Well wishes

May 09, 2009 00:46

Who: W'ton and T'rev
Where: Inner Caverns
When: Nighttime on day tbd, month 9, turn 19
What: W'ton's leaving the Glass Fountain and T'rev's just read Ella a story. Two riders converge in the inner caverns. There is talking about moving into weyrs, Ella, and a personal relationship.

It's evening and T'rev is coming up from the commons, a book tucked under his arm. It's about the time he usually bids Fiorella good-night, even if things there have been shifting lately and the bronzerider actually looks a little less than his usual cheery self tonight, tired around the edges.

The other bronzerider currently exiting somewhere in this general vicinity would be W'ton. He's coming out of the Glass Fountain by himself. Turning right before he's fully exited he calls out, "No, that was your mother, Bireny." Some laughter then carries out as the weyrling turns away to head off back to the barracks. Smoothing his shirt he catches sight of T'rev and leans against the wall. "Stumbling onward?" gets asked.

T'rev looks up as he passes W'ton as the weyrling hails him and his smile is on the faint side. "Mm. Some long days lately. Just sayin' g'night to Ella," he gestures with the book over his shoulder in the direction he came from. "You?"

"Not saying goodnight to any lady, that's for sure." W'ton looks ever so sad and until he chuckles. "It's not the same when you're asking someone to pass it on to someone who'll tell someone else." Shoulders shrug at the whole process and then he asks, "How's she doing? Ella I mean." Like he was talking about someone else.

"Shame, yeah," T'rev says with a slightly wider smile and a sweep of his free hand through his hair. "Got your own weyr yet? To you know, make with the moving beyond all that hoop-jumpin'?" he inquires before the look on his face softens and he looks back towards the caverns. "Pretty good I think. Still a little on the fence about family things, but otherwise good. You know, growin' up really fast. She actually doesn't want me to come and read to her at night anymore. But ... I cheat sometimes and bring down a new favorite."

Shaking his head W'ton slides his hands into the pockets of his trousers. "Nah, not yet. Ain't seen anyone else moving out yet but Hattie. Just gives me time to finish sorting through stores for what I want." Plenty will be needed. Even if it winds up being tiny. "Yea?" On to the other subject. "She did seem like she had a lot on her mind. Worried about going home or staying here. A lot to have to think on at that age. Glad I didn't have to decide anything until I was plenty old enough."

"Yeah? S'about that time though. Excited about settin' it up? I remember ... it was like, gettin' a turnover present but at the same time, I couldn't figure out what to do with so much space. My first weyr was bigger than the main room in the cothold I grew up in." T'rev s teps out of the flow of traffic to join Win in leaning against the wall. "Yeah. Same time though, ain't really something someone can or should decide for her. Or at least, not without her input. I think she's got it sorted out now. But ... it's complicated." The elder bronzerider's head tips back against the wall, gaze going to the ceiling, expression thoughtful. "You know how family can be. The expectations. And what they can be for a girl instead of a boy in the holds."

W'ton crosses one ankle over the other so he's the picture of relaxed and hanging out. Despite whatever troubles they had in the past he seems completely over it. "Yea. I was hoping to be moved by now. But I suppose a late birthday gift's better than none. Got some furniture in stores I've got my eye on it. Some of it they're holding for me...better than Rhodya's table that's for sure." Eyes roll at the mention of that horrid piece, but he grins as well. "But I know what you mean, yea. She's old enough for her family to start shopping her around to be married. Make the deal now and then give her a few turns to grow on up. Or at least dangle her in front of em."

T'rev chuckles softly about the table. "That's Rho for you though. Very ... unique," is the wingleader's assessment, though his eyes close at the word 'marry'. "Yeah. I'm worried that's what her brother is actually up to. And she's got all these dreams, things she wants to do and I wanna make sure she /gets/ the chance. But ... I ain't her blood so it gets muddy."

"Yea, but pink and looking like a flower..." W'ton shudders with a chuckle of his own. "Still, she wants it and it'll be waiting for her. I cannot imagine how long it's been sitting in stores. I don't even recall seeing it when I worked there. Must have been in some little old lady's room the whole time." Definitely for a little old lady. "Hey, just because he tries to marry her off I don't imagine he'd do so well if she didn't want it. She showed me the dress he got her. Cute. Still think pink isn't her color, but she said she was going to have it fixed up a little. As for blood, well, you fostered her. That'll count for something."

"Heh, I know. Conversation piece for sure," T'rev quips about Rhodya's table and tilts a look over at his fellow bronzerider. "Yeah. She'd kick n' scream and run away if she didn't really like anything he got up his sleeve," T'rev says with a snorted chuckle. "But yeah. She showed you? Man, when I saw her ... almost didn't recognize her. She likes blue. Green. And it weren't just the darn dress, he made her walk around the Gather to go see Lord Fort in a pair of shoes at least a size too small. Wrecked up her feet but good." Breath blown out and he nods. "Hope so. Really hope so. If she's for it, I'm fixin' to adopt her official-like."

