Picky eater

Apr 29, 2009 15:01

Who: Javeri and Nenita with a couple npc sailors
Where: The Sandbar
When: Lunchtime on day 9, month 8, turn 19
What: Javeri meets a cook and offers her a job. Why yes, she is trying to lure as many people onto her boat as she can! The pair do talk about working on the Layabout. Also about food, men, other cooks, and pottery.

Nenita is cooking, though not in the kitchens like she normally would be. Maybe she's filling in for a friend down here at the Sandbar or just picking up a couple of extra marks by working this shift. Regardless of the exact reason, she's here. Anyone looking across the bar and into the kitchen here would see the short cook working on grilling up lunch for the patrons. The smell of fish being grilled along with other good smells wafts out from the back. She eventually emerges, bringing a meal out to one of the customers waiting eagerly at the counter.

It's too hot at noon to work. Which is why there's few wings who run drills all the time during the day. This leaves plenty of riders free to roam about and be do-nothings! One of those would be Javeri who's got a sailor on either arm as she heads inside dripping water. "I'm telling you, Kirik if you don't practice you're going to keep falling on your rear end and that does not impress the ladies." Shaking her head as the trio head to the bar rather than a table she chuckles at something murmured by the other man.

Nenny stays with that one customer long enough to have a little conversation, and clearly a little flirting as well. She leans over onto the counter, flashing the greenrider in front of her a shameless smile and bit of skin. Then she's giggling and moving away, hand held in front of her mouth. When she stops moving, she finds herself by Javeri and her pair of sailors. "Hello there, you guys looking for anything to eat? Or just getting a drink?"

"Just drinking," Javeri says with a grin and then nudges the man on her left. "And he's buying. Well, for me at least. I imagine Kirik's on his own." There's a nod from the man paying her drinking bill for that statement. Clearly he will only buy drinks for women in bikinis. "Too much work to be done to get involved with a meal," the bluerider adds. So, food is out, but work is not interrupted by alcohol, yep. "Or at least too much not work to not do and all."

Nenita gestures to the bartender on duty. When he arrives, he'll take their orders. "You can take your break, you know. Vosha can keep up on her own." The cook nods to the man, pulling her apron off as she temporarily exits the area. She drops down onto a stool nearby the bluerider and her two gentlemen friends. "Food here is good, if you've never tried it before. Though I guess if you're not hungry... just drinking is fine." Then she winks down at the man not buying Javeri a drink.

Drinks are ordered with Veri just getting her usual. Which is a tip off she's in here a lot. Still she adds, "Yea, I've eaten in here plenty. But food's just food." And drinks are much more important. Lifting a hand to brush water from her cheek where a braid decided to land she then tucks it behind her ear. Kirik grins at Nenita for her wink before telling her, "Not really looking for anything right now, but I'll sure keep you in mind if I ever am." With a roll of her eyes Javeri says, "Can I tell your wife you said that, Kiri?" The other man just laughs as he pays for the drinks that arrive.

Nenita's eyes roll up, "Erase me from your mind if you're married. Not interested in the attached ones. Too much trouble and I'm not homewrecker." She leans over the bar, calling to the bartender and asking for a glass of water. "Food is just food?" The short young woman repeats, eyes a touch wide. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. Food can be pretty fascinating, sometimes a lot tastier than a good drink."

"Shells, I do not want to debate food," Javeri says with a groan. "Seriously, I know there's people who are all into food and all, but with few rare exceptions it's just what one eats because you need to keep going." Shaking her head so her beads clack together her glass gets lifted for a drink. "And, I hate to break it to you, but Kiri has no mind. I don't hang out with him for his braids, you know." Brains are totally wasted on a shirtless sailor! Who needs them? The other man laughs and reaches behind the bluerider to slap his friend on the back. "Oh, wherever are my manners? I must have left them in my pants. No wonder I can never find them. Javeri, blue Chadamalith's. And this is Kirik and this here is Patton."

"Well, perhaps it's just that you don't have the taste for it. Doesn't mean the exceptional quality of food is so rare." Nenny replies, tone a bit dry for what she says. There's a lift of arched brows as she looks between the bluerider and her sailor friend, Kirik. There's a polite smile then for the rider and men. "Nenita, cook here in our kitchens. Now part-time worker here."

"I never said the quality was rare. I just said there were few rare exceptions for me on what was more than just food." Letting out a sigh that sounds as if it started from her toes the bluerider says, "Look, I'm not insulting your cooking or anything. It's just for the most part I eat because I have to. There's little I enjoy. I'm just picky." Javeri mock glares at Patton when he snickers softly at what's said and then she punches Kirik on the arm when he laughs more loudly. "Shells, I should have left you two out there and got someone else to buy me a drink." But she's clearly not really bothered since her smile at them both is quite sunny. "So, Nenita, do you surf?"

