
Apr 28, 2009 23:04

Who: W'ton and Fiorella
Where: Stores
When: Late afternoon on day 6, month 8, turn 19
What: W'ton has a late turnday gift for Ella. Her current problems keep her from truly appreciating it. They have a serious discussion on family and W'ton has a trick up his sleeve.

Earlier in the day Ella received a note delivered by some weyrbrat or other. It was neatly written for all the hide it was on was clearly scrap. The note requested the presence of one Miss Ella in stores at around this time in the late afternoon. Before dinner, but after most chores for the day should be done. And that is why W'ton is here now, chatting away at the front desk, and watching the entrance for the lady whose time he's asked for.

Fiorella did indeed receive that note and it's now that she finds her way into that part of the caverns. Why her presence had been requested she was less than certain. "Win.." she calls in a hinting tone as she catches sight of the weyrling. She's here, now what's this all about?

When his name is called W'ton slides off the desktop he was sitting on and grins widely. "Aha! There is Miss Fee just as I have requested." He steps towards her and then extends his hand for her to take. "I must beg your forgiveness," he tells her with a wink. "For being so tardy with your turnday gift. But I hope what I have will rectify that gross error in manners. If you will come with me?"

Fiorella can only offer a bright smile, along with a giggle, for his greeting. "That's okay, really. You're not... the only one. Who was late I mean. Besides, being a weyrling is lots of work." Or so she's heard. "Speaking of which, how's Dasarth? I keep meaning to come see them," them being the weyrlings, "But its not always a good time when I had time," she explains, stretching out a hand towards his to let him lead the way.

Once her hand is tucked in his W'ton leads the way back towards where the furniture is stored. "Ah, well, you simply must meet Dasarth. He will huff and puff and pretend he's no use for you at all!" It's all a joke when /he/ explains it. At least to a kid. "But, seriously, we're flying now you know. I'm still taking bids for our first passenger." He chuckles as he leads on farther back. "Also, well, the truth is this isn't a present I bought or anything. My marks are so sparse, but I remembered it from when I worked here and checked and as luck would have it no one had requested it yet."

Fiorella giggles. "I'd love to meet him," she replies. "I've meet Elarth a few times now. Really? Flying already?" she inquires, trying to make it sounds as though she's as excited as she should be about the prospect. A nod follows as she weaves through the shelving a half step behind W'ton. "That's alright. You didn't have to get me anything." Not that she's going to complain about presents at all.

"Well, then, perhaps when we're done here we might go roust the old man and see about a proper introduction." At least W'ton's not seeming to be in a bad mood now. Whatever might be said around him by some about his bad attitude lately. Maybe he's just hiding it well? "Oh, I know it was not requisite I get you anything, but how could I pass up the chance? Aha. Here we are then." The weyrling comes to a stop near where the chests and clothespresses used in the barracks are. One of them has been taken off a shelf and the little tag has a name written on it. It's not very exciting on the outside although it does have a high gloss finish and the wood used is prettier than might normally be used. The inside though is much nicer than normal. There's the main area for clothes, but there's also several smaller drawers on the outside and inset trays designed to hold most anything and all of it is lined with a brilliant crimson colored soft cloth.

"Perhaps," Fiorella agrees and then he's announcing their arrival at the spot. Green eyes fall on the piece that's been pulled out from the shelves and for a long moment she simply stares, her hold on the weyrling's hand having limp so that should he release her hand would fall back to her side. "Its..." she starts, "Very pretty..."

It's not exciting, is it? But W'ton's quite pleased with it and isn't going to be deterred from his enjoyment at the gift. He does let her hand go so she might examine it as he explains, "I know it's not...exciting. But that chest has been in high demand since I came to the Weyr. There's so many extra features to it. And you'll have it now as long as you want. Shells, there's women twice my age in the barracks who'll be envious when they see it. You can move it into a private room when you get one and since it holds more you'll be able to use less space for storage. And in those little rooms they have you share at first, well, shells! It'll be a boon."

Fiorella doesn't say anything at first. But then a quite and polite, "Thank you," is given as she moves a step closer. Fingers reach out to gingerly brush the smoothed edge. "Its just..." Beat. "Thank you," she repeats, turning a soft smile back over her shoulder for the man. There are other things on her mind it would seem than how and were to store her things.

W'ton, though, knows women. Well, maybe not as much as he thinks, but enough to know when someone's not as pleased as they should be! He steps closer and crouches down since he's tall and she's not. "Now, come on. Aren't we friends? If something's bugging you and it's ruining my present I'd like to know. Do I need to beat someone up?" He flexes his muscles and grins at her. "Some boy bothering you? Some girl say something mean? Just say the word and point 'em out and I'll make them sorry!"

Fiorella shakes her head, "No, nothing like that," she assures. No one needs any beating up. At least as far as she's concerned. Eyes drift down towards the floor and then back up to meet W'ton's look. "Win, do you have any siblings?" she questions. How that fits with anything remains to be seen however.

Since it looks like it's going to be a conversation W'ton plops himself onto the floor. Thankfully the floors are kept clean so his trousers should be ok. "Well, if you need someone beat up I am your man," he assures her with a wink. "So long as they are smaller than I am!" But then there's that question and his smile fades. "I do, Ella. Several of them in fact."

Fiorella nods as he gives his answer, following suit and taking a seat on the floor to face him as she considers her next thought. "Why... I mean do you mind... If I ask why you left?" There's hesitation in the question, but it's asked all the same. "Do you miss them?"