"Don't think she'd be kept tied down, yea." W'ton tips his head and then winks at the older bronzerider. "She promised she wouldn't tell that I told her I was just waiting for her to grow up." Yep. He's totally joking now. "Sure she showed me," he says then with a laugh. "Dasarth hauled her over to me at the lake and she asked for fashion advice. And she at least knew who to ask for fashion advice. Ohh. Ill-fitting shoes are the worst. I'm surprised she didn't just take em off, but she said she hadn't seen her family in awhile. Probably just wants them to like her though. Families are tough."

That /does/ slide T'rev's gaze sidelong to W'ton. "Mmph. At least I know you'd treat her mostly right," he has to concede. "Though I sure as heck hope you were joking, man." T'rev makes another little face. "He introduced her to Lord and Lady Fort is why and yeah, I think he kind of overwhelmed her a little. And in the end, she's still pretty loyal to them and I don't ... I don't disagree with that? But, she's explaining away an awful lot. We'll just ... see how it goes."

"Well, she's a kid. A kid who's been away a few turns yea? So I imagine she misses em and she's forgotten a lot of the bad done and just wants them to be a real family. Whatever that means." W'ton's head shakes and he grins. "Nah. Well, who knows. Maybe by the time she's old enough I'll be looking again." Because surely his shelf life with a woman is shorter than that. "Lord and Lady Fort though? Huh. He really think he can aim that high with her? But yea I imagine she'll sort it out and there's plenty here to turn her head this direction."

"Over two turns," T'rev replies with a nod. "And I don't think there was much in the way of bad then. Just ... the usual nine turn old stuff. Though ... yeah. They didn't come for her. They just abandoned her to Berit who had no clue really. And yeah, she did, miss them a lot." He's quiet for a moment or two though before sighing. "Dunno for sure. But I wouldn't put it past a man who tried t'pay me not to come 'round anymore." He slants another look at W'ton for that other earlier comment. "I'll root for you n' Hattie to make it, Win," he says quietly, sincerely, before he smiles again. "Yeah. She's been happy here. She's decided to stay for now at least. I'd ... really miss her if she went.'

"And you didn't take the man's marks?" W'ton asks with a laugh. "Because I sure as shells would have and then used em to make the man look an idiot. But, hey, I grew up making a holder look bad so I suppose it's in my blood." Also, well, he does have an occasional mean and bratty streak. There's no point rehashing that old news though. "She's near old enough to apprentice though and if she does that then he'll have to deal with the craftmaster if he wants to pull her. And, well, Four Sons ain't that big that he's liable to influence a craftmaster and all. As for me and Hattie, well, appreciate it. Suppose we'll see." Stopping there he grins and offers another shrug. "Which is not to say I'm uncaring how it turns out, but my track record being what it is..."

T'rev shakes his head. "No. Didn't want to give him the satisfaction, or the rope either. Could use it against me," the wingleader says with a slight narrowing of his eyes. "Yeah. She's planning to. Healer." T'rev tilts another look W'ton's way and clears his throat. "Yeah. Well me neither. Mine's shit and seeming like it's going to stay that way, so really man. If you love her, and she loves you, I'm pullin' for you."

Looking down there might be a smile more a smirk, but when W'ton looks up he's just grinning. "Shells, man. You just got to make sure the rope winds up where he's not expecting it in the end. But I take your meaning. Safest to not risk it unless you're thinking ahead and all." Which does not sound like an insult just a fact. If you're not a dick it's best to avoid such things. Now he clears his throat and gives his boots a quick look before glancing sidelong at the other bronzerider. "Word ain't been said and all. Not sure... Well, before we could do much getting to know you I was searched and then she was and then, well, you know the rest. Suppose we'll see."

"Yeah, didn't really have the luxury of really makin' a dastardly plan right then n' there," T'rev says with a dry chuckle. "Seemed best t'play it safe. Plus, I was all outraged," he has to confess with a ducking of his head. He nods a few times at what the weyrling says. "Mm. Well. Somethin' to work out then," he says quietly. "And hope it goes well."

"Gotta think on your feet more," W'ton teases as he laughs. "Thought that was part of your job. Totally disappointing to hear. Still, that sort of man gets his own. S'the way of the world." Shoving off the wall he grins. "Always hope things go well. No sense wishing for ill I imagine. Now I think I'll go grab a few cookies before heading off to my cot. They were baking those cinnamon sugar ones when I peeked in earlier."

"Pff. Do all the time, but that's a little different, W'ton," T'rev says with a roll of his eyes. "Anyway, enjoy those cookies. I'll catch you around, okay? Good luck movin' in when you get to it."

"No sense wishing me luck. I'll be corralling everyone to haul furniture. Dasarth won't do it all poor not grown boy that he is." W'ton laughs as he nods to T'rev and then he heads off. Cookies!

*weyrlinghood, t'rev, ~w'ton

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