"Can't enjoy things if you don't toss the pickiness aside and give new things a try." Nenita says, lips curling up into a small grin. Then she's shrugging her slim shoulders, smile still there. "Doesn't matter if you were or not. I'd survive." The two men are given interesting looks before she refocuses on Javeri. "No, I don't actually. I'm afraid I might drown or something. My balance isn't exactly the best."

Who doesn't like a pretty girl looking at them? Both men give the cook a grin and a wink when she looks at them. Hey, everyone's allowed to look here! "Do try new things," Javeri says oh, so innocently and then glares again when the men laugh once more. "Ignore them," she says loftily while trying not to laugh herself. "Anyway, so long as you can swim you won't drown and I know you won't say you can't swim because you're a local and all locals can swim. It's like a crime against nature otherwise. Not that I'd force someone to do it or anything. Well, surf. I'd definitely force someone to learn to swim. Well, not force as that's not my way, but coerce. Definitely."

"You'd force me to swim, but you wouldn't. But you'd coerce me, definitely." Nenita stares at Javeri for a good twenty seconds before finally just laughing. "I /can/ swim. I just prefer not to go out onto boards and ride waves. I'd probably lose my balance and hit my head on some rock under the water that we couldn't see. Then I'd be unconscious and then I'd get swept away by the undertow before anyone could save me." Pause. "I really don't want to die." The men are eyed again and she smiles a little, to humor them. Though she does appear to be mostly interested in talking to the bluerider for the moment.

"Wow. I bet your center's so low it's at your feet if you think about dying like that." Javeri shakes her head although not hard enough for beads to clink. She pauses with her drink to her lips and mumbles, "Yes, that would explain the off balance." Then she does take a drink before setting her cup back down. "So, tell me, Nenita, do you like working here?" It's a rather abrupt shift in tone for the bluerider as before she was definitely casual and laidback and with that question there's something a little more concrete in the asking.

"My center? At my feet?" Nenita asks, looking at her curiously while she sips on her glass of water. The question seems as if it catches the woman off guard. There's another shrug of her shoulders. "I do, it's a job and I like to cook. I'm usually in the main kitchens of the weyr. But I'm picking up an extra shift or two during the week here. Supplements my income a bit." There's a small grin as she pats the pocket on her skirt.

Too busy drinking to answer right away when Javeri sets her glass down once more there's still half of it left. A slow drink then. "Oh, sorry. It's- Well, nevermind. It's not important." Shifting in her stool a bit so she can look easier at the cook it has the added bonus of letting her lean against Patton who obligingly puts his arm around her. "Well, I suppose I won't bother trying to steal you away then," she tells the other woman with a wink. "If you're happy here and all."

Nenita still looks half-interested, at least until Javeri says that it's not important. Then she's drinking from her glass again. She watches the interactions of the other woman and the man, before lifting her eyebrows. "Steal me away for where? By all means, I'd at least like to here it." Her body language changes a bit, from polite conversation to actual full interest.

Business always ruins a good time! But since no one seems to really be doing anything that's ok. Javeri seems just as happy to sit and talk business as anything else so long as there's a drink in front of her. "Well, you've probably heard talk about my ship. The Layabout's due to be done being fixed up soon and when she's ready I'll be needing to finish filling out the crew. Sailors I have, but I'm still looking for a few extra people including a couple of cooks." There's a pause before she adds, "Truth is though I imagine at first you'd be making more marks here than there as I've investors to pay off and so on and so forth. Oh, you'd get paid, but I can't promise to beat what you might make here."

There's a little roll of her eyes, "Don't exactly get much now." Nenita notes, touch of a smile pulling at her lips. "What do you think pay would be looking like after you get your feet off the ground? Decent?" From her sipping, she looks over the rim to the bartender down the way. "I've heard a little about the Layabout. But I've been sort of busy lately. Are you a pleasure craft, fishing craft or?"

"I'd think decent, but what do I know?" Javeri says and doesn't name a figure. Maybe she hasn't worked that out yet. "I'd need to see what you can do first, of course, but I've heard no complaints in here so I am guessing that'd just be a formality." Blunt nails tap against her glass before she picks it up for a drink. "With the numbers I have it'll take about two turns to pay off my investors and get out of the red. Barring something horrid happening." Not that she sounds real concerned about that. "Oh, she's a pleasure craft for sure. Retired fishing boat doing honest work in her retirement. We're looking to draw in people with marks to spare. Holders, crafters, riders. Anyone who'd enjoy a cruise around the island with dancing, gambling, beach parties, whatever else people seem to want. High end is what I'm hoping to pull in although I won't deny anyone who can pay."