The weyrling clears his throat at her question and flashes a grin before saying anything. The answer from W'ton is simple and likely he figures unshocking for her. "I got a lady pregnant that wasn't my betrothed. I figured best to skip out before listening to my father rail and rant. So, since she's a greenrider here I got her to bring me here. As for missing them..." This he has to consider before finally he shakes his head. "Truth is, Ella, I'd be happy to see any of them except my one brother. But they know where I am and see fit not to come see me. I don't see why I should be the one having to always try to stay in contact. Suppose that's selfish, but there you go. I have a life same as them and if they'd answered any of my letters I'd have been happy to keep in touch."

Fiorella ohs. Indeed the answer isn't all so shocking given her time at the weyr though perhaps not the answer she was expecting, but for it she nods all the same. More questions follow. "Why wouldn't you want to see him? Would you go home if you could? If they asked you to? I mean.. well you have Dasarth now, but before that?" And yet of her own troubles nothing is said.

They're important questions and W'ton doesn't jump right into answers for any of them. At least the first one is easy. "Because he's a right son of a bitch. Pardon my language and no offense intended to my mother. He's been waiting for me to mess up his whole life and now he's heir and married my former betrothed and also he's an idiot. A right idiot." Shaking his head he grins briefly before going on to answer her other questions. "If they'd written to me and asked me to come home before Dasarth I'd have told them no. It's not my home. I have friends here and I'd made a life for myself. Going back would be...would be going back, you understand? Not moving forward. I want to see who I will become. Not who I was. That's not me anymore."

Fiorella blinks for the language, but nods as he explains further. Her gaze turns downward as she sucks in her lower lip, biting it lightly in thought. Each answer is taken into careful consideration. "But, even if you don't like him he's still your brother," she points out. A flicker of confusion crossing her features when he questions her understanding and a short shake of her head is the reply. "It wouldn't have to be to stay. Just.. to see. I mean, they didn't make you leave?" Right? "You just did."

"No, it wouldn't have to be to stay, but your family is always going to see you how they saw you before. It's rare for them to see how you've changed." W'ton shakes his own head and sighs just a little. "To them I'd be who I was before." And for his brother? There's an ungentlemanly snort. "We can love our family and not like them, Ella. I love my family, but I don't much like them so I don't want to spend time with them. They don't treat me how I need to be treated. But no, Ella, they did not make me leave. I left on my own. Because it wasn't where I belong anymore. Maybe in a turn. Maybe when Dasarth and I are settled I'll go see them. When I know who I am, you know? So they see me how I want to be seen."

Fiorella draws in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I guess so.." she agrees in a way that seems to contradict the words. "But... but if you knew could go back. And if you didn't have Dasarth. If you really missed them like you say - wouldn't you go? Just.. just to see?" If he's any reader of people there's certainly more to that string of questioning than what's given in the phrasing of the questions themselves.

There's a lot he could say that W'ton does not. Then again he probably is just trying to mind his manners and when he talks of his family he doesn't usually have a whole lot of nice things to say. Not that this has not been evident and all. His hand stretches out to pat hers once if she's not going to move it out of the way. "Ella? If it were me the answer would be no. I don't want to see them right now. What it comes down to is I have people here I'd rather spend time with. I wouldn't know know what I was getting in to. But, Ella, I'm a lot older than you. It's not the same. The question you need to ask yourself is which if your families means more to you. The one you have here or the one you left behind. What if you go to visit and they don't let you leave? Are you prepared for that? Because they'd be within their rights. Would you be able to let everywhere here who loves you not see you again?"

Fiorella doesn't pull away from that touch. Rather she takes another deep breath, somewhat ragged breath, her teeth pressing tighter around her lower lip. "I don't know," she finally answers, tears of frustration hanging in both eyes and voice. "Sunniva's at Ista and Berit left to go south and..." she pauses for a breath, perhaps more so to keep those tears from actually falling. "And I haven't seen the rest of them for two whole turns." Which is an exceedingly long time when you're not even a teenager yet. "But.." And it would seem he hit on one of her fears there. "They wouldn't do that," she replies, shaking her head. "Leoren said I could come and visit whenever I want. I just... I don't know." she finally admits.

Since she doesn't pull away from his touch W'ton leaves his hand by hers so if she wants to hold it there it is for her to do that. "It's a big decision, Ella," he tells her quietly with sympathy in his voice and expression. "And I mean no offense, but you're pretty young to have to make it. Truth be told I'm thankful when I was your age I never had to make such a decision. But you know..." He trails off and hesitates before saying, "You trust T'rev, yea? He's watching over you. What's he say? Because I could give you all the advice in the world, but I don't know your family and I imagine he knows them at least some. Are you just saying they wouldn't do it because you don't want them to? Or because you believe they would not in your heart?"

"But what should I -do-?" Fiorella finally asks the question. "I don't know. I didn't really talk to him... He said he'd take me to visit his next free day." But things weren't really discussed in that much detail. "Hattie said I should visit." A hand lifts to wipe across her eye. "I.." she starts at his last set of questions. "They wouldn't do that," she repeats defensively, her feet finding the floor and she stands pulling away from that hand he's offered in the process. "Just..." she starts again, dropping the thought with the soft sound of a puzzled pout before she's running off. So much for presents...

There's not really a chance to answer since she's running off and that leaves W'ton hollering after her. "You want someone to tell you what to do? Make em come see you. Stay here!" Hey, she said. And his voice will certainly carry as far as she can run.

As for the present she's going to find it at the foot of her cot that evening by her usual one. And inside it there's a thin gold bracelet and a note. The note just says, "You left before I could give this to you. Just close your eyes tonight and imagine living forever in both places. Whichever feels right is where you should go."

~dasarth, *weyrlinghood, fiorella

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