
Jun 28, 2009 00:07

Who: Javeri and Suizen
Where: The beach
When: Nighttime on day 18, month 1, turn 20
What: Both potters are out on the beach for different reason. They meet up and catch up. Suizen seems fine as ever and Javeri explains why she hates the headwoman. Hey, you can only do this with a friend. They also discuss Sooz getting a room to avoid snoring while going for a late night swim.

It's nighttime. Nighttime on the beach means the weather is nice and cool and there's not many people to be a pest. This is why Javeri's here sitting near the waves, but just out of reach of splash. Rather than be in her normal clothes she's got a dress on and was wearing sandals. Those at least are left off to the side so bare feet can wiggle around in the sand while she watches the ocean.

Betwix and between the night and having wet hair, Sooz looks like she has a black top, rather than her more customary coppery hues. A blanket is over one arm, and a basket of nicknacks and the light to be consumed. Someone, it seems, had planned a night-time picnic. For herself, or others? It's hard to say, given she's alone.

A blanket might have been a decent idea to save oneself from the sand, but since it's a good bet Javeri did not get dressed up to sit on the beach maybe she just didn't go home between then and now. Pulling her legs up so she can lean her head down on them she lets out a sigh. Hey, if no one's around to hear you sigh you never really did! And since she's staring at the ocean she's not going to notice anyone too quickly.

Sound travels oddly at night, sometimes a whisper can be heard for a mile, while a shout is lost in the waves. Ergo, Sooz sets up shop a bit further away from the waves, spreading out the blanket with a snap, then settling in. A stash of meatrolls and fruit is pulled out, all in 'cherchifs, and a 'skin of some sort. A look is given, before she nods to herself. "That'll do."

A voice is hard to miss especially to someone used to listening for such things so their time on the beach is not interrupted. Javeri's head comes up and she looks around her to try to see what's going on. The voice is almost familiar so she lifts her own to ask, "Sooz?" because it might be or it might be a trick of the wind making it sound like her.

Suizen looks up, then the wrong way, before scanning towards Javeri. "That you, Java?" she calls out, before adding, "Stargazin', or just escapin' the Weyr?" Not that the escape is very far, or effective, given her own presence.

Standing up to wander closer to the potter Javeri forgets her shoes, because hello, she never wears them. "It's me I'm afraid." When she gets close enough to spot the blanket and so on she stops. "Oh, are you expecting someone? Shells, I'll just go on farther down." Which does not answer the question at all.

"Naw, just felt like a picnic on the beach. Don't gotta have to be with someone for that." There is a pause, then the potter sounds, "Unless you're wantin' me to scoot down a bit? Don't mind where I'm goin', really. Just a wild hair an' all."

"Huh? Oh, no. I just didn't want to be in your way if you were waiting for someone," Javeri says with a grin. "They might get the wrong idea." Shaking her head she looks at her feet and then exclaims, "Shells! My sandals. Be right back." Running over to where they were left she retrieves them and heads back.

Suizen snorts, and rolls her eyes, even unseen as there is racing for the sandals. "Naw, I'm not that interesting. So, now that we're both sure we're not gettin' in each other's way, wanna grab a bit of blanket?"

The bluerider laughs and settles down on the blanket with her sandals beside her. "Well, you could be, Sooz," Javeri says with a wink. "I bet there's half a dozen at least guys who'd love to meet you down here for some fun. Just ask them."

"One-off's aren't that interestin' for me, I guess. Half the reason I hide half the time when flights go off...." Sooz admits with a crooked grin, before tilting her head. "So, why you off by your self? Everything alright? Chadamalith good?"

"Well, you'll never get something other than that if you don't put yourself out there. Also I was not necessarily referring to sex so shame on you." Javeri's teasing at the end and laughs quietly. "Things are fine though. Chadamalith's great. He's wooing. But then he does that quite a bit. Which I will take over him wrecking things again." Look! More questions unanswered. "Did you make it to June's grand opening?"

"You're avoidin' the question..." Sooz points out, before shaking her head, "Was in the middle of the project - had to glaze, and refire in the same day - went rather late. How did it go? An' you goin' to have anything, or gonna make me eat alone?" Minor facts of her plans are totally ignored in the face of that challenge.

"I'm avoiding nothing," Javeri says as she shakes her head. "I just don't have an answer for it. There was a fight." Tipping her head she looks out at the water and adds, "At the Lucky Seven I mean. Then it was broken up, but I was somewhat drunk by then so took my leave not long after. Mostly it was a business trip. See what else is going on you know? You been to Skinner's market?"

"Ah, I see." The potter is quiet for a moment, before shaking her head. "I know Skinner, right?" The answer is waved away, before she adds, "Not that it makes a difference - haven't been there either. Been dead boring, myself. Been buried in the mud and all that, haven't seen much need to come up for air. Worthy competition?"