"Be rather hard to show you what I can do when you don't like to try things." Nenita notes with a little wiggle of her fingers. "Though I suppose we can work something out. I could cook something you're not afraid of." There's a wink then and she leans her elbow onto the counter. "It's not like I won't be able to work around here again." There's some considering tapping of her fingers on her chin. "I'd like to take you up on your offer. You know, if it's an offer for real."

"Not afraid," Javeri says and there's a touch of warning in her voice, but it's gone quick enough with a sunny smile. "Just don't like a lot of stuff. Anyway so long as you're not trying to feed me anything that used to be a herdbeast I can try it. I don't eat meat though. Fish's fine. And I can always round up a few of the boys to try things out." There's an especially eager nod from Kiri at this statement. "Be a couple of sevens before I've got a place for you, but once I do...sure. Like I said you test out fine and I don't see any reason not to put you to work."

Nenny's 'brows are quick to move up with that touch of voice warning. "Huh." Is her only response to it. Though clearly she picked it up. "Got plenty of seafood recipes. Plenty of ones for the grill." The nodding sailor is smiled at, "Couple of sevens, huh? That's good. I've sort of got a project in the wings. So that would work out perfectly fine." Another tap, tap, tap on her chin. "Well, when you get your things all set to go, you know where to find me." She gestures around with a hand to the Sandbar and then points off in the direction of the weyr.

Peering at her drink Javeri has another sip which still only leaves it barely below half. This time she holds the glass in her hands. Instant hand cooler! "Grilled's ok, but raw's even better," she says with a wide grin. "And I'm sure I can track you down. If I can't I'll just leave a note here for you or ask Paddy to keep an eye out for you. I figure all you cook-types know each other right?" Her tone is teasing more than anything else and she follows the words with a wink. "At least that's how it works with sailors. Not that I am one, but I know enough to know em all I figure."

"Raw?" Nenita makes a little face at that. "I take back you being afraid. I'm quite the fan of cooked foods." There's a small shake of her head, accompanied with a laugh. "Paddy?" A brief look of confusion before remembrance comes. "P'draig. Yes, yes. I know. Actually, I just met him a sevenday or so ago. Here." And by here she means the kitchen, which she points at with a now free hand. The glass of water is finished and she pushes it away. "We're sort of geeky about our food. Aren't we?"

"Cooked foods have their place, but on a hot day there's nothing like fresh fruit and some fish rolls." Javeri sighs contently at the thought but just has another drink. "Aha! My theory on cooks is correct then." One piece of evidence is all it takes to confirm her rightness. Smiling once more she nods her head. "Oh, shells, yes. If you're like him then you are. But he knows my interest in cooking, and knowledge of the same, is pretty slim. The truth is I burn water just setting it on a counter. But he is a fine cook." Fine other things maybe if the little gleam in her eyes gets noted, but it's gone quick enough. "Can't blame someone for loving what they do. It was always my intent to be a potter after all."

Another wrinkle of Nenny's nose for fish rolls. "I can agree on fresh fruit." The sound of her aha results in a tipped back motion of her chin and a giggle. She unpins her hair, letting the short pieces fall down. "I don't think I'm nearly as knowledgeable as he is. He's got a lot more experience than me, plus some formal training." After fussing with the recently let down hair, she adds off-handedly, "Good looking from all angles too." She hmms quietly at the last bit of Javeri's words, "Potter? For function or for more artistic thing? I've seen some really stunning fine pottery at gathers and such."

Not liking fish is a crime! Javeri clearly thinks so in the way her face drops down and she regards the cook for a moment. But, it's all good and soon she's grinning once more. "That he is." Good looking most likely since it's after that comment she speaks. "Especially with his shirt off. I mean he's no sailor, but...still." Maybe it's for her defense of the sailors or maybe it's because Kiri was looking like he might pout, even if it were fake, but the bluerider laughs. Patton's got no pout in him real or otherwise, but he does bend his head down to whisper something into the rider's ear that makes her blush under her tan. "Later," he gets told fondly before she looks back at the cook. "Oh, both. Chadamalith and I did a replica of the egg he hatched from. I do mobiles and wall pieces and glow holders and the like. But I also to plates and bowls. I never apprenticed, but I trained under a craft potter."

