A lovely find

Apr 13, 2009 00:09

Who: W'ton and Rhodya
Where: Storeroom
When: Dinnertime on day 14, month 6, turn 19
What: W'ton hunts in stores during dinner and Rhodya seeks him out. (She totally wants him.) They catch up and she finds the 'perfect' table for her weyr.

Look at the storeroom at dinner time. Look at how empty it is as most people in the Weyr attend to their food intake. Now look at how W'ton has already eaten and therefore has time to come to the store room and look for...well, something. Since he's moved from one area to another it's unclear what he's looking for, but at least he picks up after himself as he goes along. The storeroom workers on duty just sit at their front desk and let their former compatriot now weyrling do what he will.

Rhodya wanders in from dinner, her plate still in her hand. She stops to talk quietly with the workers at the front, and they point in the direction they last saw W'ton heading in. She gives them a smile of thanks and trots after, the flip flop of her heavy sandals announcing her approach well in advance of her actual arrival. "Hey there, stranger," she calls out, once she finds the row W'ton's wandering down. There's a wheeled cart behind him, one that should be used to carry things from one end of the stores to the other. Instead it becomes a table. "Oooh, nice!" Rhodya exclaims as she sets her plate on it, beaming at her own ingenuity.

"Stranger?" is W'ton's reply as he shoves a box back on a shelf and pauses to look at his fellow weyrling. "We sleep together, eat together a lot, study together, shells, woman. We've bathed together. I don't think we're strangers." He leans against a shelf and winks at her. "Unless you're saying you want to get closer? Because you know I adore you, Rhodya, my dear, but I am just not able to do that." He looks at another box and pops the lid off to peek inside, but doesn't bother hauling it from its home shelf.

Rhodya rolls her eyes at him, but she's grinning. She ticks off the responses on her fingers, "Not on your life, not really, you study?, and okay, yes we have. With big old dragons in between." She holds her arms out wide to indicate the kind of barrier a dragon creates in conversation. "Anyway, you can't tell me you ain't been a bit of a stranger since... well, a while, really." Since Dasarth got into his head? /Yeah./ "This here's a case in point, 'cause there's a nice gaggle of us weyrlings what got together over dinner and here you are by your lonesome. So I figured I'd track you down, and let you know you're missin' I'zach finding out how many sugar cubes he can hold in his mouth without choking."

Lifting a finger to make his point W'ton grins. "Darlin', we sleep together every night," he points out. "All in the same barracks. Don't go letting your filthy mind be going places I don't intend it to." A chuckle follows those words and he slides his hands into his pockets before shaking his head. "I have to say what I'zach can fit into his mouth is not something I've ever considered important." Well, really, of course it's not. But he grins before giving his head another shake. "I study my adorable ass off, Rhodya. Like I have a choice? Anyway I'm not a stranger. Always been right here. I do appreciate you hunting me down though."

"Well, might be Gedroth keeps me too busy to notice," Rhodya admits. "Anyhow, it's time for our regular how-ya-doin' these days check-in, so here I am. You lookin' for something?" she asks, peering at the shelves he was investigating before she came along. "Don't let me stop ya. I got this here wheelie table." She pats the thing proudly, knifing off a piece of roast beef and chewing on it while she pushes the table in front of her. Example.

"And a lucky lady you are to have it," W'ton says with a chuckle. He looks at the table and nods his head. "A lucky woman to have a wheelie table. But as for how I am doing I suppose I am doing as well as to be expected." One hand comes from a pocket so he can scratch his ear for a second. "How's Gedroth flying?" Surely he's not diverting attention from himself? Not him! When he enjoys being the center of attention so much.

Rhodya seems oblivious to the deflection, being all too pleased with her wheelie table. She gives it another roll back and forth before she settles in to her noodles, since W'ton doesn't appear to be going anywhere right now. "Oh, he's doin' great!" she answers enthusiastically, brimming with pride. "Ain't it wonderful seein' 'em up there? /Finally/? All that swimming he did's begun to pay off, that's what I'm seeing. Dasarth did it too, didn't he? Practiced swimming?"

Search put on hold W'ton does not make use of her wheelie table. Maybe he'll be thoughtful and go searching for something soon? "He stretched and built his muscles up by swimming, yes. He did not play." There's a chuckle at that followed by a nod. "He's a great fellow. I know they fly and all, but you know? It was a lot easier to imagine the little ones flying. All the blues and greens seemed small enough to. Just another couple months before we're up there with them. That'll be nice. And not long after that I hear until we get our own weyrs. Won't that be a treat?"