"I don't think we're competition really. And I'm trying to find ways for us to work together. So we all make marks." Javeri looks at the food, but doesn't take anything. Instead she looks back at the water. "I need to visit the market, but I need to make sure I don't throw all my marks at it either. I tend to just buy even if I can't /do/ anything with it. And I don't know. Do you know Skinner? Oily salesman who's pretty adorable."

"Sounds vaguely familiar, but if I do, I don't think I've seen him in.. months? An' everyone makin' out is a good idea. Maybe go with some other folks? Or don't bring many marks with ya? Can't spend what you don't got on hand..." she points out.

Javeri's laugh is sudden and she says, "I think if you'd met him you'd know him. I mean he would have tried to sell you something for sure." Shaking her head she flops down onto her back and stares at the sky. "Anyway enough of that. Have you met the new harper posted here? Ianna. She's working on the Layabout. Her and Nenita from the kitchen and Paddy some. Oh, and have you met the new headwoman? I hate her."

Suizen shakes her head. "I heard about them both, of course, but all I've been getting is orders for crockery. New bowls, this last time. Something about a table-worth endin' up broken. Why are you hatin' her?"

"You obviously haven't met her," Javeri says with a scowl that's slow to go away. Closing her eyes she takes a deep breath, lets it out, opens her eyes, and sighs this time. "She's so- you know? Blonde and pretty and smart and so together. She tried to bribe Chadamalith to like her. Which he does anyway. He says she's intriguing. She sent him /fruit/. And I don't want anything to do with her, but she's the headwoman isn't she? At some point I'll have to deal with her again like it or not." Another deep breath before she adds, "And she makes me feel stupid and ugly and just...I don't know."

Suizen frowns a moment, then turns to her companion, as if to study her. Of course, in the night, that's not quite possible, but the mind's eye can do well enough. "Well, you aren't ugly, and certainly not stupid. An' it's not like Chadamalith is goin' to like her more than you - Thread will land and turn everything to flowers and pretty flutterbys first. As for smart an' together... sure as shells crack, I couldn't have done what you've done, not with so little help, or even thought of it first. That on top of your duties? P'eush. That's not bein' scattered, /or/ dumb."

"Of course /you'd/ say that. You're my friend. But you haven't met her so you don't know what I mean." Javeri sighs and she'd slump if she weren't already lying down. "Just wait until you do. And she's from Southern. Because there were no capable headwoman candidates here at Ista? I am so annoyed at Fayre over that. And then she could at least have brought in some old woman to do the job." There's a brief frown that she gets rid of with a laugh. "Shells, Sooz. I'm pulling my hair out every day to make sure everything gets done. I mean it gets done, but it took longer than it probably should have."

Suizen snorts, "If I was doin' it, it'd still be a day dream, or a stack of plates with nothin' to put them on," she points out, before rolling her eyes. "Ain't sayin' she's not all that, just sayin'.... so what? She is what she is, an' what you are is exactly what you should be, which I imagine no-few of us think is just 'bout perfect as is."

Yes, well, she gets snorted back at. Javeri pulls a braid out from under her head so the bead stops digging into her. "Well, I had people give me money so I had to do it," she explains. "And I bought her on a lark. Which probably is not the best way to start a business." Sitting up she pulls her legs up again and folds her arms on her knees to lay her head on them. "I don't expect you to understand. It's just- It's not- I'm not pretty and I'm not that smart and usually that doesn't bother me, but she goes out of her way to make sure people know it and it just makes it impossible to deal with her."

"Pretend she's... what was her name? From when we were Candidates? Ended up on green, I think. Every time there was a reason to get wet, she'd make sure to do a full frontal, an' then make sure Paddy an' any other rider in the vicinity knew about it. Pretend the new Headwoman's like her. Ready to trip anyone willin', an' not too picky to boot as long as there is a dragon involved." There is a pause, then a slight shudder. Bad brain. Bad! A swig of the 'skin is taken, then handed over.

"Neraset? Shells, yea. I was real happy to be done being around her. Thank Faranth she wasn't tapped into the same wing as me. That would have made it just hideous." Shuddering Javeri shakes her head and then looks out at the ocean. "Anyway she was easy to ignore. It's not the same thing. But really, enough of my bitching and moaning. It seems like all my friends do these days is listen to it. Complain to me about something now so we're even!"

Suizen is caught rather flat-footed at that request. A sip of her drink is taken again, before she offers with a really really dry voice, "My life is boring. Woe. Woe. Whatever shall I do." Of course, none of her plantitive comments are actually questionable, all ending flat-note.

