in this setting. Sailors monopolize one table with a series of chugging contests-- a tournament, some would say-- while the rest of the tavern-goers-- their number growing by the minute-- mill around, talk, laugh, sing, and generally enjoy themselves. "No, not really. I'm sort of the owner in that the Weyr officially owns it. I run it, you could say." She casts a glance over her shoulder, toward both the bartender, Ruesse, he beckons and toward Valenia, now link-armed with Danta and heading stair-ward. "My sister," she confirms for him. "They're all my sisters," she tells him, but then leans in to add in a jokingly conspiratorial air, "in a loose sense, really." Then, louder. "Was there something you needed?" She does, after all, work here.

Dressed for the event, that is to say wearing much finer things than he normally might, K'aus comes in through those open doors with an attention for details. Like the sailors, hard to miss no matter how new you are to the scene. His lip curling, the brownrider ventures in further and approaches the bar to lean on it next to June and look first at her, blankly, then at Lachai. "Are you old enough to be here?" By the way: hi.

"A loose sense..." Lachai continues to repeat phrases, hoping, perhaps, that enough of a question is in them to spark an answer. He watches Valenia head away up the stairs, turning back only because someone else has shown up. The newly arrived rider is greeted, in turn, with a raised eyebrow. "Um, hello. And, yes. Was that really your greatest concern?" Look, he's even holding a glass of some sort of green-colored drink. Not that it looks like he's taken very much out of it.

~javeri, k'aus, june, lachai, dulcinea

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