"Oh yeah," Rhodya says, closing her eyes to luxuriate in the very thought. "Ain't had a private room since I left Igen, and I know I was just complainin' I don't see ya enough, but I'll be happy to see not so much of you at the same time." She winks, popping a grape in her mouth. "I know exactly what I'm gonna do with it too. First thing: get a bunk bed. I /love/ bunk beds. Second thing: potted plant. Always wanted one of those." She picks up her fork, flips it in his direction, and raises her brow. You?

"Haven't have a private room since I was kicked out of Two Trees," W'ton says with a shrug of his shoulders. "It will be nice I imagine. And, yes, I am definitely looking forward to not being crammed into a room with everyone in our class." When she describes what she wants he cannot help but laugh again. "Bunk beds? Interesting. Will make sleepovers interesting at least." As for what he wants? Another shrug before he says, "I don't know. We need a place up high though. With a big ledge. Room enough for two for when we have company. Haven't much thought about furnishings though. Nice rugs though. I hate cold stone on my feet when I wake up."

Rhodya snorts. "You had all that time and didn't sleep with one of the headwoman's staff to get yourself a private place?" She shakes her head. "N'eph was braggin' about that. /Weird/ guy." And judging from her tone, she hasn't yet decided whether to be amused or disgusted by him. "Figures you'd want a ledge for company, though. Social thing, you. Has Dasarth gotten any -" she chokes down a word, pretending to be flummoxed by a noodle that won't get on her fork. "Uh. Different. Er?"

Head tipping over for a moment W'ton laughs, even if it seems forced, before saying, "I never slept with anyone to get anything but a good time for the both of us. Sex and intimacy are not... weapons to get something." Yes, he sounds a wee bit offended. Although not at Rhodya, but at the idea of the whole thing. "Social is me, but it's not so much that as we'll be needing room for Dasarth and Elaruth both when they're full grown." Then he stops and raises a hand, "Not that we're going to be sharing it. She'll be where she should be and I'll be up there, but still. That aside I would love to have lots of room for guests, yes." Ahh. Dasarth. How has he gotten? One brow raises and he gives her a teasing look. "He's the same. Stuffy. Stodgy. Cantankerous old man, but that's just him I guess."

Rhodya quirks up a smile at him when he talks about Dasarth and Elaruth hanging out on his ledge, so it's a good thing he adds that explanation. She grins, but there's no teasing. "Fair enough," she chuckles. "And Dasarth's got to have some friends, right? I wish Gedroth were one of them." With a shrug, she rolls her eyes up to the ceiling. "I thought for sure he would be. But they do seem to rub each other wrong." So sad for her. She has to seek solace in her dinner again.

W'ton likely figured she'd be making conclusions so wanted to cut them short. "I'm hoping to get a weyr big enough to have a little area for entertaining. A nice large table and a couple couches, you know?" Pushing off the shelves he gestures to the cart. "Come on then, woman. I'm moving on." On he moves expecting her to follow as he says, "Friends? I don't think so. There's people he listens to and people he don- does not. He just... I'm hoping I can teach him different. He likes Elaruth, but she out ranks him so I am not sure if that's why."

Rhodya smiles happily and tags happily after him, delighted to get the chance to use her cart. "There we go." She approves of this sitting-room plan for his weyr. "Now we're talking. I could go in for a table myself, just a cute little one for breakfast in the morning and a card game at night." There's a beat of silence. She adds quietly onto it, "I think it's sad about Dasarth. Any creature ought to have friends."

"Ahh, you people and your card games. I always feel odd man out not being a gambler." Not that W'ton sounds too put out. He leads the way to the next row of shelves and halfway down it. "Some of my fellows said they'd hold a thing or two for me for when I get my weyr. If you'd like and it's not much then I can have them hold something for you as well." He looks over his shoulders and waggles his eyebrows at her. "For only a small fee of course." If he finds it sad for Dasarth he does not say anything. Eventually he offers, "I think he is content. I'd venture happy if I thought he knew happiness like that. Don't worry about us. We're getting on just fine. Gonna be great."

"Bull," Rhodya calls him out, with that ever-present bright smile. "You been tellin' me that same thing since month one. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. Well, you will be, but you ain't yet, and I don't know why you won't talk about it." But he won't, so she shrugs and looks at the shelves they're passing. "Hey, the fee won't bother me. What 'm I gonna do with all this money I got now anyway, 'cept spend it on makin' my future weyr fantastic?" There are no tables in the aisle they're walking through, but she starts looking through its contents anyway, just in case she sees something inspiring.