"Sooz!" Javeri complains with a laugh. "You're horrid you know. And your life is only boring because you make it that way. There's plenty exciting things you could do." Because claims of a boring life must be taken seriously no matter if they are not given that way. "You could go swimming naked right now. That's always exciting because you never know if someone's going to wander by when you're trying to get dressed." Hey, excitement for her usually involves nudity, yes. "You could go be having drinks at the Sandbar instead of out here. Then you might meet some adorable guy." And sailors.

"What, you're not gonna suggest a wanderin' into the Bar after naked swimmin' where someone random's come by and already stolen the clothes?" Sooz asks with a bit of an impish tilt of the voice, tilting her head towards her friend, grin unseen in the dark, but no doubt guessed upon.

Javeri's head tips so she can peer over at the potter. "Huh. I never thought of that. We could go do that right now. Only minus stolen clothes. Chadamalith could watch them and all." No, she's not serious. Entirely joking as she grabs the hem of her dress and tugs it up an inch. "Well, come on!"

Suizen eyes Javeri for a very long moment, then tilts her head to the other side, and asks, "Is this where I should whistle?" There's a pause, then she shrugs, and stands up. "Not so much for more to drink than what I've got, but a swim would be well enough." Clothes are, actually, doffed off, even if it's not all of them - the slightly long tunic is left on - a little water won't hurt anyone - and left in a trail towards the water.

"You didn't eat did you?" Javeri asks as she gets to her feet. "Because you're supposed to wait before swimming I think." But she does not leave a trail of clothes to the water. Instead she drops them all on the blanket. What? Modesty? Not hardly. Besides it's night so no one will see. To the water she goes. "You don't need to whistle, Sooz," she gets told. "I know you want me." With a laugh she hits the water and heads out.

Suizen isn't quite so shameless, alas, but also not so planned out. Hopefully she can find all her clothes when it's time to go back in. A dive into a wave later, and she's making her way out. "What gave it away? And just a couple of bites of a 'roll. Shouldn't be enough to cause problems."

Shame is for chumps! And people who were wearing more than a dress and underpants. "Oh, you should be fine. I'm sure you won't get a cramp from that. But if you do I'll try to find some cute guy to rescue you!" Javeri doesn't venture too far out into the water because she's talking and all, but it's far enough. "Oh, please. You've wanted me for ages now. Unless it was a different Sooz I kissed. And a different Sooz who wanted a party in my weyr with Paddy."

"... don'tcha know? I have an evil twin. Her name's Skype."

It's a good thing she wasn't too deep in the water because Javeri sputters and then laughs. "Really?" she asks before swimming farther out. "Then can you send her to me sometime? Cause I think I want to make out with her more."

Suizen turns over on her back, and floats, letting the waves start to push her back towards the shore a bit. "You like the evil ones, doncha? I think you have to lure her out with booze. Maybe homesick - definitely humor." A wave has her going under, and it's a minute before she comes back up sputtering. And missing her shirt. "Shardin'... I got tangled. Where did that shardin' shirt go..."

"Hey, I even offered her the good rum I got as a weyrwarming gift," Javeri points out before diving under and coming back up farther out. "What?" she hollers then and swims closer. "I do not like the evil ones. I just like the fun ones. Not that you're not fun, of course because you are." Looking around in the water she asks, "Where did you lose it?" So she heard that part fine.

"In the water?" Sooz offers, a bit more tartly then she normally would, before snorting. "You just like to get me - or my evil twin - silly-drunk..." she teases, before taking a breath and diving in, trying to find a wet shirt in the ocean. At night.

"Oh, that's helpful!" Javeri says as she laughs while treading water. "And yet another reason to swim naked if you're not in a suit." And since it's lost, in the ocean, at night she doesn't bother trying to dive and find it. She just waits there treading water for Suizen to resurface and then she tells her, "Nonsense. I'd prefer you sober so I know you wouldn't regret it in the morning."

Suizen comes to that conclusion rather quickly, the lost shirt, so that she's breaking out of the water yet again. Hair is slicked back with equally wet hands, before she grins over at the rider, "Oh, I know that, well enough. For bein' a rider, I trust you further than I can throw my cups, an' then some." Honest effect - and no small amount of humor - lines the words, before she starts to make her way over, rather than continue to raise her voice.

Javeri's laugh carries across the water and she shakes her head. "Yea, well, I've been honest enough all the way before impressing so it didn't go and change. Especially not with him in my head." Frowning a moment she looks overhead before adding, "Anyway we're friends. You don't take advantage of your friends. If I just wanted to get laid I could do that easy enough after all."

"Yup; I'm probably a cheap date when drinkin' - been rather lucky in that regard, given I have on occasion gone a'sippin' without your or Paddy about. Not to mention people like ya. So why you out on the beach all alone? Didn't look like whim struck you..." Sooz prods at again, treading water not too far away.