"Good view from behind. Haven't gotten the opportunity to see him shirtless just yet." Nenny's smile is definitely in place while she plays with her hair. "Did you really? How did it turn out?" Seemingly genunie interest for the almost career of the rider. "Are you going to be turning out your own line of specilized plates and bowls for your ship?" A thoughtful pause here, "Though you are a rider. I don't know how much time you would have for a project like that. Seems like it /would/ take a bit of time to get done."

"He's a view and a half," Javeri agrees about the not present brownrider. "You know I give him surfing lessons. If you want to join us sometime..." He'd be shirtless. In a swimsuit. "Of course you'd have to actually try to learn." It might be worth it at least once. Clearly from her tone of voice she would think so. "It turned out great. Took a long time because the kilns are only so big so I had to bake it in sections and then file the edges down to make them fit and- sorry. I won't go into a step by step account. I'm not doing the stuff for the Layabout though. I wanted something a little fancier and it would take too long. I did the design, but I got a friend to do the work for me. Sadly I have to do more of the management work and not the fun stuff with the whole ship project."

There's further hair playing while Nenita thinks over that particular prospect in her head. Possibly drowning? Possibly seeing good looking brownrider? It's a test of fear vs hormones. "Well, I suppose that I could try it just /once/. As long as I don't die, I should be perfectly alright." Exactly. She's grinning however, when the other woman launches into an explanation. "It's okay. If you let me I'd give you step by step instructions about lots of stuff. As for the other things, at least they're getting done. Too bad you don't get to be involved with the more enjoyable aspects."

For her bravery...hormones? there's an encouraging grin from the bluerider. "Way to go! And you'll be fine. I give lessons to Paddy's little daughter and if she can do it so can you." Well, likely Palia is not distracted by handsome men, but that's a minor thing. "Everyone's got something I suppose that only someone else like them'd understand." Although cooking is not as good as playing with clay! "I still have time in the evenings for my own work though so that's fine. Honestly making the same plate a couple hundred times is not exactly thrilling."

"Do I need a helmet or anything?" Helmet? ...?? Nenita asks, looking as if she's quite serious. "Or any sort of protective gear for my first time? Or do I just bring myself?" She drops her hands finally away from her hair, leaving them to rest on the counter top. "That's good, it's nice that you have something you can do at home. I can't exactly go cooking in the dorms. Though I guess I could sneak into the kitchens after hours if I wanted to make something special."

"Umm. No, you don't need a helmet." Javeri doesn't even stare although she does nudge Kiri's stool with her foot when he snickers. "Safe as walking, I assure you." Well, possibly. People don't drown while walking usually. "Just a swimsuit. I mean I suppose you don't even need that if you don't normally wear one." No more smirking now from Kiri as he eyes the cook speculatively. "My granny gave me an old pottery wheel when I graduated weyrlinghood. It's great. But can't you just...I don't know. Cook on a fire on the beach?"

"Oh, good. Because I don't have any helmets. I'd have to borrow one from somebody if I did." Which they'd probably love having her wear into the water and getting soaked. "I'll bring a swimsuit. That's something I do have. Quite a few of them." She narrows her eyes at the sailor that's looking at her, eyebrow arching questioningly. "It's not the same, really. You could, but." There's a lift of her shoulders. "I wish we had more legitimate barbecue pits around here. With the grate and everything."

"So get one made." Simple as that. Javeri's the sort though that if she wants to do something will just figure out how to do it. Like buy an old fishing ship and turn it into a cruise ship. Kiri looks disappointed though that she has a suit. "Well, then just bring that and yourself. I'll even keep Kiri away so he doesn't try to help you." Her wink is more for the sailor than the cook, but it's all something amusing that makes her laugh. It's while she's laughing that Patton who clearly does not talk much leans down again to whisper in her ear again. The bluerider turns her head to regard him silently before grinning. Turning back to Nenita she says, "You're going to have to excuse me now. I've got some work that needs doing." She's so shameless about it all as she slides off her seat and loops an arm around the sailor leaving with her. "We'll talk more soon. And I'll leave word about when lessons will happen."

"Working on it." Nenita answers easily, leaning herself into the bar. The exchange between bluerider and the man next to her is regarded with carefully. Then she's smiling a bit, getting off the stool herself. "Sure, like I said, you know where you can find me. And apparently who to leave notes with." There's a wave to the trio and then she's going around the counter and heading into the back again to start work.

Luckily for the cook Kiri's willing to stick around and moon at her over the bar. Until she leaves. Then he sits there and moons over the next girl on shift. What a man!

*layabout, ~javeri, nenita

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