"Just a pair of shoes," W'ton tells her with a sunny grin. "I've got those fine boots you made me and it would be a lovely gift for a lady to present her with a fine pair of shoes. Something...fun, but without being silly you know?" Since there's only one lady in his life he clearly sees no reason to bother with a name. And as for being fine he shrugs back at her. "I know he's a disagreeable sort, but he doesn't bother me. And I'm learning how to find ways to make him not so disagreeable to others. I just don't know what you want me to talk about as far as he's concerned is all, Rhodya. Tell me?"

"I don't know," Rhodya says, putting a foot up on her cart. She pushes off to start it rolling, and rides it down the aisle a few feet. Whee. "Maybe it's just me. But when you say he ain't got any friends and that's how he's /always/ going to be, I just get kind of disappointed. I was hopin' you'd be able to get a little of your friendliness in him, so he wouldn't hang back lookin' fussed every time the other dragons start to play. That he could be a baby like the rest of 'em, or at least make some more friends than Elaruth, so he doesn't leave his weyrlinghood with no fondness in him for the dragons he grew up with." Still hanging onto the cart, she swings down to pick up her fork and start picking at her dinner again while she waits for W'ton to look through this aisle. There's nothing here for her.

Random boxes are looked through, but W'ton pulls few of them down from the shelves. Eventually he does maneuver a rather large one down and start to look through the assorted bowls and plates inside. "You're a fine person, Rhodya," he says looking up from examining some horrid orange crockery. "But you worry too much. Dasarth will make friends in his own way in his own time. I don't fear it not happening because it will. We're having our work on each other. And he'll remember his clutchsibs. Just not in the same way as Gedroth."

Rhodya points at the orange crockery. "That's terrible," she warns him, forgetting for the moment that W'ton's sense of taste is more finely tuned than her own. Ah, well, free advice never hurt anybody. She shrugs. "I know, I know. I've got to worry and the sun's got to rise. So I probably won't stop worryin' about him, but I'll leave you alone about it anyhow. We've been over it enough." She smiles, a bit crookedly.

W'ton's got a wink and a nod for her opinion of the crockery. "Dishes. Don't think I'll be needing them so much, but still. A man should have some I suppose for when he wants to have a quiet dinner away from the living cavern." He eyes her then and teases with, "Since he can't seem to escape any other way. And I do appreciate the worry, Rhodya, but it's not so bad as all seem to think. And I've been speaking to the weyrlingmaster about it." He closes the box and puts it away before asking, "You almost done? Shall we go look at tables?"

Rhodya's eyebrows go up and she blinks at him, caught off her guard. "You been talkin' to Rev? I mean, the Weyrleader?" She fixes the surprise in her expression and snorts softly. "Or there's some cabal of bronzeriders, I swear," she mutters. Planting her hands on the handle of her wheelie-table, she sets off with it. "Yeah, let's look for tables. I've got nothin' here."

Eyes blink several times before W'ton shakes his head. "Weyrleader? No, Rhodya, I don't see him really. Why? Is there something I should know about between you and him?" Back to teasing as he watches her head off and then catches up with a couple of steps to lead the way. "A cabal sounds fun too of course. I shall have to plan one perhaps."

"Well, then what'd you give me that look for!" Rhodya demands, laughing. Aw, but look, she's blushing! She shook her head when W'ton first suggested something between her and Rev, and she does it again now. "Ain't nothin' there but a friendly chat. I got in a weird mood and started complainin' to him about how there's no restaurants or nice places you can go to eat your dinner, outside of the living cavern. And the cavern's gettin' dull. The way you talked about escapin' from there, I figured maybe he'd told you about it." She falls into step just a touch behind him, letting him lead the way. He knows the stores, after all.

"Maybe I just like looking at you?" W'ton asks with a low chuckle. It's not really teasing, not from him. Since they both know it means nothing. Exactly! "I prefer being in a lot of company it's true, but sometimes a man does need to be alone with someone. And, well, I got plans you know. I'll be needing space to work those plans." He winks at the brownrider and says, "We're not going to be content to sit back. Shells, I've been told I am not allowed." Back they head until they're in one of the furniture storage areas and from there to where the tables are neatly stacked by size.