"Always know your limit, sure," Javeri says with an agreeable smile and nod. "I had way too much at the Lucky Seven, but I was around people I knew most of the time even if I don't know 'em well enough to trust them. And I wasn't paying of course so loss!" Looking back at the beach she shrugs as best she can. "Didn't want to go home was all. So, went for a walk."

Suizen eyes Javeri for a long moment, then shakes her head. Silence lingers between the two for a time, then a faint grin appears. "I don't either. 'Course, that's cause Natalyin snores." The last word is, alas probably predictably, accompanied with an arm sweep of an arm.

There's a sympathetic grimace and wrinkle of her nose for snoring. "Shells, Sooz," Javeri says with feeling, "Can't you get your own room? You've been here forever and work all the time. You ought to see about getting your own space. There's no reason at all to still be in the barracks. Or sneak into a guest weyr to sleep. They're not always occupied after all." All of which gets said before, "You can come sleep with me if you want. And I don't mean that in any way but sleep. Of course I don't have a bed right now. /Someone/ broke it. So it's mattress on the floor and the mattress has a couple of split seams. Still, I don't snore and neither does he."

"Your bed is busted? How the heck.. never mind, I probably don't wanna know. You should get that fixed... an' most of the time it doesn't bother me. I'm tired enough that not even a dragon buglin' will wake me up." Which is, of course, a lie, but a common one for experienced barrack-sleepers. "Eh, if I got my own place, I'd be havin' to figure out where to put things, an' get stuff."

"I could help you!" Javeri offers leaping on the chance. "You've seen my weyr. Chadamalith only lets me have so much. We could decorate your room together. You should ask for one. Really! Why not? You're entitled!" Because she said so and she wants to play decorator! "And I don't want to fix it. He wants me to get something new. But I need to actually find one. Or save up and have one made."

Suizen is, and rightfully so, scared now. "And that's another thing. I'd have to buy all sorts of things. And I'd have to talk to people..." she trails off.

Javeri's head shakes again and she grins. "No! No, no. You don't have to buy stuff. That's what stores is for, silly." Her scolding tone is overdone, like an old auntie. "We can do it together. Wait. That might give people the wrong idea. Oh, who cares?" Clearly she does not. "Come on! Ask for a room!"

Suizen rolls her eyes, then laughs. "Alright, alright. I'll see 'bout askin' for a room tomorrow. Do you wanna come and hold my hand for me, or shall I just tell you the results?

"If you want me to go I can go," Javeri says. A true friend she'll brave the beast in her lair. "Otherwise you can be a big girl and ask yourself and if you do I'll give you a special treat." Now she's laying on the naughty quite thick and it's entirely ruined because she bursts out laughing almost immediately. "Hey, seriously if you want to crash with me that's fine, but we'll need to head up soon because someone is getting sleepy."

Suizen laughs, and shakes her head. "I can probably be handlin' it fine myself. Not goin' to be worryin' too much about it. An' he is? Well... last one to the beach is a naked wherry?" she offers, before kicking off.

It takes a moment for Javeri to get going because she's got to rouse a sleepy dragon to get him to come fetch them. But once that's done she takes off for the beach to get there first. Or at least that's her intent. She's just a wee bit competitive sometimes. "If you don't do it I'll do it for you," she warns with a laugh. "I know you'll put it off otherwise."

Suizen acks, and then sputters, which of course, slows her down a bit so that Javeri probably wins, "No goin' an' doin' it behind my back. 'Cause then I'll end up in some strange place. Like in a little bungelow right next to the Sandbar, or some such." Once to the beach, she heads for her blanket, ingoring the closes on the ground long enough to move stuff off her blanket, and wrap up in it, before looking back. "I shoulda thought this out better. Wanna help me gather up the clothes?"

It's a photo finish! Javeri can't help but want to win every now and again. She does a little victory dance once she's out of the water. A shame it's wasted without an appreciative audience. "Sure, I can help." This is said before she bothers going to her own clothes. It takes some time to shimmy in to the dress being wet, but eventually she does. Overhead meanwhile Chadamalith lowers down and circles three times to make a landing while they hunt for clothes. There's no mention of a room. The threat has been made!

And it is a threat that will linger over the head of a potter in the days to come. As for her clothes, she doesn't even bother, instead taking her things and heading up to the plataeu. "Good thing that wasn't a favorite shirt of mine..." And so, it seems, she plans on walking throught the Weyr, in only a blanket.

"Lose the blanket," Javeri teases with a laugh. "You know he's gonna land here right?" she hollers then. The bluerider waits by her blue to see if the potter is coming up with her or not. Either way before too long they're heading for home and sleep.

"...oh, this is gonna be drafty..." and getting up a treat. Still and all, up she'll go, letting the dragonpair take her at least that far, before she walks the mile of barenes.

~javeri, suizen

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