Rhodya gives him a warning look, but she's always serious about that. Improper! And she always shrugs it off a moment later, as she does now with a flashing smile. "Well, I just want a nice place to eat my breakfast." She looks puzzled, though. "You ain't allowed to sit back - oh, with Hattie?" Let her be the first to name the name. "Believe me, I ain't gonna /think/ about your plans. I'm gonna think about scones, and how delicious they're gonna taste when I am eating them alone in my own weyr, at my own table!" The last word gets an excited flourish, as they reach the furniture aisle and Rhodya prances away from her cart to inspect the smaller tables.

W'ton lets out a low chuckle and gives the brownrider a mournful look. "I thought to just coast by on her laurels, you know? But she seems to think that is not allowed. Which is entirely unreasonable. Why have a woman like her fancy you and then still have to work?" Yes, he's utterly joking although he sounds ever so put out by the very idea of it all. There's that twinkle in his eyes that won't go away. "But if you don't want to think about my plans how will I rope you into them? And here I was all set to make you my second. Well, I'll just cross you off my list then." He heads with her for the tables and stops by one just big enough to seat maybe three people and has a row of stars carved down each leg. "What about this?" he offers.

"It's cute," Rhodya judges, in a non-committal tone that suggests she doesn't really care for it. She heads over to look at tables that sit four, if the four are willing to rub knees the whole time they're sitting there. "You're playin' a game with me," she accuses. "Talkin' about your plans so I think it's somethin' sexy and it ain't. Well. When you ever get to where you're looking for a wingsecond I'll /consider/ it, but only 'cause we're such good friends and I know how hopeless you'd be without a competent person to back you up." She grins at him, tapping her chest with her knuckles. She is just such a competent person, clearly!

"Rhodya, sweet, if I were talking sexy to you it'd be back by the crockery which would hurt less than having a table or chair thrown at my head," W'ton points out reasonably. And since his offering is turned down he looks further. "Sure you want a small one? Thinking about two then? One for cards and one for dining?" As for his plans he laughs and then tells her, "Shells, woman. When I need a wingsecond I may just find some buxom young thing, but if I go for competent I'll keep you in mind. That's a promise. So long as Gedroth can put up with Dasarth. Although I suppose by the time that happens they'll both be older and wiser and all that nonsense. Oh, what about this?" This is a square table that comes with two leafs to extend it to twice it's size and seat six comfortably.

Rhodya grins at him. "Crockery's easier for me to throw, though. I ain't so sure you'd be safer there." She leans over to look at the table he's suggested, then wrinkles her nose. "Too big. I want somethin' cozy. Somethin' snug. Like..." she looks around. "That!" Her finger goes straight out at a chintzy little table that's built to look somewhat like a rose, with pink patterning and sides crimped like petals. "Oh, isn't it perfect!" she exclaims, clasping her hands together and prancing in place as she admires the thing. Maybe it's for the best that W'ton doesn't need to follow her advice about furnishings, since this thing is 'cute' only to old ladies and little girls who still throw tea parties for their teddy bears.

Dutifully following along W'ton eyes the table and bites his lower lip. Hard. Sadly he cannot remain quiet and says, "Rhodya are you sure? That's..." Something. That is something. And he is trying ever so hard not to wince at it because it's pretty bad. "I don't know why you didn't like mine. It was cozy unless you put the leaves in it. Perfect for cards. Uh. Not that this is not lovely." If you're a blind old auntie!

He's not doing his best acting, and Rhodya's not that dumb. "You don't like it." She doesn't sound displeased in the least; it's like nothing can touch her enthusiasm for this tasteless little table. She pets the top of it. "That's okay. Believe me, it's just perfect. I get to have somethin' girly in my room. It's /my/ room." Not really emphasizing the possession aspect there, just her joy about it. "I can see myself havin' scones on this. A little vase at the center maybe, wouldn't that be cute?"

"Well, so long as you're happy and prepared to take some ribbings on it then I am sure it can be all yours." W'ton looks at the table and then checks the little tag marker on it. "No one else seems to want it. Bet it's been sitting here since someone commissioned it and then died or moved on." Such a sunny thought. Arms crossing over his chest he winks at his fellow weyrling. "Quite girly of you. And..cute. Sure cute." He tips his head to one side and chuckles. "And Dasarth has just informed me we will not do cute. But I assured him it was for you and he says that is acceptable."

"Oh, Dasarth can stick it," Rhodya says with a laugh. That treatment is quite a far cry from her avowed concerned for him, but the table has emboldened her. She strokes it lovingly. "If people want to tease me about it, fine. That's just them admitting it's got more personality than they do. And if folks want to complain about it 'stead of focusing on their cards when we play poker, even better!" She pats the table one last time, then looks smilingly at W'ton. "So how do we go about reserving it?"

"Ohh. Tough girl when he's out there and you're in here!" W'ton teases as he gestures to the tag again. "See the tag? You take the bottom half up to someone working and your name is written on it and then they record it in the book. When you come to collect you hand them your end and then they check the book and then collect it." It makes sense, right? Sure, why not! "Ahh. I see. Trickery and cuteness all at once. Brilliant plan. Promise when you have me over I can sit at something more manly though?" He puffs up and adopts a 'manly' pose. "Can't be having anyone think I am a sissy!"

Rhodya pats him on the shoulder in an appeasing way. But: "Nope, you gotta sit at the table same as everyone else," she tells him cheerfully. She tugs the bottom half of the tag off, presses it to her chest, then abruptly gives W'ton a narrow-eyed look. "So wait, you were lyin' to me when you said I'd have to pay your friends to keep it for me?" Yeah, that's right. She's lived in a weyr her whole life but she's never reserved her own furniture. Or maybe Fort's just different from Igen?

W'ton clutches his heart and lets out a loud sigh. "I suppose my manliness will survive." Then he chuckles and pats himself. "Not that my manliness cannot withstand anything at all." Because he is Mr. Macho! Man of all Men! "Lying, Rho? To you? Shells, no! Truth is they're not supposed to hold it for so long you know? But they will since you're a pal of mine." Stretching the truth a bit, but not lying! And he does want free shoes.

"Language," Rhodya reminds him, sing-song. Apparently 'heck' and 'gosh' are okay - she says them all the time - but shells crosses the line. "Well, ain't that nice of them." She cocks her head to the side and smiles. "I do appreciate it, really, even though we're kiddin' around. I know you don't think much of my table," she looks back on it fondly, "but who knows? You tempt fate by leavin' it around and for sure somebody's gonna come by and snatch it up before I get the chance to."

"My deepest apologies, Miss Rhodya," W'ton says formally as he bows down to her. "I am sorry to have offended you and I beg your forgiveness." It's not over the top, but so utterly serious it might seem that way none the less. "And my opinion on your table means little since it will be gracing your weyr and not mine. I think it will likely suit your place just fine. If you need any help dealing with the fellows in here you just drop my name and I'll make sure they know to be helpful as they can to you. Not that I ever had any official pull or anything, you know. But a man makes friends."

Rhodya looks somewhat bemused, but flattered nonetheless by his gentlemanly apology. "Apology accepted," she tells him graciously. She inclines her head, as she accepts it, with perfect dignity. "And as for them shoes, you know you just need to ask me nice, right? When it's for you or Hattie, well, you're friends of mine. I'll make anything you ask for." She glances at him, a spark of mischief in her eyes. "I could make her little sandals with cute flowers on the straps. You'd like that."

W'ton is a gentleman after all and knows how to talk to a woman. "As for them shoes, Rhodya, I will be happy to work out a payment for them. A woman's work should be valued by all even her friends. I don't have a lot of marks, but I will pay you something." He grins and then looks at the table. She must have flowers on the brain. "As for those shoes it's not what I'd like. It's what she'd like. Something fine you know? Only not serious. Maybe just...talk to her and find out what she'd like without saying why? I'd like to surprise her if I could." Then he smiles all at once and says, "Speaking of surprising her. I think I might go try to catch her before she goes and gets serious about work again. Shall I escort /you/ out first, my fine lady?"

"You shall if you're a gentleman," Rhodya taunts him, grinning broadly as she holds her elbow out for his guidance. If they're going to play at the manners thing, they're going to play it all the way out to the door! "And don't you worry, I'm an expert at gettin' that kind of information out of people. I've done more surprise shoes for folks than you can count on all your fingers and toes."

Playing at manners? He is manners! W'ton takes the arm offered to him and will escort her to the desk where her table is reserved. Only once they're out the door does he tell her, "You're a real spectacular lady, you are. I do appreciate your help in this. Have a fine evening, Rhodya and I shall see you at bedtime." Ok, not a /total/ gentleman as he drops his voice to tease on that last line after he's moved out of punching range and his laugh will be heard as he heads down the hall.

*weyrlinghood, rhodya, ~w'ton

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